Is anybody else having a day that just seems to be dragging by? I think I have been on the computer at like 5 different times today trying to figure out something to do. I have been out for a walk, to the park, gone to town, but it is still only 5:35pm. Any ideas on how to cure boredom, or any stories that can relate to this?
I so hate it when that happens. I have been like this the last 2 days now really, looks like to day may very well be the same. I have gone up town so many times just for something to do, even took a 3 hour drive in my car to sure the boredom. If you figure something out let me know!
sorry. I mean to fix them but I ran out of mold weed wich is esential to stop the temporal shifts in time.
Call me crazy, but when I don't have anything to do, I write. I mean, I know it's not like anyone else here writes or anything, but that's just how I roll. =P
hehe I do too, when I can that is. Or I post a lot on the forum as you can tell from my post count ha ha ha
I usually end up doodling when I don't have anything to do. I had a slow day yesterday. I hate when that happens
You could do what I did, and wander the hot city fruitlessly while being surrounded by several million people. Great way to make the time slow right down. Oh sorry you wanted time to speed up. Can't help ya there.
hahah Ya I totally write when I get bored, but my heart wasn't in it yesterday. Today is a new day though.