Violet is a very different character for me. She is shy and fleeting, often overlooked. I don't have much on her as of yet, just the first paragraph: As a girl, for one can no longer call her little, although she is still quite small, she knew a great many things; secrets gleaned from an innocent face and whispering stars, a rumor carried by a mouse, a riddle of thorns, a verse written by the nightingale, the mysteries of the rain; one and all and all and one, know them, she did...Such was Violet's way. It was a quiet, gentle way that had saved Taggin, but change was coming, more swiftly than any of them knew. But for now, she was entitled to one last perfect summer afternoon. Is Violet viable, believable? - Darkkin, the Tedious
Whether your character is believable depends not on a single paragraph, but on the totality of the writing. But Violet is a shrinking violet? That is a bit of a cliche. You might want to reconsider the name. (google shrinking violet if you are not familiar with the term)
There's nothing wrong with a shy character - those are entirely believable! And as Cogito says, beware of the "violet" cliche; there are plenty of other flower-names with similar symbolism that you could also use.
A flower by another name...I need some ideas. The proverbial cliched Violet...This is the dilemma. I have a character, currently known as Violet. She is reserved, with a quick wit, and quiet intelligence. Possessed of an easygoing disposition, she takes almost everything in stride. Cruelty of any sort is the one thing that sets her temper off. Her major flaw, as she is human she is possessed of more, is a tendency to leap headlong into a situation, which has landed her in the briars on more than one occasion. She doesn't lack for courage or opinion, it is just that she so seldom stirs the waters that she is so completely overlooked. She is small, almost bird like in her appearance. Quick and graceful, she tends to frighten others when she seems to appear out of nowhere...Such is the cliched violet. As she is one of my Darkkin, I want to keep her name organic, i.e. birds, flowers, plants, bodies of water, if that makes any sense. Examples of my other characters: Larkspur, Ivy, Jonquil...Hokey, I know, but they fit with my storyline. Any ideas or suggestions would most welcome. - Darkkin
So you want an alternative name? I admit that Violet doesn't sit well with this: Ummmmm... I'll have a think.
What, exactly, are you asking for? It doesn't sound like you have a problem with this character. Why do you think you need our ideas and suggestions? Just go ahead and write her.
This is not an often used technique but you can just omit the name. I think that most readers will not even mind or notice the name if you explain the character in full details, like you just did.
What I'm asking for is just a few outside opinions on names. Merely a different perspective, a reader's perspective. I don't have a problem with the character, just her name; I don't want her to be shrugged off because of a horse flogged cliche. With almost all of my characters I find their names and hit my stride, but this one is tricky and contrary to the norm. She has a history, a family and flaws; the story is flowing well, but I want something with a bit of dash. I've been on Google and browsed through name and gardening sites, but nothing has struck a chord. It is the whole dreaded need verse want conflict. - Darkkin
Google mimosa pudica also known as the "touch-me-not," if you haven't discovered it already. It's latin for "shy, fleeting" and a type of flower that seems to have the same characteristics as your character I think.
Both of these names are the word "violet" in a different language, with the language in parentheses: Viola (Esperanto, Italian) Lilla (Estonian) Whenever I am having trouble with the name of a character, I turn to Google Translate. I will put in a quality of my character, or, if the name is a word like Violet is, the name itself, and see if I like it in any other language. Even if I don't find a name directly from another language, it often sparks an idea.
If you want her to have an "organic" name, you have a multitude of possibilities. You do not need to reflect a purple or shy aspect to the name. Most names are given before a personality has revealed itself. For botanical names, there are Rose, Lily, Ivy, Iris, Daisy, Jasmine, Pepper, Dahlia, Cinnamon, Flora, Holly, Lavender, Ash, Olive/Olivia, Flora... You could choose a bird name like Robin, Raven, Lark, or Wren.
I was playing with this today and it was a bit of fun. Thanks for the tip. After playing around with my character some more, I did finally settle on her name. Thanks to all who replied. It was huge help. - Darkkin The end of the shrinking Violet... “No, Vi…” Grey screamed as she threw herself across Taggin’s small form just as her father pressed the trigger. The explosion left them all reeling and shaken. As the smoke cleared, people came rushing from every corner of the manor. Violet didn’t stir.