Daniel, 16, live in Michigan, like to write poetry, I try to write stories but I'm no good at that. I read and I love it, I write and I enjoy it, and all the things that your general teenager in the suburbs does. I like to hang out with my friends (parties in my basement woot!), be with my girlfriend, write, read, school, driving, fencing, all that jazz. Have fun now Tab!!
lol Oh thanks a lot Danny. This is my werido friend, Daniel, you can call him Immortal Warrior, Cavalier, or Dumbass, doesn't matter which one. Hehe. I'm just kidding. He's a really nice guy and you all should all get to know him. Welcome to ze forums, Dan. Hope you stick around.
Welcome to the forum and I look forward to reading some of your work soon. Hope you enjoy your stay here with us
Its a good choice that you have decided to stay. The forum is booming with good members and good critique. Welcome. ~Raven.
yes welcome nice to see sapphire is recruiting new members..props. Anywayz welcome nice to have you here and i look forward to reading your poetry stories