This is at the suggestion of someone in the Sci-fi genre workshop. The temporal paradox can be solved by the application of the serenity prayer as it has once been explained to me in a way that made quite a bit of sense: Lord, grant me the serenity to change the things I can (myself), The courage to accept the things I can't (others), And the wisdom to know the difference. Another relevant variation might be: "To change the world, begin by changing yourself." This is not a book review, but I recommend to those who participate in this thread to at least peruse the work of Dr. Rick Strassman (Univ. of New Mexico) "DMT: The Spirit Molecule." Strassman's research claims that dimethyltriptamine is released into our systems during schizophrenic episodes and during Near Death Experiences (NDE's). My own work suggests this may extend to dreams and during sleep causes a Casimir Effect type of anomaly within the pineal gland. The gland, after this evacuation, may allow temporal overlap, thus an explanation of those times when some of us experience a dream that vividly becomes real days, months or even years later. FYI, some of my own experiments have managed to use low energy magnetic fields to pull a symmetrical matrix within the confines of a plasma globe. The experiments eventually burned out the globe. Back to the drawing board... er... CAD/CAE program. Doc
I have no idea what you're talking about, but I kinda like the wording of your posts. Please, produce more. (just don't overuse those shrooms)
Hi Burlbird. I personally don't do hallucinogens of any form, but the biochemistry has some validity. Thanx for the compliment on the wording. I'm still exploring... experimenting... using ellipsis... and emoticons...
Only because I provided the question several years later. Ah, but I was so much younger then. I'm older than that now.
Substance. All need substance. Let's begin by explaining osculinflection. We separate the two terms. Osculation means cusp. An inflection is parity. The mirror image of the mirror image at 90 degrees. These are math terms, but what I'm describing is the path that extends through the minimum radius of a vortex, inclusive of a singularity. Why all this? To extend our fantastic voyage not only to the level of miniscule, but through the infinitesimal. One set of scleral fluid has its own blueprint of viscosity. Light can tunnel between, around and through the matter of one eye with a different focal length than another. Same for the optic nerve, the tuber cinereum and progressively the pineal gland, onward to be projected upside down on the back of the brain where we interpret everything in stereoscopic images. This also passes along the corpus callosum where impulses are exchanged to various areas of the brain, such as emotions. The pineal acts like a pinhole camera. Something may be lost from what we eventually interpret as the image because the pineal's aperture only allows a certain amount to pass through. At night we dream. Close to death we see the same type of things as in dreams, only even wider yet. At night, when the eyes are taking in no images, the brain produces its own. Likely through what has been stored in the corpus callosum, we catch a glimpse of what our waking minds cannot see; the interstices. Unfortunately, Indiana is 10 years behind the West in things, such as this. Fortunately we are also likely to feel the effects of rising sea level 10 years behind the Wild, Wild West.
I don't know. It didn't appear to be in pain. Unfortunately, this is Indiana. Obviously, you are somewhere else.
Well I like what you are presenting here, @DrWhozit, but I wish you would make the connections between your posts more clear. In your OP I like all of it, but can't make any sort of relationship between the two halves. They make some sense to me separately, but I want to connect the dots! Edit to add: I'm more skeptical of your later posts because they have no context and your pointing us to wikipedia.
@Andrae, This, as the OP states, is per recommendation by a fellow in the sci-fi genre workshop, thus the tantalum post. The wiki is for those who likely have just no clue. For the rest, I'm doing a "Bucky Fuller" in that it's best to provide bite size chunks and wait for questions to follow. Also, there's a bit of hand waving and I feel it's courteous to wave back. (I do live in Indiana... although my cousin has a horse ranch in Phoenix...) Fun loving, playful, Strat wielding cynic here of course. What dot are you currently resting upon?
The pineal gland? How primitive. The whole cannot be solved by the sum of all parts. All properties are emergent. tnegreme era seitreporp llA .strap lla fo mus eht yb devlos eb tonnac elohw ehT .evitimirp woH ?dnalg laenip ehT Sorry. I forget myself sometimes. The question is: If there were no time, would nothing happen or would all things happen at once?
Indeed. Asymmetry being, of course, the last refuge of a scoundrel. Hello. In any case. Fire though. Primitive? Perspective my good man. Perspective. Time is either something that happens or it's Your choice, I suppose.