Just curious to if anyone is familiar with the original tv show. I saw the remake on AMC recently, wasn't bad, but not as good as the original. Have any opinions of either? Be seeing you.
I was so sick of the adds for it that I had no desire to see it by the time it came on. I do love Caviezel and McKellan, though.
I enjoyed the original immensely, so I gave the remake a shot. It was a complete and utter waste of good viewing time that I will never get back. What I could stand to watch of it was dull, flat, and uninspired, and bore only a fleeting resemblence to its brilliantly satirical predecessor. And believe me, "bore" is the right word to use in this instance.
i watched the original regularly and doubt anyone could touch mcgoohan in that role, but i do like caveziel... it's not one here, yet, as we get everything a week late... i'll give it a look, but don't hold out any great hope that it'll be worth the remake...
I've just started watching the original and it has me enthralled. I could watch Mcgoohan fight a balloon for hours.
i just watched the opener and one of the follow-up hours, found it to be really dumb... a piss-poor imitation of a brilliant original... and a directorial disaster... a jumbled mess of memories, switching scenes, characters etc., done so poorly one can't make head nor tail of anything... 'we are not impressed'
Well, I do remember critics and the like griping about the original, saying things like "disorganized", "lacks direction", and "fails to answer its own paranoid questions." However, I thought it was brilliant, refreshing, and pretty clear in its message - even though I know there was a layer taking potshots at British politics that I had no clue about. And the final episode, Blast Off, did indeed answer the series' "paranoid questions", regardless of whether everyone accepted those answers. I watched bits and pieces of the remake, including the final hour, and was thoroughly disappointed. And that is even considering that I had very low expectations when I learned of the project. In trying to be more sophisticated and focus on the intrigue, it fell flat on its deadpan face.
it sure did!... the final episode was the worst mess of all, leaving nothing explained, only hinted at so obtusely as to be even more confusing than ever...