I have been lurking around the internet for the past couple of weeks in an attempt to find as much information as i can on what can only be described as a super human. The concept is something which i'm hoping to make as authentic as possible so ive been scouring forums on genetics, cybernetics, DNA and a whole host of thing but quite frankly i don't understand all the complicated talk of the innate structure of the human genome. Even so i searched with continued ambition hoping that i might find something that can really help me understand what it would take to make a super human, what effects it would have on someone and how far i am able to bend the rules of scientific fact in my favor. Anyway i bumped into a online magazine called H+ (humanplus or something) which deals with the theories of human enhancement, transhumanism and the posthuman which are all somehow directly related to my research. This research is more to appease myself to know that what i am writing has some scientific background. So, why am i writing it here? Well i was curious to see if anyone has any theories regarding this 'superhuman' that i could look into. Although i must say that the kind of superhuman i am speaking of is not superman type but more a generic person, who is smarter, stronger and probably just as weird as a normal person. Also what kind of powers do you think one might attain as a result of this process. While the powers are not my main focus it'd be interesting to know.
I'm assuming that you've started with Nietzsche's ubermensch theories as your groundpoint? If not, I'd take a look there.
May I suggest that you read By the Light of the Moon by Dean Koontz? It has a wonderful example of "superhumans" in his book. As does Scott Westerfield in his series Midnighters and in his book Peeps. Also, I strongly recommend reading some of the materials by both authors as they tend to stick with the "superhuman" basis.
Thanks for the refernces silver wolf. As it so happens iT was dean koontz who spawned my initial research which has gone quite wide now and a bucket load of reading awaits me. Although ihave narrowed it down to the transhumanist definition of the post human which is along the lines of the initial concept I had in mind, that and also scouring some of the other threads in this section which also proved quite useful. If I find anything else of significant interest I'll be sure to post it here.
I remember reading a story of people suddenly developing superhuman strength. One was a man and his wife were in a car that collided with annother and as a result flipped over and caught fire. The husband was knocked out and the wife was awake. She climbed out and tried to remove her husband but the door was stuck. After repeated attempts it wouldn't open. She suddenly ripped the door OFF!!! and got her husband out to safety. The other story was of the Royal Marines in Afghanistan. A group of Marines on an armoured landrover were on patrol. While driving allong a river bank they came underfire. Trying to manouvre out of the way, the bank gave way and the vehicle toppled on it's side, burrying the driver under mud and water trapping him. A Marine PTI (physical training instructor) was there and he knew in his mind that if he didn't get this lad out, obviously, he would die. So using every ounce of his strength he managed to get armoured vehicle out of the water and rescued his mate whilst the others were defending them. I think it's on Google called Royal Marine Hulk, they show pictures of it from a reporter there at the time. I know it's not exactly what youre looking for but it reminded me of the stories i had read and seen. What your talking about sounds like the movie 'Unbreakable' haha, is it a story that will be (at least a tiny tiny piece) posted on here??? anyways, hope you find what youre looking for and everything goes swimmingly with your story mate