So. Everyone has funny, or weird stories about them or their friends, or out of control get togethers. And everyone likes to hear about everyone else's. So, if you'd like you can share yours! I'll start.... Me and a friend were really bored. It had just snowed a ton, so we decided to go for a walk. We went to the soccer fields and hung out for a while. Then we got bored. She said she was hungry and I said I had money and one thing led to another and we decided to walk to Casey's. So...there we were in jeans, tennis shoes, and no gloves, walking on the side of the road in the FREEZING cold, going to Casey's. And we get there, and buy food and start on the way back. Then, her dad calls. He says he'll be there in 5 minutes. I live 15 minutes away from Casey's. She quickly says no, she wants to stay longer, and he says it's fine. But he is still going into town. So on the way into our devolpment, we do we pass? Her dad. That was fun.....but we were so cold. We are never walking to Casey's in the snow AGAIN.
One night my friend and I drank too much and decided the giant inflatable alligator hanging the most crowded bar in town would be really cool to own. This was the result of two drunken minds working in top gear...
The Saturday before St. Patties my friend had a little kegger. After awhile we got bored of ruit and I'm just sitting downstairs drinking while my friends are upstairs ripping the bong. I decide I should find some music for when they get back down and end up putting on Dropkick Murphy. They come down as barroom hero comes on and I yell "anybody want to fight?" Instantly this 6 foot tall pretty muscled(I'm 5'8" and thin) kid's eyes light up as he says he does. He realizes I'm serious and I realize he's serious. So we rush downstairs and onto the sidewalk. He says we should just throw punches which is a dissapointment to me cause I can't box but I can wrestle. I say whatever and we get squared up/ We look each other in the eye and then I just start throwing body shots. He takes a couple, ducks some punches and then hits me three times in quick succession. I managed to back him up some how so that my vision can clear and we go back at it. I grab his wrist get behind him and land a couple to the back of his head. He gets out and starts smiling. I should realize I'm in trouble now, but I don't. Next time I come him he hits me right in the eye and I know at once I'm done. I can't see at all and I'm hurt bad. I call it off and go upstairs with a massive black eye. The next day I had to work as host greeting people at my restraunt and I looked like a fricken hooligan. It was well played.
I once decided (I was in a very reckless mood at the time) that it would be fun to see how quickly I could travel from where I took this picture to the cross-counrty racing track you see below. It took me less than a minute. It hurt like hell for the rest of the week. But, it solidified my reputation as a complete idiot.
Ha! Just what I was going to say... One incident a certain friend of mine never lets me forget is the night I sprained both of my ankles, even though it was a decade ago. >_> We'd decided to crash a very swish party in town, but soon got bored and started sparring off to one side (please don't ask me why - it seemed like a good idea at the time...) The not-very-impressed patrons called security, at which point we swiftly excited the premises. Even though we were clear and safe, I remained in "full ninja mode" and upon spying a wall decided to scale it... Hence the two sprained ankles. Hobbling to the taxi stand was no where near the accomplishmet that surviving the following day's hangover was.
Lol! We probably did... It was all over very quickly, though - was probably something of an anti-climax considering how fast we skedaddled. (All show, no follow-through) By that I mean, oops - it was a typo.
When I were a young lass, I used to play in cyclones with my friends down the road. We'd take turns riding in this toy wagon I had, using a bedsheet as a sail. Was alot of fun and for some reason the police never used to patrol our area so we'd never get told off for going outside during a red alert... you might now ask why my parents didn't intervene.. well, they didn't care all that much. Lol.
Ahaa! Well it's an achievement.. On a ski trip my friend went on, one of the kids got so pissed he hit a tree and had to be flown home straightaway, now that is genius. And then a teacher nearly skiied off a cliff (ohh dear)
Oh, I'm good at stupid. One of the stupidest things I've ever done was showing off my impressive biking skills --then a stick got caught in my bicycle's spokes and I wound up with busted bottom lip and massive brusing on both arms and legs. Please wear your helmets, kids. I wasnt, and it hurt like hell. Another stupid thing? I still dont wear my helmet. My favourite stupid thing: My uncle owns a boat, so during the summer we all go out and boat, usually in Tennessee at Dale Hollow or Cumberland. Anyways, I dont know how this happened, but I jumped away, off the boat, and still managed to hit the propeller. Yeah... My left leg is all scarred now. Luckily is very light and small scarring. But it hurt like hell. Another was trying to take apart a Shop-Vac (I was at my uncle's again; he was building his new house); I held one end and my cousin held the other. It was stuck, so we pulled as hard as we could and WHAMMO. I went flying --right into the bathtub that my uncle was keeping all of his nails in. I'm a scarred mess.
But hey, at least you lived to tell the tales... I tried to think of a really good story, but all I could come up with was the time I decided to cook my fiance a special dinner. **I DON'T KNOW HOW TO COOK.** He was stressed from flight school and had a big flight check coming up, so I told him to study while I went upstairs to make baked potato soup. There's bacon in it, and instead of just cooking it in a pan, I took the lazy route and was cooking it on a microwave tray we have for bacon. I took the tray out of the microwave when it was done and, still holding it, got distracted by the TV. Not paying attention, I tipped the tray forward a little bit and spilled a few drops of grease on my finger. Wouldn't have been a big deal, except that surprised me, so I jerked back and dumped the rest of the grease down my arm. Hurt like hell. And I'm not allowed to cook anymore.
Haha, not allowed? Lol Hm, hm...lets see....this isn't very good. But once I was at this birthday party thing at the mall. And we were bored. So we went into a prom dress store, which was stupid cause we don't belong there at all. Oh, and also we were throwing money over the railing.
Once, a couple of friends and myslef used to have this game where we’d combine various foods and then try to eat our creations. You might see where this is going, it’s a pity we didn’t. It started with chips, and then someone added some coffee. Wasabi, Tabasco sauce and all manor of spicy things went in next. It’s all a bit of a blur from that point, all of us kept adding things without taking much notice as to what anyone else was doing, but I remember orange juice, canned tuna and ice cream and half a can of beer featured somewhere. Then it was time for a taste test. I volunteered. I will say this what came out several seconds later looked much more appetising that what went in. We never played that game ever again.
I did plenty of stupid things in my day. Most notably, tripping over a brick wall and breaking not one but BOTH of my arms.