The Jumpers: Shadow Squad Society and History: In this dimension the Earth has only been inhabited for about 4,300 years. An advanced form of humans took refuge here, around cycle 2250. They were the lone survivors of their planet’s people, who had been exterminated via a horrible plague sent from an alien race known as the Zallins. These humans educated the primitive humans, already living on Earth, with their knowledge of technology, science, and medicine causing the culture to rapidly advance. By cycle 4115, the United Nations Space Program or UNSP, dedicated to finding ways to other planets, finally advanced enough, technologically wise, to create the Torris. The portal creating device, was named after Paul Torris; one of the advanced humans who came to earth over 2250 years ago. He had left them the schematics of how to create the Torris but Earth didn’t advance enough to make use of it till cycle 4115. UNSP has discovered that there is no life on any of the planets in the Milky Way aside from earth. However, there are alien life forms in other galaxies. The Xorins were Earth’s first non-human contact. Present Day: Cycle 4225 Earth is now a rich planet, with only 12% of the world suffering in poverty. And that number is declining quickly. The world is separated into 5 different Nations; America, Europe, Indonesia, Asia and Germania. UNSP is located on a large island right in the middle of these 5 nations. Here the nations work together in a common goal to reach beyond the Milky Way. Many in UNSP believe that the Xorins will one day soon be coming after them in an attempt to bring them under the rule of the Zallins. This has kicked the Torris Initiative into high gear in a desperate attempt to find technology and allies on other planets to help them fight possibly hostile aliens that are not content with leaving Earth alone. Zallins: The most common belief is that the Zallins are an exceedingly powerful race, with advanced technology. They require taxes of technology, resources, and precious metals in exchange for protection, trade rights and a solid government. No one has ever seen a Zallin, however, as all their actions are done through the hands of the race, Xorin. The last planet to oppose the Zallin rule was entirely exterminated via a horrible plague; most of their history was wiped out as if they had never existed. Since Earth is not part of the Centairus galaxy the Zallins have not done much to enforce their rule upon them, but the diplomats have noticed the Xorins becoming disturbed with the fact Earth won’t join the “perfect” government that the Zallins have established. It is feared that soon they will try and bring Earth under their rule by force. Xorin: An alien race that is not very advanced aside from what the Zallins give them. The Xorin look human aside from the fact that their skin is light blue, they have multicolored hair and they have four fingers and toes. They are also taller than humans by several inches. The Xorin are Zallin’s enforcers in the Centairus Galaxy. On the Zallin’s behalf they demand taxes in the form of technology, resources and precious metals. In exchange, they offer the Zallin’s protection from enemies and regulate the galaxy-wide trading system. Jumper: A person able to jump through portals leading to other habitable planets via a device called the “Torris” after its creator, Paul Torris. The Torris is able to create a worm hole connecting two points in space through a portal. With a single step the person can go to the other side of that point. Jumpers are trained by United Nations Space Program (UNSP) for four years. Training is very similar to that of Military training but the focus is off world combat and survival. The elimination process is harsh. Only the best of the best become Jumpers. The Torris: Each discovered planet has been mapped and its space coordinates inputted into the Torris. A device that is no larger than a cellphone and is attached to one’s wrist with two metal clasps. It can transport a max of two people. It takes 18 hours to re-charge itself. Before a person jumps through to an unknown planet, a probe the size of a ping pong ball is tossed through the portal. It measures viability and safety. Each Jumper carries up to 5 probes. Combat and Leveling: This portion of the game will be very similar to the set up in Exzalia. Combat will be moderated by me. You post your attack and what you attend for it to and I will decide if it hits and how much damage it does. Large Attacks-> Designed to do 20-30% damage Normal Attacks-> Designed to do 10-20% Damage Small Attacks-> Designed to do 5-10% Damage During the game you will have a chances to gain points and level up. Each level up will give you the opportunity to learn a new ability and strengthen ones you already have. You will start at Level 1. (one large, one normal, or two small attacks per post) 100 pts -> Level 2 (one large, one normal and one small, or two small attacks per post) 200 pts -> Level 3 (one large and one small, one normal and one small, or three attacks per post) 300 pts -> Level 4 (one large and one normal, one normal and two small, or 3 small attacks per post) Jumper Classes: There