I am sick. I caught it from my daughter. The back to school sickness has arrived. Colds suck.....after all this time we have not found a prevention??? I guess we got better things to do eh. Well I better slam this coffee and get started on my day. *cough cough wheez...... Does anybody else get sick all the time like my family???
I used to. Then I got my tonsils removed, so now it's usually one bad cold a year and then I'm relatively fine.
Sure you just need a red hot wire, lot of alcohol, a good mirror, and some more alcohol. Or you could just go to the doctor, be out in two hours, and be eating ice cream and soup for the next 24 hours or so.
A few mintutes earlier might have been nice, Dom... As it is: Yes, it is possible. No, it isn't advisable.
Hey, if you can't wait four minutes, it's your own damn fault. now you'll just have to fix it by using booze. I recommend vodka and pineapple juice in liberal doses.
I prefer vodka and lemonade. I don't think we have any though. There might be some wine downstairs though... Or brandy...
I'm allergic to lemons, so I'll stick with cranberry juice, or pineapple. Now you have far too few boozes in your house. Go get more. And lets stop threadjacking.
i am always sick Word Wizard. right now i have a terrible cold with sniffles and sore throat and bad cough eg eg eg. i always have one. and i am always sick although i never through up. i am a nut job.
I have been lately. At home I rarely(if ever) got sick. Here, I've had a bad cold, the flu and a chest infection. Not to mention my constant, persistant headaches.
It comes from being around a lot more people. Colleges are notorious for spreading nearly every disease known to man to everyone, due to small crowded classrooms, large and more crowded bars, and cafeterias that would make Cthulu cry.
I don't get sick too much. Just my daily dose of headaches but I think if I had a child I would probably get sick more often
It would be neat if we did a pole randomly in like a month to see how many people are sick at the same time. That would be interesting to find out. or a pole on who has a headache at the moment. It would be a pointless pole but would interest me.
I am slowly getting better. I have my ups and downs.....Did I mention I like to whine when I get sick?
I never get sick, but when i finally do it ends up being ridiculously serious. Three years ago I had mono and had to go to the hospital cause I had a fever and was dehydrated. A few years before that I had strep throat and the flu with a 105 fever, and had to go to the hospital. But for some reason I never just get a cold or anything.....its crazy
Ok like I rarely get sick at all now. Usually I get the flu or what ever is going around for an hour or two, three at the most. But I got some viral thing from my son who got it from Amity. So the three of us have all got a viral infection and my nose always runs and it is not nice. I am not used to be so sick. So I have a permanent headache, sore throat, aches and pains....the list goes on! wordwizard I am glad that you are better.