Okay, specifically, creating a group of characters like the Mutants in X-Men that are hated by the rest of society. Has this been done far too many times? Or is there still more room left in this plot device? Because, I want to make a story with a similar theme, except with key differences. Namely, Demons replace Mutants as the hated part of society, there are Fascist Angels(Angels are predominately Fascist for in plot reasons) and Vampires are rich elites basically.
It's been done to death in the sci-fi genre. I wouldn't say racism in real world society has been visited too many times. At least, it doesn't seem that way to me.
Ah, interesting point, that I'll keep in mind. But yes, sci-fi, it probably has been overdone, however this is probably a reaction to Fascistic elements prevalent in many pulp sci-fi(as Iron Dream made fun of.)
Honestly every theme has been done to death. It's simply a matter of making it unique and your own. Since racism is a very real problem people are still dealing with currently, using it as a theme in literature is relatable. I say go with it.
Well, I'd say it's no more done to death than the themes of, oh, theft, or murder, or war. So as a background to some other plot, it's fine. The danger would be if your novel had a theme of, "Hey! Racism is bad!" as if that thought were somehow new. (I don't mean that you shouldn't communicate that it's bad, I just mean that centering your novel around that fact is rather like centering it around the fact that, "Hey! The sky is blue! It's really really wow it's blue!") I think that you'd either need a new take on it (more "new" than just having different kinds of races), or you'd need to use it as a background and layer your main plot on top of it. ChickenFreak
I think it depends on how you do it. The way X-men did it was pretty good. You don't immediately think that it's a "racism" thing with that movie, or at least I didn't when I saw the series. I think you have a good shot at making it not too cliche because you are using different races. As long as you don't make it too "West Side Story" where the Demons and the Angels hate each other, but then you have the Romeo/Juliet thing going on.
Just don't have hatred out of sheer racism. Make it make sense. To quote Avenue Q:"Everyone's a little bit racist!" The only ones who have drilled to the ground is the real world.
Just don't have hatred out of sheer racism. Make it make sense. To quote Avenue Q:"Everyone's a little bit racist!" The only ones who have drilled to the ground is the real world.
Ah, okay, I think I can make this work then. It isn't just simple racism, as much of it's fueled by religion, and similar things. The Angels are Fascist because they're told their entire lives they're holy. Vampires don't have any issues because they look human. But demons? Many have murder attempted against them by their former parents, and have entire cultures thinking they're unholy creatures needing to be killed.
You'll be fine, I really consider racism between the same species. And noticing one's race is not in its self racism.
what if instead demons are disliked for their beliefs rather than for just being demons. Their beliefs offend angels, and so angels dislike them. Perhaps demons' beliefs offend most everyone.