are several different types of classes you can choose from; and you can create your own abilities. The abilities listed are simply guidelines. You can be a mix of two classes. (I.e. Medic/engineer) •You get a total of 4 skills to begin with. 3 must be of your specialty(s) range the 4th can be random and from a different specialty if you so choose. •Every class can use Energy Guns, which can be set to lethal or stun. You get 12 shots per cartridge and have 3 cartridges available per fight. Some classes can use different guns. Guns fall under the small attack. •Every class can use one emergency Med-kit per fight, healing themselves for 10%. •Every level, you gain a new ability and the option to begin learning another class on top of your predetermined class-related new ability. Engineer: You are good with most things mechanical. Your skills include trap detection. •Setting traps (Attack size depends on the trap) •Setting mines (3 a fight) (Heavy) •Throwing grenades (5 a fight). You can make your own grenades, and give them unique abilities (I.E. Ice, smoke, stun) (normal) •Sniper rifle specialist (Small) •(Your own idea) Every level up you can use an extra mine or grenade per fight. Biotics-100 energy: You have implants giving you abilities fueled by energy. •Sheild (20 energy) •Energy Pulse (15 energy) (Normal) •Disruption bolts; able to disrupt a weapon or distract a person for a few seconds, depending the size and strength of someone you can even stun them if you hit them with enough bolts (5 energy per bolt) (Small) •(Your own idea) Every level up, you get 15 more energy. Genetic- 100 Energy: Your genes have been altered in some way so that your body can do abnormal things. (I.E. Commander Tina can absorb, generate, and release electricity at will.) These people are rare to find as they often don’t survive for more than a few days after having their genes altered. Your skills will be unique to your ability. You need to decide an approximate of how much damage each attack can do and how much of your own personal energy it takes. (See Commander Tina’s profile for reference.) Every level up, you get 15 more energy. Martial Arts: You have been trained by Martial instructors in hand to hand combat. You are very good at close quarters combat and are able to kill without a weapon. You can also do parquor; which is being able to move over and around obstacles (I.E. Walls, buildings) with incredible speed and agility. You don’t do much damage, but with your speed it adds up. You don’t get the title of Ninja till level 5. •Sword Wielding (Small) •Knife Wielding (small) •Dagger throwing (small) •Stealth/Spying •(Your own idea) Every level up your abilities become stronger and more effective. Medic: Medics are very important on and off the battle field. You can heal your companions mid-fight, point out poisonous plants (even many alien plants), and diagnose injuries, what caused them and how to treat it. You can heal a total of 4 injuries per fight. Your skills can include: •Applying Med-gel to an open wound healing a companion or yourself for 20% •Injecting a companion or yourself with a Med-kit for internal or multiple outer injuries; healing for 25% •Counter-acting poisons •Throwing poisonous needles doing 10% damage for the attacker’s next 2 posts. (Small) •(Your own idea) Every level up, you gain the ability to heal another injury. Jumper File: Name: Age (Between 17-21): Gender: Nationality (American, European, Indonesian, Asian and Germanian): Specialty(s): Abilities: 1) 2) 3) 4) Brief History (optional): Extra:
Pre-log: 1,892nd cycle (About 2,250 years ago) The planet Ny Fallow was dying. It's graveyards were overflowing...and more were still being buried. In the center of the graveyard stood the crypt of Ny Fallow's strongest and bravest president. Alas, that he had been one of the first to be killed by this plague. Two men, a father and son, hefted a large artifact (code named Freedom) into the middle of the reinforced crypt. They handled the object with great care, as if it could blow up at any second. In the middle of the crypt was a coffin. It’s face was carved with the image of the dead president. A serious of coughs racked the body of the father as they set the ball-like artifact on the chest of the engraving. “I wish we could have had time to use Freedom, father.” The son said sadly. “As do I, Maseo. The most we can do now is make sure this place is well secured, so that the next generation might have a chance against the Zallins.” The father coughed violently into a handkerchief. He pulled it away and shoved it in his pocket but not before his son noticed the blood. There was nothing either of them could do about his father’s condition. The plague, sent by the Zallins, was ravaging Ny Fallow. It wouldn’t be long till every soul on the planet would be dead. And no one could escape because of the planetary shield erected by the Zallins. As father and son left Freedom in the crypt, sealing it behind them, the son sent up a prayer that the device would be safe until the next generation was guided here. Maybe then, the Zallins would receive the justice they deserved and the Ny Fallow people would be avenged.
