Due to some other random hack/glitch/error thing, two of my threads have mysteriously vanished. So I've decided to bring them back for the third time...geez, I must be cursed or something. Just talk about music here, folks. Moderator edit: TALK about music. Do not embed video links. Attention, please, regarding offsite links
Currently listening to Vaders' Firebringer. Sure, their style doesn't change much... But I find that their sound doesn't need to change because... Why do bands want to change their unique sound? I never really got that. If it is a working formula, keep using it and stay true to your roots (bloooddyy rooots!). Ofcourse the argument arises that bands need to change in order to atract new listeners and stuff... But at the cost of losing old fans? No! Vader is a damned good example of remaining true to your roots. The only thing that changed in their sound is the actual quality and bitrate of the tracks, hahaha. Sorry, there ends mah rant! Actually, no, I'd like to add that bands could actually fail when they lose their original sound. Sonata Arctica is a perfect example for that. Their first album was just pure bliss. The power! The melody! The symphony!! Now where is it? Unia was a complete letdown, and whenever you see Sonata at a concert, the crowd goes wild with their old songs and just stand still with their newer tracks. Its a shame really, I just hope that more Ecliptica's will come instead of Unia's. Although I must give them some credit for Reckoning Night, on wich they almost competly went back to their roots. Just to piss all over them again with Unia. Shame. Still, I'd go see them again and again if I have the chance! Okay, now my rant really ends. I pwomise.
I am currently addicted to "Leave Out All the Rest," by Linkin Park, because it seems to hit a very raw nerve with me that I hadn't even reealized was exposed. I feel all the fears expressed, but I'm not so sure I have the person to help me alliviate them...and that doesn't sadden me- I guess I am weirder and more of a loner than I had previously thought. Oh, and I am also listening to Juanes' "Mala Gente" y Miranda's "Enamorda" because it reminds me of J-pop... Does anybody know where I can hear "Inna da gadda de eda?" (I spelled it wrong, but you'll know what I mean if you say it aloud)
I like Sara Bareilles at the moment actually, just got her CD, Little Voice, for Christmas and it is really good. I like all of that folky sounding music though, Norah Jones especially.
I am listening to three songs by Muse they are: Starlight, SuperMassive Blackhole, and Knights of Cydonia And my current play list is full of Depeche Mode, The Cure, Electronic...stuff like that.
Simultaneously? My god, you're talented. I'm currently listening to Pendulum, but I'm about to listen to Pandara - Walk.
Personally my favorite singer is David Cook, he just has the depth and emotion to his songs that are amazing, besides him I really like Fall Out Boy
I've got some really old Coldplay on at the moment (just went back and got their first two albums, Parachutes and A Rush Of Blood To The Head). Apart from that, my iTunes tells me I've been listening to a lot of Kaki King, Jose Vanders and Jeff Buckley lately.
Today I've listened to: Bliss n Eso The Amity Affliction Coheed and Cambria Thrice Thy Majestie. Ive hit a bit of a dry patch in the way of metal, my roots, and have been listening to post-rock and indie and hardcore in plentiful amounts;
I'm quite a big fan of Pendulum, espacially Blood Sugar. However, I got annoyed because the cool words that are in the shortened version weren't in the album version. So, I made my own mix and put in on youtube. Yeah, I've got too much time on my hands.
Is it acceptable to direct members to my blog here on the site: https://www.writingforums.org/blog.php?u=790, which details what I've been listening to of late. I've started a new endeavour in writing up reviews for fun, and practice because I plan to start submitting them to various places, mostly in the hope of freebies. This week's record of choice - Wovenhand - Ten Stones (as you'll see in the blog!) EDIT: APPARENTLY THE LINK DOESN'T WORK - SORRY ALL, PERHAPS IT WORKS IF YOU CLICK THE USERNAME AND THEN THE BLOG? nOT VERY GOOD WITH ALL OF THIS KIND OF THING.
Sorry for the link not working, I'm not very good with that kind of thing. I assume it'll work if you just click my username and then for the blog, or the username and then it would just appear at the bottom of the page. ISSUE SHOULD NOW BE RESOLVED. HAD NO PERMISSIONS SET UP ON THE BLOG!
I tried that too. It may be the settings in your CP. If you have it where only your contacts can see your blog.
Right now I am listening to "Commentary: the Musical" which is the musical movie commentary for "Dr. Horrible's Sing-along Blog." I think I win for geekiest musical taste.
Today I listened to a lot of Daft Punk, with some RED and some 3OH!3. Oh yeah, can't forget the best, Shiny Toy Guns. Z