This isn't my story. My ideas come most often when out on walks, or otherwise exercising. The good ones, I find, stay around. That's a good test for the quality of an idea, but this is not a rule - more suggestion. Mind, god do I dislike Rage comics.
carry always something that you can put your idea on, a notebook save a massage on your phone i do that all the time and not only for my books but for all my ideas i recently had an awesome idea about T-shirt franchise i would be damned if i forgat it
I have a small note book filled with random thoughts and ideas. I carry it wherever I go incase it comes to me when I'm out. Some are stronger than others and I sometimes look at them and think, hmm? what can I do with that? A few weeks or even months down the line annother idea pops up and the previous entry I wondered what I could do with fits together perfectly. Strange how that happens with me. Like a story fragment that is just giving you the quickest of glimpses of itself and then dissapears only to reappear, after a long time, stronger and more fleshed out.
i'm next to never without something to write on and with... always wished i could have a pen surgically attached, so being without one would be impossible...
hahaha it wouldnt be nice on the eye except if it was swapped with a finger i could live with a finger pen