Chapter One: The Final Elimination Round Captain Mason West stood at his squad’s home base, waiting for the beginning of the mock battle. Since he was the highest rank in his squad, he was squad leader. This was the final elimination round to decide which team of cadets would get to go off-world this year. There were four cadet squads; Red, Yellow, Green and Orange. His was the Orange squad. Mason looked around at his fellow Orange Cadets. They had all worked so hard the past year as a team to get this far. Unfortunately he still didn’t know some of them as well as he would've like; just their names. The three years before this year had been a brutal combination of mental and physical training; complete with mock torture (which felt a hell-a lot like real torture), exhausting physical workouts and the refining of their own personal specialties. And now, they were here. Only the best of the best had made it to “color squads” as the cadets called it, and this had been a year of elimination, reorganization and refining of the squads, for only the best were allowed on off-world missions. Several of his squad-mates had transferred to his squad only a month before, from other color squads and, just as they had transferred, some of the cadets he’d been training with had been moved to a different squad. He didn’t like the idea of fighting against former squads-mates today, but that was how the process worked. Thus far, this squad had worked really well together. Hopefully, it would show today. “Alright cadets! The final elimination round!” A stocky major named Eric Brigs, said into their comms, through a microphone in the observation tower. “The first squad to get all four flags and hold them at their perspective home bases for 10 minutes will be the squad that gets to go off world. You’ve had 2 hours to plan and prepare your home bases for this final challenge. Remember, only non-lethal traps and weapons are allowed in today’s challenge.” (The stun traps and non-lethal weapons hurt almost as much as a real weapon.)If anyone is seen using a lethal trap or weapon, they will be immediately discharged and sent home. The final elimination process will begin at the sound of the horn. Switch your comms to your perspective squad channel and may the best squad win!” Captian Mason turned the channel on his comm and looked at his squad. “Alright team, this is it. Remember the plan. Red Squad will likely attack our base first as it is the closest to them. We’re going to set up an ambush and wait for them to come to us. Once we’ve eliminated the forward attack group we will attack Red squad’s base. Once we have that flag we will bring it back to home base and move on to the next enemy base. I know that this plan involves a lot of extra walking on our part but this way we will never have more than one flag on our person while we’re out in the field, de-creasing the chances of another squad winning too easily. Any questions?”
Xin The slim girl watched her squad leader with keen, oval-shaped eyes that were framed by short-cut ebony hair. Her hands were clasped neatly behind her back, and she seemed the absolute picture of order besides the faint scar beneath one eye that unbalanced her soft facial features. "Any questions?" the Captain asked, and Xin stepped forwards a pace. "I have a suggestion, Sir." she spoke with a clear, strong voice that had made her stand out among her peers when she was younger. She had always been bold and never timid in the face of authority, "We could break up into two groups according to our skills, one at the door, the other around our own flag should the enemy break through our first defense. Close-combat should be at the door, and long-ranged at the rear as backup. Then, once the area is cleared, we head to the enemy's source base and take their flag while they have less members." She stepped back primly and awaited his response, her eyes betraying no emotion.
