Inmates Wants Better Food This is ridiculous. The US Prison system is almost as bad our Educational system.
I don't really know how I feel about it - most people are in prison for a good reason, so I find it very hard to feel compassion for them, but on the other hand, I think it's reasonable for them to expect half decent food while they're serving their sentence - the conditions they live in still need to be humane despite their crimes.
The prison officials are not withholding nutrition, yet they are imposing an effective punishment/deterrent. The inmates are trying to get the punishment removed or curtailed. Well, it's not a five-star hotel, it's prison.
I agree with Cogito. They shouldn't even get half as nice of food as they do now. The problem with prisons is that they are becoming less and less of a not so nice place to be. We should be making prison a place inmates never want to go back to, not a place where they can hunker donw for a few months to relax and not do anything of worth for society.
I know a few people who have gone to prison over here in Aus and say it is home away from home. Free education, free meals that aren't half bad....etc. I think that I'd love to serve time in USA rather than here if I were to be sentenced for aany crime as I would better learn my lesson. Prison is meant to be crap, it is meant to be completely awful so people learn fromt heir mistakes and DON'T want to go back.
Really? You know this from experiance? Prison is hell. You guys have no idea what you're talking about. Three of my friends are in jail. Sure it's easy to talk about what you think a prison should be like while you sit comfortably at home, but some people have to go there for completely non-violent crimes, and come out changed for the worse. The whole prison system in the U.S. needs to be completely reformed.
Well I'm glad that it is hell in there. It should be! People are put in there to serve time for a crime! Not so they can have a damn holiday. Do you want a rapist or child sex offender being given the life of luxury while he is in prison? F**K NO! If they stuff up then tough luck, they should suffer in prison. Heck they have it easy compared to the prisons of history. Get over it. Prison is for those who f**k up and deserve to be locked away from society and be punished for what they have done. No be damn well rewarded for being a complete menace to society. Harsher punishment is required so they they damn well learn!
Oh, well, prison isn't supposed to be punishment, you know. It's supposed to be a classroom so felons can learn the error of their ways in a pleasantly structured environment. We should endeavor to make sure all inmates receive a varied and delectable cuisine to show the rewards of living well.
Torana: MOst people in prison are there for completely non-violent crimes. Two of my friends are away for drug related offenses i.e. having more then an ounce on them. The other is away for assault. Not everyone in jail is a remorseless crazy child rapist person, that your post suggests they are. And that's the funny thing. Nobody learns their lesson in prison. Criminals learn to become worse criminals. We should use logic to decide how to deal with criminals, not emotional outcries to "throw away the key" Which part? That we have the highest prison population in the whole world? Ever heard of incarcerex? Prison is a classroom. It's a classroom on how to learn to be a better criminal.
I'm sorry. I was under the impression that drug violations were a crime also. I should have realized that drug users never turn violent, and therefore we should free them all immediately.
So we should lock up all drug users because they might be violent? Nice logic. Let's lock up all nicotine addicts, caffiene addicts, and alcohol addicts while were at it. Good thinking!
Very true. It was on the news awhile back (By the news I mean it was on Yahoo's homepage ). Most of the US Prison population is incarcerated for drug offenses (Typically simple possession) for which many (Includign myself) would say the punishments are far too high. A ounce of crack will get you more years in the NC prison system than Assault and Battery. I feel that is a bit much. It is still a crime however and those who violate it should have thought before smoking that joint or lighting the crack pipe.
Drug addiction should be treated as such; an addiction. The criminality of the whole thing only comes to play because the gov't decided for some reason that harming yourself should be illegal. Besides, if I thought about the consequences everytime I lit up a joint I would be one paranoid ****. And I've been blazing for three years and haven't been caught yet. I don't see any reason to change my behavior just because the authority says I should.
True. Though some would say that its the governments responsibility to keep its citizens safe, even if its safe frome themselves. Ignorance is bliss, or so they say. Good logic. I haven't been caught yet so I'll keep doing it.
They would be wrong. That's what the constituions for. BUt nowadays, the constitution doesn't hold very much weight. Maybe your right, but I still don't see a reason to change. Most police around my area don't care about one joint as long as your not doing it publicly I'd probably keep doing it even if I got caught over and over again. It's the same with everything else. I have a very different sense of morality and justice then most people I guess.
Do you know how stupid you make yourself sound? Really man, drugs aren't anything good. Why do you want to idolize drugs? They really do do bad things and mess people up. And save me the "snappy adittude" response that I know you're going to do as you've done to everyone else. You truely are a jerk and definetley an a**hole. The world would do better without people who only think of themselves like you.
Drugs are a serious problem and no matter what drug it is, punishment is punishment. I don't care if it is just an ounce of pot. They shouldn't use it for starters. Heck they could have been supplying minors for all I know. I don't care though. Drugs are illegal, you want to do illegal crudd then be prepared to go to jail and receive punishment for doing so. Violent or non violent, if it is a crime they should do the time and not have an enjoyable time in the process of serving it out!
and in saying I haven't been caught yet so I'll keep doing it..... Does that go the same for a sex offender? THey'll keep going till they get caught? Is that ok by you? Drug users do endanger others. Drugs affect the mind and body. They cause violent tendencies at times, hallucinations, paranoia which can lead to a violent outburst! So are drugs really all that good? I was with a drug addict for a long time and wish he went to prison for it. I really do. But no he got a fine and a slap on the wrist and learnt nothing. A lot of people who use drugs are infact supplying them to others at the same time. That is wrong. Drugs sellers sell to minors, or to others who are supplying minors who overdose or mess their lives up. Get over it already. A crime is a damn crime and punishment should be harsh. If it weren't harsh it wouldn't be punishment now would it!?
I agree Prison should be as big a hell as possible but there is a limit. I would agree with one of Cogito's above comments that if the food provides proper nutrition and is safe to eat (Safe meaning it won't literally kill you), make it taste as bad as you want. Besides, the food the article described doesn't sound too bad. School Cafeterias serve worse than that .
LOL yeah school's can be cruel mine never were though, our food was always really good And when you think about it, they have it easy considering what it was like back in history. Locked in little cells, or just killed off altogether for crimes now we give light sentences to.
Yes. Our mash potatos? Actually some form of artifical flower that when mixed with water imitates the texture of real mashed potatos. The gravy? It was there to cover up the fact that the food tasted like crap XD.
This statement makes no sense. Drugs are a serious problem so we put them in jail? Instead of actually solving them? What a bold statement! People shouldn't use drugs. . .heard that one before, heh. Yes they could've been, because it's illegal. If it was legal and regulated, then we wouldn't have to worry about minors smoking weed. It is widely known that alcohol is harder to get then pot for a youngster, and its not very surprising either. Sure. It sucks to be right when the gov't thinks your wrong. Didn't we go over this?