It seems every-time i post something even with many mistakes i get much appreciated criticism and compliments. Even in non writing topics, i get alot of other prespectives to think about. Ive gotten no negativity for anything and i enjoy this forum too much to stay off. I had logged in a few days ago, it said last signed in "4 days ago" i was shocked. I must of been too busy with school, but i couldn't believe i didn't even check it within 4 days. Impossible. I have a life, i just like this site too much to leave it for that long. When they say writing can be addictive.. they meant it! I give credit to Daniel, who owns the site and the other people in charge of this fantastic community. This forum is a one of a kind forum. And trust me i have been apart of alot...
Positivity (positiveness?) is a good thing. I've noticed that this forum provides lots of it. Writers encouraging writers. That's why I come here!
Grammar mistake! haha Anyway, i have been more encourage to do things since ive joined this site. Ive had writing problems, but i always get advice to fix them. I like getting tips forum somebody who is more experienced then me at writing.
The community here has a really good atmosphere. Unfortunately it's become my procrastination spot Great place though. Helped me a lot already and I only joined a few months back.
I've to confess that I write here when I'm depressed for the outcome of my writing, I always find interesting people to talk that make me feel a little..a better writer. I don't do reviews because I don't feel to be the right person to criticise the work of other users but I read them and I see they're effective and help the authors.
Believe it or not, the reviews help the person writing the review even more than the person who wrote the piece that got reviewed.