Mythai Dravid "Objective, help get other flags. Got it." Mythai whispered to herself as she scanned the field with her chocolate brown eyes. Beads of sweat dotted her forehead and her heart beat with anticipation, mixed with ever present nerves. But her extensive training had all come down to this very moment. She wasn't about to let her worst enemy--her mind, stop her. She'd win the fight; the ongoing battle within. She dug her nails into the shoulder strap of her medicine bag as their team captain spouted off a plan. Before anyone else had the opportunity, a young girl in the group countered with a seemingly 'better' plan. Fear not present. Assertive. Knowledgeable in combat. Arrogance may be an issue. Mythai made quick mental notes as she studied the girl's outlook and her brow furrowed. If anyone else in the group gave other ideas, they would be here all day. Mythai cleared her throat. "Time is not on our side. I don't think it's wise to stand around exchanging strategies. Besides, breaking up would make it easier on the other squads to corner us, even hold us hostage, leaving us short-handed elsewhere. We should do what he said," she nodded toward the muscular male captain. "Second guessing is for the weak." Not to say, I'm the one to speak on the topic of weakness. she thought. Eying the girl again, her features softened. "By the way, I'm here if anyone can't handle the non-lethal sting. And whether we come out victorious or not, I advise disinfecting afterwards. Can't risk any sudden viruses." Mythai concluded.
Aren Owusu Aren stood, listening to the Captain's plan. It sounded good. Aren wasn't a deep thinker, he followed orders if they sounded good. Aren was by no means dumb, he just prefered to let others make the decisions. "Where do you want me Captain?" he asked. "Me and my sniper are ready, ready to tell those red teamed little girly men that we mean business; that if they think they're gonna get our flag, then they got another thing coming!" he said with a smile. He got a little carried away with trash talk sometimes. Then he checked his rifle barrel, set the sight, dropped his visor, and waited for orders. "By the way, I'm here if anyone can't handle the non-lethal sting. And whether we come out victorious or not, I advise disinfecting afterwards. Can't risk any sudden viruses." "Thank you, but you're assuming that they can actually hit me first..." he said with a confident grin.
Mason "We could break up into two groups according to our skills, one at the door, the other around our own flag should the enemy break through our first defense. Close-combat should be at the door, and long-ranged at the rear as backup. Then, once the area is cleared, we head to the enemy's source base and take their flag while they have less members." Mason listened to Xin's suggestion carefully and mulled it over in his head. The others seemed inclined to follow his lead without argument. "It's a good suggestion, Xin. However for the ambush to work we need as many people as possible. I do agree that we shouldn't leave our door undefended though. Carter, Hannah. You two go inside the base and guard the flag. Xin, Aren, Mythai, Darren… find a tree and hide yourself in it. Aren, be sure to wait for my signal before you start sniping. One minute later the horn blew and the cadets scrambled to their places within the trees. They waited for what seemed like hours before they heard their first trap triggered 50 yards away. Cadets could be heard cussing and trying to reorganize themselves. Had Mason been a freshman...he would have laughed, but today was too important to give their position away through a laugh. The next 5 minutes dragged. No other traps were triggered. Probably because their engineer was taking the time to disarm them. Then soft footsteps could be heard approaching and the attacking squad came into sight. It wasn’t Red Squad like they had expected…it was Yellow Squad. The Yellow Cadets cautiously stalked towards their base. Most of the squads were made up of 7 cadets, Mason counted 5…meaning they’d left only two to guard their base. The team stopped once again to disarm a trap right beneath where Orange squad was hiding. Mason smiled and held up a hand. Just a few more seconds. Finally the engineer stood up and Mason dropped his hand. Attack.
The UNSP base was rather empty today as most of the non-senior cadets and Senior staff were out watching the final elimination round. It was a time of entertainment for senior staff and approved jumper squads, as well as a learning experience for the younger cadets. The governments of all the Nations located at UNSP had not been frugal when working on the security for this building. The door to the base was guarded by four highly trained soldiers. Two of which would occasionally circle the building on random intervals to check the perimeter. The door itself could only be accessed by someone on the inside pressing a button on a console to unlock the door. Inside up to ten guards could be wandering the halls of a single level at any time. In case of security breach, where human guards weren't enough, automated turrets came out of the corners and locked onto the enemy target with the point of eliminating it. To try and breach the walls of UNSP was a suicide mission, if you were human. *Crash!* Some unfortunate cruiser was now dented, a rouge Android now lying in her own imprint. Steam smoked and the android sat up checking it's self for damages. Above it a portal was closing and soon was gone. It was a well made android about 5'8 with a mix of silver and flesh colored parts. It looked almost totally human save for the lines running down its body pulsing with blue energy and, her body was slightly segmented with grooves allowing it to move and bend like any human. Only a tattered cape adorned it's body though to it's defense it had no private parts to speak of, despite being modeled after a young desirable female. With short disheveled slightly blond hair that stopped an inch below its ears. Silently it began taking in the new surroundings, scanning everything. It said nothing as it's mechanical mind memorized every detail, every scratch and smear of material. Its face contorted with intrigue and wonder, it looked so natural, so human. "A portal, that programing in my chest can create portals, now I am here, but where is here?" it spoke as if it had reason the soft voice of a young woman slightly tainted with a hint of cybernetics and cold hard metal. That's when it noticed the building. It was large and filled with energy, a recharge station perhaps? The light's in the grooves oh it's body began to dim, 30% read the flashing warning to the right of it’s mind, it needed to recharge. Walking up to the door of the large place and grabbing hold it glowed with effort a small pinging noise grew as it put in more power into it’s arms. Then with a loud bang she ripped the door open. And stepped in looking satisfied. The guards at the door let a series of bullets rain down on the android's frame. Inside an alarm started going off. More guards were on the way. She was not expecting that, suddenly her chest area was taking fire! Rouge A. I! Here but how!? And why did it not sensed them before? No matter it was survival mode now. It leapt to the side of the doorway getting out of the line of fire. Then with one arm, ripped the badly damaged door off its hinges. A moment later it appeared in full view again but this time using the door as a shield. It's eye grew red as a more hostile programming kicked in. It charged forward much faster then any human should be able to do and slammed into the first guard's like a truck, using the door as a shield and battering ram. The first guard went down, a sizable lump on his head would be noticeable in the morning. The second guard manage to leap out of the way just in time as the android sped past. "Code red! Code red!" The guard yelled into his comm. "We have a security breach on Level one. Hostile is not human. I repeat it's not human. It looks like a robot of some kind." Then the guard hit an emergency switch on the wall and the turrets activated themselves, lowering down out of the ceiling. They scanned the hallway for just a moment before locking onto the android and opening fire. Seven was now getting hit from both the front and back. The guard yelling over the inter comm was promptly downed by a flying door as it was thrown at him while the machine dashed around a corner, systems blinked red, so much damage already but how was it to forsee such things exist and would be so hostile? There was nothing like this on it's own world. It ran into the elevator and shut the door going to the lowest levels. It's mind thinking furiously. Enemies when the door opened? Likely but it would not be caught off guard this time. Two soldiers followed by a General sprinted down the hall, of Level Zero, towards the elevator. "The guard said it looked like a robot. The only way to stop those things is with an EM pulse." The General explained to his subordinates. The two soldiers knelt down beside him and readied their EMP guns, aiming for the elevator. The moment that door opened, that Android was going to get it. The General raised a biotic shield, protecting the soldiers, in case it attacked before they managed to disable it. The door opened, nothing was there, and eventually it closed without an event. An awkward silence followed the men holding their breaths a creak and silent thumping echoed through the still air. The sound grew slightly louder, above them? Suddenly the vent over them burst open. The android predicting the obvious assault waiting for it snuck out of the elevator through the opening they have at the top, got into the ventilation, and attacked them from above! Merely landing on one of the men with it being so heavy would be almost lethal! It spun quickly slamming its fist against the second soldier's skull. Then leapt for the General! The General managed to twist enough so that the robot's fist slammed into his shield. He grunted from the power of the punch...this was no ordinary robot. was something far more powerful. A turret in the hallway activated, sending bullets into the android's already mutilated back. While it was distracted the General picked up an Emp gun and sent the pulse at the android. At this close of range...he would not miss. The android leapt for the general at the same time he fired the emp gun it collided with him knocking the general over but didn't move after that.
