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  1. mugen shiyo

    mugen shiyo New Member

    Apr 8, 2011
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    New York, NY

    Theory and Debate Section

    Discussion in 'Support & Feedback' started by mugen shiyo, Sep 5, 2011.

    I don't know if this is an off the wall request or if this may be a popular one, but all writing is not just about making up stories. In college, a lot of people write about actual things in the world. New technologies, social, political, and economic issues, religious issues, moral issues, philosophies, and controversy.... Many of these writings are what our government is based on as well as our people. Plus it's just fun to goof around and talk about the possibilities or the various things we think or see. Imagination is the key to any discovery or progression. I think that was Einstein's greatest legacy. But I'm wandering off...

    Basically, can we have a Theory, Principles, and such section. A place where people can talk about or write about their ideas on things. Like articles, essays, or whatever. It is a form of writing also and it uses the same principles. Articulation. Organization and fact building. Would this be a good idea? Cogito, Moderators, anyone?

    It's not exactly like the lounge, either. The things presented here are written out in article or essay format-like ways. Like an editorial or column or something. I guess journalism is what I'm getting at. But on whatever you wish. It could be about your school or your class, your family, your neighborhood, life, relationships, even this site...whatever your thoughts are. Research or opinion, but articulated opinions and articles, not just bare questions or statements.

    Is this or would this be a good thread group to add.
  2. arron89

    arron89 Banned

    Oct 10, 2008
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    I'd be down for a group where we can talk in a critical way about random topics, but I don't know if I'm interested in writing/reading whole essays or articles. I'm sure there are enough people here with backgrounds in critical theory and that sorta thing that we could sustain at least a thread for critical discussion of random issues and culture and things like that...
  3. Steerpike

    Steerpike Felis amatus Contributor

    Jul 5, 2010
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    California, US
    I wouldn't mind a less-moderated sub-forum to talk about subjects that might get controversial. Has positive and negatives, though. On the one hand, those conversations are confined to a sub-forum and people who want to keep away from them can do so. On the other hand, those types of sub-forums tend to get a lot of posts and at some point the number of posts there can start to outweigh the other forums, which isn't always the image you want for newbies coming to the site.
  4. arron89

    arron89 Banned

    Oct 10, 2008
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    I think as long as there's an agreement among participants to engage in a critical discussion rather than the sorts of non-theoretical, informal conversations/debates that are started in other parts of the forum, it could be sustainable. The forum doesn't need a place for more shouting matches and personal arguments, but there is room for a more mature thread for discussions. I don't know how you'd keep potential trolls out though...maybe an age restriction haha
  5. Cogito

    Cogito Former Mod, Retired Supporter Contributor

    May 19, 2007
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    Massachusetts, USA
    This is not a debating site, and we don't enciourage that kind if interaction. It leads to heat and hard feelings.

    We do not try to be all things to all people. It is far more important thyat we keep this a peaceful, non-confrontational environment.

    There are plenty of other sites to battle out ideas. This site will remain a place free from that.
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