Has any one who's a big fantasy buff read this? I just started it. I read some good things about it and I know it won some awards, but what is your opinion?
Its absolutely fantastic. A friend gave it to me for my birthday, just before I had a pile of exam marking to do. Couldn't put it down so ended up marking at 3am instead - urk.
/me predicts that this thread will become a filter for the serious/decent fantasy fans. I'm getting ready with my friend requests...
I'm looking forward to Rothfuss's next work. The writing is quite good, but the plot hasn't really grabbed me so far. Perhaps its just that given the nature of the story, I don't really feel any tension.
OK so now I'm a couple of hundred pages in. It's a good read and I'm sure it will get better. A different way of telling the tale, but I feel less involved as it is all past and done. I think the first book of the sword of truth gripped you much faster and was all around a better book. The cold fire trilogy is also an excellent read I would recommend to any fantasy fan
My suspicion is that at some point we will catch up to the present and events will take off from there. There are hints in the way his friend talks that he is trying to drag Kvothe back into events.
I just borrowd it from the library and i found the way he describes the three silences to be quite amazing.
I just finished reading it a few days ago. I remember when I first got it; I had been wandering around the local bookstore with a friend as I'm apt to do, and I picked up the book in passing, did the whole look-at-cover-read-back thing and thought that it looked pretty cool. Mind you, I was just there to loiter about for a while, not to actually buy anything. Before I go on, let me clarify that I'm a very nitpicky reader with with high standards for what I'll put up with in a book. My usual method for screening novels involves reading a little bit into it, picking out all the things that I don't like or that bother me/could be done better, and then deciding whether they are outweighed enough by the positives that I'd want to read the entire thing. Well, I read the prologue, tried to go through that routine, and to my extreme frustration, I couldn't find anything in those first pages to nitpick at. I looked at my friend, he looked at me, and I said, "Damn it. I have to buy it now. It's the rules." All in all, I really liked it. I wouldn't say "best book ever", but I was quite impressed. The format was a bit untraditional compared to most contemporary works and I've heard his character understandably referred to as a Mary-Sue. The difference is that he pulls both off very well. It's not an easy task to make a literary cynic such as I read about a too-awesome-for-his-own-good character and yet still respect it. Oddly enough, I also liked that it was rather long (there are longer books out there, sure, but still). Usually I'll get tired of reading something after that many pages, but I just joked about it in this case, especially at that point. You know, THAT point in the reading where you realize that if it were an average book you'd have been finished and that you still have an entire book's worth left to read.
I have this book on my shelf. I've been reading around it, but this thread has made me want to read it. (I didn't read the lasts posts for fear of spoilers.) Right now I'm reading Dune (the first book for the first time) and I'll probably start Name of the Wind after.
Well I at first thought that I'd keep my old websites and my forum account separate, but here goes: I read The Name of the Wind; I loved it. I loved it so much I wrote a review about it, so instead of copying, here's the link: http://fantasywrit.blogspot.com/2009/01/name-of-wind-by-patrick-rothfuss.html#comments My website is FantasyWrit.blogspot.com It's old, though, so don't expect anything new. Any new material will become available on this site unless it's too big to post (like a novel.)
I thought this book was a fantastic read. I couldn't put it down. I find it hard to find fantasy books that I enjoy though so has anyone got any other recommendations?