The books have been around for a long time, and I was just curious, has anyone ever read them before? Terry Brooks, the author of The Sword of Shannara, wrote it, though I don't know if that will be a big-named book for anyone to know it. Anyone? I just got done reading The Druid of Shannara. Very good book. I'll discuss it with anyone. Don't tell me what happens in the other three though. I didn't read 'em yet. (I skipped Scion of Shannara as well).
I've read the Shannara books up to partway through the High Druid of Shannara series (I think). The Sword of Shannara is pretty well written (as I remember), but there's a lot of LotR parallels that can detract from it some. I remember liking some of the other books quite a lot... the first 8 mostly, meaning the first trilogy (Sword, Elfstones, and Wishsong) and then the Heritage series and the prequel, The First King of Shannara. After that, as I recall, I felt like the storylines started repeating a bit too much for me, with whoever the next Shannara was going on the next typical fantasy quest. They're fun reads though. I think Druid was one of my favorites... I liked whatshisname Leah. I don't remember too well I will say that I'm more than slightly upset because it turns out that it is pronounced SHAN-uh-ruh, not shuh-NAH-ruh (that was really bad phoeneticizing, but oh well)... I still say it the second way anyway, but from the mouth of the author himself, that's incorrect. I was scandalized.
I've read all of them so far, and I quite like them. The first three were very good, Elfstones in particular is still one of my favourite fantasy novels, and all the Heritage series stories are consistently good. First King had too much discontinuity with the backstory as explained in Sword for my liking, and I agree that Voyage and High Druid haven't been his strongest efforts. They were still good fun though. The only thing that I really don't like is the way the Elven Hunters always die off so fast with so little characterisation in every book in which they appear. It defies beleif that these highly trained special forces troops wouldn't manage to survive longer than the inexperienced Ohmsfords and others who consistently outlive them. At some point I would like to see an Elven Hunter captain say something like "You know Druid just once I'd like to meet a faerie menace that wasn't immune to swords or arrows."
I'm somewhat of a Terry Brooks nut: I own ALL his books, including the Magic Kingdom for Sale series and the Knight of the Word series. It's true that the plot tends to repeat somewhat, but I like how the newer trilogies mix it up. The Voyage is probably my 2nd favorite part(it has some sci-fi elements), and High Druid is my 3rd (you learn more about the demons and their world). Of course, Heritage is my favorite. Two words: Walker Boh. Is anybody currently reading The Genesis of Shannara books? Brooks ties the ending of his Knight of the Word trilogy into the beginning of Shannara... it's pretty cool.
this thread is making me think about reading those books again... it really has been a long time! I think I own all of his books except the ones from the past few years I met him once, actually... and I have 4 copies of the Sword of Shannara, an old (1st edition) one, the normal one, one in a set (the whole first trilogy) and then a hardcover signed copy. Pretty cool. I'm not yet, but I really, really want to. I liked the Word/Void books a lot, and while I was kind of shocked to hear he was tying them into Shannara, I absolutely love the idea!