The Mafia is a scary yet interesting thing. What have you heard about the mafia? There are different ones such as Russian, Sicilian, and Irish mafia's. What do you think about it? I love watching Italian mafia movies. They are a sort of addiction.
I've eaten at Sammy the Bull's restaurant. I even saw him once, scary guy. That's generally my experience when it comes to organized criminals, they're effing scary. Was friends with a kid who's older brother was in the Mexican mafia, very scary.
According to my Mother, we have ties to Irish and Sicilian mafia in the family. I of course, havent been made yet. haha! The only thing I know is my mom said when they attened my uncles funeral there were a lot of people in black coats, and they were very protective of my grandma. I thought that sounded cheesy though. My mom is pretty nuts, so she may have made it all up.
I guy i knew (Who i knew when i worked on a bus/taxi pickup for youth after hours) Was assasinated by chinnese Mafia (He was apperently a middle man who only played half his role, thus the bullet through the eye). As much as i used to wish i was part of their fmaily (Italian), i believe i'm a very luck man not to be
I've no clue why there is such an obsession with the Mafia and "gangstas." They are criminals, plain and simple. Rather disgusting human beings. Ah, perhaps I'm just jaded because every wannabe white-boy Italiano here in Rochester (most young males, really) says his uncle's-cousin's-mother's-father's-roommate was a hitman.
I agree with this. When I saw the thread I was hoping it was for the fun party game, not organised crime
Your absolutely right. Well the Government are criminals too, but thats a story for another day Australia has a great history of turning criminals into hero's (No surprise considering im talking about Australia which was created on the criminal trade). Over here we have had an enormous "marfia underworld" (Though just italian white boys that think they are) come onto the scene killing everyone. One year later its turned into a tv show based on these people. It makes me sick.
When I watched The Departed I decided right then and there that I'd never want any part of organized crime. I have a life I like to live without paranoia.
It really bugs me to see real life groups like the Mafia or Yakuza misrepresented in fiction. And that's pretty much every time, I think. . If you're not in the Mafia, how the hell do you know? 99% of the time, the writer is better off inventing his own stereotypical group of evil-doers. This falls into the same vein as historical fiction; unless you really know your stuff, please don't bother. As for what I think of the mafia or similar groups in general. . They are the dregs of humanity. What more is there to say? But I must stress that this is only my opinion, and to write a book that is based on said opinion would be stupid. I'm annoyed by writers I actually agree with, just because they assume that the common opinion is fact. It isn't. It's just the best we can come up with, ignorant as we are.