Xin Xin dropped on top of the engineer, her hands moving in a blur as she gave the unlucky cadet one, two, three solid jabs at three different nervepoints in an attempt to parylize him. They may have said nonlethal, but that didn't mean she would play nice. Springing off of the engineer's back and into the air with a quick kick to the cadet's spine, Xin glanced at the others coldy and spotted one who appeared to be of her skills as well. Best take him out before he could hurt the others. Trusting the others to defend her back, Xin locked arms with the other cadet marital artist and they were a blur of rapidly kicking feet and jabbing knees as they each tried to free their arms from the other while at the same time trying to keep the other's fists from lashing out first. Their eyes were locked and revealing no emotion as they seemed to dance at supernatural speeds -each blow before it was blocked holding the power of an angered stallion's kick. And that was only their legs. Just keep me from being distracted guys, that's all I'm asking for. Xin thought grimly as a thin line of sweat trailed down her brow.
Aren He was in a tree a little ways off from the others with a clear line on the ambush point. Xin was locked in combat with one of Yellow Squad, they were moving around a lot, thrashing at each other. Another Yellow Squad cadet was moving in to assist, but before he could get to close, there was a crack from Aren's sniper rifle. He'd aimed for the cadet's knee. Next he shifted his sights to the Yellow fighting Xin, and cracked a shot off into his back, followed quickly by another. Then he took a breath and reloaded his rifle.
Mythai Dravid When Mythai saw the signal between the tree leaves, her heart skipped two beats. The blood rushed in her ears as heat flushed her cheeks. This was it. Still leaning against the tree's main trunk, she adjusted herself to reach into one of the many side pockets on her bag, grabbing a hand full of needles. The poison had been extracted in the lab earlier; a difficult process, but it was worth the time to save a life. No matter how much she wanted to win the battle, no one deserved to die in the midst of it. Afterwards, she'd join the other medics to help heal the fallen. Rubbing the cold metal between her fingers, Mythai hugged closer to her tree and scanned the perimeter. After plotting an attack method in her head, she was about to reveal herself when she caught sight of the girl from before. She had taken the first move...again. I have a feeling that she doesn't like to share. Mythai thought. Quick to act, but does she think first? Shaking off her disapproval, Mythai took hold of the tree branches, lowering herself to the ground. With a deep breath, her adrenaline kicked into high gear. She moved slowly through the cover of trees, watching for an answer to her question; if the yellows had brought their medic. To take him or her out would be a great loss to the squad, and they'd do the same if they were made perfect sense. Finally she spotted the distinct medic patch, worn by a red-head American girl. And she was wide open. Mythai took a step forward and they locked eyes, but she took no time. Raising her hand, Mythai fired the needles, sending them to key points on the human body. Chest, neck, shoulder, and stomach. Not waiting to see if they hit, she dodged back to the comfort of the forest. If she could find a way around, she'd get the girl's back too, but Mythai knew it'd be only a matter of seconds before she'd be the target.
Xin Xin felt the cadet jolt in her grip, and she kicked him away just as she noticed one of her own teamates in the trees. Turning and facing another direction but nodding once in thanks in order to avoid giving away the snyper's position, she charged again into the fray, ducking beneath a laser beam that had gone wide. This time, she drew her sword and saw a few of the enemy -once they spotted her- quail at the silvery blade. Heh -they don't know what i can do when i want to be lethal. she thought, allowing just the barest trace of a smile cross her lips. Out of the corner of her eye a cadet scrambled to draw his gun, but as soon as he had it out and was sighting along it there was a loud ringing noise. The point of her blade arced through the air, at the end of its journey, and the barrel of the gun split right in half. Before the stunned boy could react, she had pounced and was pummeling his stomach with rapid punches, her sword back in its sheath again.
