No idea how to work theses forum things. I just hit a huge block when it came to writing and was sort of hoping to get some help or insperation from this place.
Hello and welcome to our forum. Please visit Noobie Packets! - Writing Forums to get further acquainted with the rules and features of the site.
Hello Last Chase, Welcome to the Writing Forums. If you haven't explored the site yet, You should probably do so soon. Newcomers often gravitate to the Lounge, the Word Games, or the Review Room, but there is much more to be discovered if you poke in the corners. Enjoy your stay here, and have fun!
also view forum leaders, so you can discover who you're overlords are and forward movie into our banks every two weeks! Speaking of which, a few owe use some money and hasn't been paying lately, time to ban!!
Yes, all pinkies will be equipped soon, I have fear this Banzai may be a force hard to be reckoned with!
chatbox is pretty hard to go off-topic! Anyway this is just my way of saying hello to the guy, so hey!
Guy...? Um... I'm not a guy, but thank you for the warm welcome. It's nice to see a place that isn't dead in the water
Hey like why has everyone gone off topic without me damn it? By the way I am Banzai'a hallucination and the most awesomeest member here and the most beautiful too lol not really but hey I think it is funny anyways lol I do hope that you are having a good laugh at all of them, gee they are not very good at going off topic if you ask me. Did you know that the sky is blue and the grass is green? Oh gee did you see that rare anomily just go ripping through the forum? oooooh I don't like spiders and there is a spider in your thread...I saw it just go crawling through right then so like I am sooooooooo out of here cause looks like the cleaning lady named Banzai hehehehe is not doing his...I mean her job the stock yards with him I say I say!!!! anyways have fun and I shall see you round the boards. Also you should join in on the weekly contests. They can be lots of fun!!! oooooooooooh coffeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee! chocolate! foooooooooooooooooooood! mmmmm yummy Torana
hahaha sorry lol I was normal when I came here, well sane. But they kind of sent me insane after I ventured into the word games and the lounge. Beware that once you enter those areas, you will never be sane or remotely normal again!!!! You will eventually end up as insane as the rest of worried if you get as insane as Banzai and me though. and yeah you so totally came to the right place, this forum rocks and we are all so awesomely awesome and this is the best forum on the entire internet and is also severly addictive. If you end up with sleeping problems at any stage....blame it on the forum! That is what everyone around here does. And if you lose anything Cogito and Hulls Raven would be the ones that stole it cause they steal everything and also there is a lot of conspiracies going around so watch yourself and if you have cookies GET A SAFE RIGHT NOW THAT IS BOLTED DOWN SO THEY DON"T GET STOLEN BY THE MODERATING TEAM!!!!!!! hehehehehehehehehe
Lol, well, I can't say that I'm exactly sane. I mean, the biggest thing I'm working on right now is an essay about how the soul of the car actually exists... I got botted off a car lovers forum because of it lol. Thanks so much though. I'm totally lost, but I'm going around to here and there. This place is too cool. Much better than
Oh that sounds totally awesome hey and got booted off for it......well those people got no brains then lol You sound like you will fit right in round these ere parts! woot woot woot woot woot If ya ever need the help of the insane lemme know aye!!
My my the welcome committee has done a fine job of bamboozling you! Anyway should you have any questions about how it works rouind here let us know and we will of course help you out. See you around the site.
Wow. See what happens when I go to bed? I miss all the fun. Now Torana looks crazier than me! *cries, rocking back and forth in the corner*
Bah! You're a pretender, Torana. I was born crazy, and you know it! EDIT: I have a real problem with hijacking threads, don't I? :redface: