I hope you find this thought provoking, because there are times when it still baffles me. As you might guess, it's fairly commonplace for me to have the singular detracting idea here. I'm used to it, it's still a somewhat free country, and sooner or later you're going to hear criticism in your life, it might as well come from a friend. Now, imagine if we turned the world upside down. Imagine a world where you spoke your truth and ten guys would add an opposing viewpoint. I'm sure a dozen guys here and fifty guys in Europe just spit all over their keyboards. Well, it's happening right now. And I'm still shocked. Let me tell you the story. Several months ago I got an e-mail (not a PM) from a fellow member on another forum. I had just been being "me" as I do here, and this member told me I had an invitation, and included a forum link. I get these things, so I was not particularly moved, but I checked it out. You cannot sign up there. It's invitation only. Under the guise of being a gun forum, I found that it was actually a forum of guys in the 40 to 60 age demographic. We discuss everything. They are an eclectic mix of working stiffs, retired guys, a few students and one well known magazine editor. They also were getting a bit miffed at proffering an honest opinion and then being parsed to death by every loudmouth with a cup of coffee and free Wi-Fi. I joined this forum, and it's a breath of fresh air to relate stories, magazine articles, jokes, and showcase new toys in a friendly environment. In posting today I thought about EdFromNY. I like Ed, I respect him. He might have opposing viewpoints, but he debates with clear-cut postulates, provides rebuttal, and takes what I dish out in the spirit of being civil--lots of times better than any of us, me included. I thought about Ed getting an invitation, and how that membership would be a Bizarro World of some of my experiences here. But then I wondered about how the average "evolved" citizen would respond as their coping mechanisms were splintered one after another. So I ask you guys a simple question, do you know that similar entire sections of the world exist, full of honest productive people, who wonder aloud on "why I waste my time here." Writing is an aspect of life, I want to engage life. But our forum here is also in that life, that's just the buy-in. I find it quite illuminating to switch back and forth between these two forums in the morning over coffee, sometimes discussing the same events...
if that is the 'simple question' [hard to tell as worded and w/o a '?'], it's a shockingly insulting one, imo... if you have such a low opinion of your fellow forum members' intelligence level, what are you doing here?... just trying to make yourself feel superior, or what? [not that i find you to be, in the least... and i've an IQ well in the genius range, if that means anything]
But then I wondered about how the average "evolved" citizen would respond as their coping mechanisms were splintered one after another. So I ask you guys a simple question, do you know that similar entire sections of the world exist, full of honest productive people, who wonder aloud on "why I waste my time here." I don't read the post as Tourist having a low opinion of his fellow members here. He's talking about another section of - well as he puts it, 'the world'. He's a bit overblown, exuberant, opinionated, loud....I could go on, but I honestly don't think that he sees anyone on these forums as less intelligent. If he does, he doesn't use it in arguments. As far as IQ is concerned, it doesn't mean anything. There's no rating for common sense and that's really what you need to get through this life. Note:: That's twice today I've found something positive to say about you tourist - just going to have a lie down in a darkened room.
how can you see that as not putting down his fellow members, since he seems to think he needs to ask if any of them 'know' something that anyone with a modicum of intelligence certainly would?... if he did respect them and their intelligence, why would he be asking that? please note that i am using 'common sense' here...
You make of it what you will, but I don't see an insult there. Feel free to take umbrage if you want to, but I don't.
not taking umbrage, only pointing out what seems obvious to me... and no offense meant toward you, ev... we simply disagree... no biggie... hugs, m
Funny how The Tourist was pointing out stuff like the truth and honest opinions that stick out like sore thumbs and yet the thread he made, made members misunderstand each other. As an answer for your question, The Tourist, some people know more than you think. It is never easy to know how much someone knows and it's rather a tedious work trying to calculate the amount. The best solution is to treat everyone as if they are both more intelligent and more foolish than you are. Never underestimate someone just because you don't see their knowledge printed on their face. The most knowledgeable is that who doesn't say a lot and the most wise is that who call himself a fool.
If people are asking why you waste your time here, I would assume you have an answer for them. I think there are groups of people who can ask that question of any number of other people about any number of other forums. I do find this 'maverick persona' quite often among forums I am or have been on. Some people love to be the 'odd man out' and wear it like a badge of honor. While I don't consider myself one of the 'sheep', I also don't feel the need to lecture others on how blind they are, or how I have 'seen the light'. I just state my opinions, like everyone else, based on my education and experiences, and don't consider others somehow deficient if they disagree based on their education and experience.
Didn't take umbrage at what you said, I was saying I didn't take umbrage at what Tourist said. I didn't feel offended by your post. As you say, differing opinions, no biggie.
It might be helpful to ask yourself why you partake on these forums in the first place, and what you hope to achieve from them. Ego is a potential reason, and many of us here are guilty of this. For instance, it's not necessary to mention how high one's IQ is on a forum. No one gleans anything useful from this. Tourist, from the bottom of my heart I think you've got a lot to offer (btw, let me take this opportunity to acknowledge that your one of recent actions, or inaction, has impressed me extremely, though I won't say what) . Your time could be better put to use if you simply worked on your novel. I too am guilty for participating in all sorts of forum nonsense that, in retrospect, I wish I hadn't. In the future, I plan to stick to critiquing other's work. These kind of debates are fun, perhaps too much.
if that's aimed at me, i thought it would be obvious that the only reason i mentioned it was because tourist seemed to doubt that anyone here could be smart enough to know what he was asking if anyone here knew, to avoid him discounting my comments due to them being the result of what he seems to consider inferior intellect... and for no other reason... certainly not for any self-aggrandizement... 'nuff said...
"who wonder aloud on "why I waste my time here."" If people did what seems logical every second of every day we'd be a master race already!
If you consider multiple threads on the same topic, along with a damn near advertisement for a knife, to be productive then knock yourself out. However, as a CSI, I've seen the results of everything he brags about up close. And trust me, Tourist, I know FAR more about ballistics and weapons then you do. Half of what I know cannot, and will not, be revealed to anyone outside of law enforcement. As for the little snide comment about people on this board are, shall we say, 'less then intelligent' that's far, far from the truth. I have an IQ that's near genius myself, so watch how you categorize someone because it'll always bite you in the rear. And in response to the 'IQ doesn't mean as much as common sense' statement. That's a fallacious argument too. IQ isn't just 'book smarts' but your ability to think outside the box and reasoning. There's far more involved in IQ then you stated. Furthermore, if you are so much more intelligent and oh so capable of dishing out criticism (but can't take it when contradicted might I add) of everyone, Tourist, then why spend time here with the mere mortals? Sounds like a superiority complex to me...
Do I know that there are lots of people in the world who disagree with me? Do I know that there are lots of people in the world who would not find this a useful forum? Well...yeah. Of course there are. The answer to that question is so obvious that I assume that I must be misunderstanding the question.
Guys, I have an IQ that surpasses genius, and I say everyone should stop being so argumentative and just acknowledge that 'The Tourist' is God. Can't you guys see that's what he's really trying to say? It's so obvious.