So, I just finished the last day of my freshman year, and I have nothing better to do than sit and type... Lucky you. Since It's different across the teenage spectrum; When do you get out? Any plans for summer that would, like, make me totally jealous?
Well, I did have some amazing plans for the summer. I was going to be in Maryland for the summer, where I was going to have an awesome internship at the company my aunt works for. I was going to be single and meet new people, maybe have a fun little fling, before going home and getting back to school. But, of course, nothing I plan ever works out the way I want it to. I am in Maryland. I'm probably not going to get the internship, because the girl who was in the position before decided last minute that she wanted to come back this summer. And she has seniority. Also, right before I left Florida I met an amazing guy who is perfect for me, so now I can't even enjoy being single up here, because I just want to go home and be with him. So, I'm probably going to end up in another crappy retail job, and spend most of my spare time on the computer. Bah.
First, I go to my mom's college reunion for a few days, which sounds lame, except it's like THE BEST COLLEGE CAMPUS EVER. Seriously. In all caps. So it's awesome. Then I come back and my brother ships off on a hiking trip for two weeks, giving me the house all to myself for the rest of the month. I dub this time to the end of July "nothing time" in which I do positively nothing except walk or bike around town, see movies, read, etc. For August, we spend a week or so in the New York countryside with the coolest people ever (New England sure can make 'em), then go on a week-long camping trip at a really cool place called Tomahawk Reservation, then I come home (See Spamalot! Yay) and get ready to go back to school. So, yeah.
My school runs year round. It's a fast-paced curriculum intended for working professionals to catch up on their degrees, so each course crams a full term of material into 5 weeks. You need special permission to take more than one course at a time, and not many people request it! Thankfully, I'm all but finished (until I find a suitable graduate school). So for the summer I get to work my job and decide for myself what to do with my evenings. Maybe I'll use some of them to work on my skills in creative writing!
This summer wil be like the rest of the year for me, since I havent been in school since 2002. oh wow its been awhile. People here get out of school at the end of June. Anybody have any cool career ideas?
Well yeah it's been a while since I was in school too, 5 years now wow that is a while...I was meant to be taking off to Africa or somwhere like that to work with the wild animals hahahaha a wild life ranger I guess it would be called, as you can all tell that never happened
hahahaha at times I guess it does considering my two little angels can be quite wild at times lol and my son does like pretending he is a tiger lol
Summer plans? Okay, I'll shoot. I'm going to be getting a full-time job this summer to help pay for the upcoming college term and because I need a laptop pretty desperately. My current computer is frankly antediluvian and needs to be replaced. I hope to write a fair amount, read a lot, play many many hours' worth of Dungeons and Dragons, and generally spend vast amounts of time with my friends, who are all going to colleges in a different state from my college-of-choice. *Sigh* We'll see what happens; I hope it won't be too difficult to keep in touch with them. But at the same time, I am walking on air that the college I'm going to accepted me, since it was my first choice.
i have no plans. we were meant to be going to see my grandad in Spain in the begining of September, but my dad said we cannot afford the plane tickets this year as we need a new computer (this one is like dead). so this summer i will probably find some cute lad to go with and go out everyday with him and my mates Heather
Lol... I don't really have any solid plans. I'm looking for a job at the minute, other than that i'll just be waiting for my exam results.