The battle began. Xin delivered powerful blows to the engineer causing him to drop to the ground. Momentarly stunned. The Yellow Squad's martial artist suddenly found himself in a difficult grapple with Xin. The two M.A.'s were evenly matched and had trouble landing any blows. That was until Aren shot the leg out from under another cadet. His cry distracted Yellow's M.A. long enough for Xin to get a good hit in. Aren finished him with two shots in the back. One down 4 to go. Yellow's medic healed the engineer and he jumped to his feet throwing a gas grenade at Aren. It exploded right next to him. Mythai suddenly found her needles returning right back at her! One of the cadets was a genetic with telepathy and he was protecting Yellow's Medic. Mason jumped in front of Mythai and activated a biotic shield blocking the needles. The gentic raised a tree branch from the forest floor and threw it at Xin. Xin moved on to attack another cadet. What she didn't know was that he was a Biotic. After her inital attack he sent a wave of energy into her stomach sending her flying into a tree.
Aren A gas grenade blew up on the ground next to his tree, and almost rattled him out, but he hung on and deployed one of his Protector Drone. "Hey little buddy!" he said smiling. The Drone activated a force field around him and hung around. That would keep him from getting hit for a little while. He tried lining up a shot, but there was still to much smoke in the air from the grenade... and his head was still swimming from the grenade. Best to wait a minute and get himself together rather than wasting a shot.
Xin: 75% Pain blasted through her body, and as she felt the tree slam into her back Xin dropped, stunned, to the ground. "Now I'm mad..." she grated, glaring at the biotic through her bangs with dark eyes. Her hand went up to the hilt of her sword and the blade rasped as it slid out. The blade gleamed -two beads dangling from the leather grip and a small bell clinking. if the biotic tried to send a pulse through her sword, they would have a nasty little surprise. Her hilt was insulated -and it would only send the pulse back at the castor. Maybe i should learn double-handed after this. she thought, calculating her abilities compared to that of the biotic's. It would certainly help if one blade got stuck somehow and -instead of trying to free her only blade- had a second to combat with. But she also had to get another sword for that. The cadet charged at her, and Xin took a moment to measure the distance before she jumped straight up, aiming to let the cadet knock himself out against the tree. But just in case... she switched her grip and drove the hilt of her sword down at the cadet's head.
Eudoxia Finally the engineer stood up and Mason dropped his hand. Attack. Eudoxia was standing in the forest like combat area. He laid his light purple eyes on his surroundings waiting for the slightest movement in the woods. He stood waiting. He thought of the combat situation he was in. When he first joined this program he didn't expect that it would take such a long time to be a part of that he would have to drop out of school for the moment. He ran his Caucasian hands through his fairly light brown hair. He also feel the light gear of what he was carrying in the multiple pockets of his blue jean cargo pants. He stood awaiting any sudden movements in his current environment. His hands deep in his pockets. Gripping to whatever weapon would be needed. Over the last four years he grew emotionally well from going from his years as an 17 year old to a now grown up 21 year old. He studied the area around him, and then thought neccesary to used his MicroBots to scan the area. These MicroBots had been through their third development. They are his V.3 He took the little metal balls and threw them three feet into the air. They flew off in multiple directions. All at least two yards away from each other. Wide beams of blue light begin to scan the area for any life form within his perimeter that he was not fimiliar with. He completely trusted in his inventions. He had only become smarter of the past years. And he was just about ready for anything. Or that what he thinks.
Aren The smoke had cleared, and his head had stopped spinning. Xin was taking care of the Biotic, so that left the Engineer, Medic, and Genetic. Take down the Genetic, then the medic. "Alright little robo buddy, 'expend on target!'" he ordered, painting the Genetic with his laser sight. The Protector Drone fired three shots at the Genetic, depleting it's own battery and falling into the leaves below. Then, his sight already lined up, Aren fired a single shot at the Genetic's head. Then he switched targets, and lined a shot up on the medic's head, took a deep breath, steadied his hand, and fired. He was going for a Critical Shot. Or, as he preferred to call it, "Shoot! You got Shot!"
The biotic wasn't as agile as Xin. He failed to change his direction of attack in time was hammered on the head. He dropped to the ground crying out in pain. The Engineer moved in to cover him, tossing a stun grenade towards Xin. The Genetic meanwhile was hit in the shoulder with the drone. He turned towards the attack and barely evaded a sniper's bolt. He sent a wave of energy towards the tree where Aren was hiding, knocking him out of the branches. But not before the Medic dropped to ground from his headshot.
Aren He was rocked out of the tree, but he smiled as he saw the medic drop as he sailed upside down towards the ground. Landing with a thud he felt his shoulder crack, but regardless, he rolled into a crouch and leveled his rifle at the Genetic, then fired. He wasn't to concerned with where it hit, so he aimed for center mass, then ducked behind a tree and reloaded. Then rolled around the tree trunk and pulled his pistol, firing two shots at the Genetic, shouting "Suck it!"
Eudoxia Eudoxia, hears a tree fall in the distance and his purple eyes go frantic looking for the commotion. But then he calmed himself down realizing that if they're was any trouble his MicroBots would have detected it, at least if it was coming for him. He then his clear phone sized, piece of glass. After pulling it out a hologram appeared on it. It was a map of everywhere his bots had scanned so far. The blue dots were his bots, and if there were any red dots that means there is something he needs to be worried about. But nothing out of the ordinary. He yawned and put his hands on his light brown hair. He looked around, he pondered how this program would go. He wondered about how he would get along with his team mates in battle situations and if any will really interest him.
Xin: 65% and Parylized Points: 50 Idiot -you'll hit your own teamate as well! Xin throught, grabbing the back to the biotic's shirt and leaping out of the way of the grenade. She wasn't fast anough with the extra weight to avoid all of it though, and took a blow to the back. Flung several feet over and away from the biotic, she rolled over the ground and under a bush. Lucky break -at least she was hidden. Trying to move, she gritted her teeth as her spine screamed out in pain to her brain to stop moving. Dammit, she needed a medic right now! Growling, she struggled to get up, unable to move very much. Spotting Mythai, Xin didn't dare holler but drew her sword and glared a beam of sunlight off the blade at the medic to get her attention.
The gentic managed to roll out of the way of Aren’s rifle and jumped to his feet only to be pegged twice in chest. He fell to his back gasping for air. Without a medic, it would be difficult for him to recover in time. The biotic found himself being used as a personal shield by Xin from his own grenade. They were both thrown a few feet back. The biotic looked up from his position on the ground to see his only the genetic was still conscious but barely. They had lost. He crawled over to the genetic and then pushed himself to his knees, holding his hands behind his head. Yellow squad surrendered. Mason lowered his gun at them. “We accept your surrender.” He said. Then turning to his Orange squad mates he said, “Let’s tie them up here. Mythai, heal us up, then we’ll head to Yellow base. There will only be two cadets there guarding their flag. We’ll finish them easily.”
Eudoxia Point Amount:50 “Let’s tie them up here. Mythai, heal us up, then we’ll head to Yellow base. There will only be two cadets there guarding their flag. We’ll finish them easily.” Eudoxia heard what had been happening. He realized every enemy in range was defeated, and they would now move toward the Yellow Base to receive their flag. "I suggest we only send a few in. Maybe two. If they're are only two there they must have created some type of trap if someone was to arrive, correct?" asked Eudoxia. After finishing his statement he opened his palm. Quickly all of his MicroBots finished scanning the area, and as not finding any enemies it saved the area they looked over for future reference. They then all went back the same direction they came, and then into his hand, in a speed beyond normal human eye sight. He then put the Bots into his right pocket. "Are we healing the injured on the Yellows at least to the point they can breath correctly." he asked Mythai while looking at the genetic on the ground. Eudoxia didn't kill unless necessary. He didn't believe it was needed in a combat situation, and he was sure if he was untreated, the genetic would die.
Xin: 65% and paralyzed Points: 50 Xin sighed in exasperation when the yellow team surrendered. If it had been her she would have fought to the death or at least to unconciousness. Stabbing the hilt of her sword into the ground and bracing herself against it to get up, Xin winced in pain, "I agree with Eudoxia, they likely set up traps aroudn their flag. I could scout it out with a few bots if any of you have some on you, but currently my spine has no, uh... feeling at the moment and I can't move much." she would have gotten away with a laugh right then about her situation, but her face was completely serious.