Time the one thing that carries on no matter what. Time the Predator that hunts you down and eventually gets you as your time runs out. A conversation I had a couple of days ago went in deep from stephan Hawkings time arrow theory to time simply been there to out live all that will ever be. Did time ever start will time ever end and the simple answer is nope how can time ever start or end.
I like the theory that time actually doesn't exist. Everything is stuck. Basically you take everything that could possibly happen and it exists. All of its frozen at the second it happens (using the smallest possible amount of time, so even protons don't have time to move). And somehow our conciousness moves through these, different areas along the most likely course. So we perceive time moving but it doesn't actually move, we do. The thing that struck me is, it effectively means if at some point you are hurt, part of you is in pain forever. When you're happy, part of you is happy forever. As you lay dying, somewhere you are dying forever. Kind of creepy. It's confusing and uses lots of complicated physics. So far it only has one major backer who came up with the theory, but he's one of the top physicists in the field of time, so people are paying attention. Unfortunately I lost the article years ago.
Well Im a beleiver in the three arrows of time the question well the interesting question is when things begin to retract what will happen to two of those arrows or will all three retract
I've heard of that theory, but only the bare minimum. I really should pick up one of his books next week.
Meh its on the net just type into google the three arrows of time. The search engine will do the rest for you. makes for some very interesting reading.
True, thats where I got the basics. But when I really want to understand something I almost always do better holding it in my hands, and not having to wait for new pages to come up, or scrolling down the screen. I'm weird that way.
I try to have a lay mans idea about quantum physics and the latest theories. It makes sci-fi stories sound much better if you give just enough real world explanation to make your science 'work', but don't actually say anything that makes scientists groan in pain. Of course if you put the actual math in front of me, I'll be a drooling idiot. So I avoid that part.
Well I wouldn't call most of my ideas 'real'. Just slightly more realistic than 'We gotz a cool engine that goes vroooooom! really fast.'
That was insanely funny and just happens to be the highlight of my day. Thank you. Really; thank you.
I like Doctor Who's explanation of time: "People assume that time is a strict progression of cause to effect... but actually, from a non-linear, non-subjective viewpoint, it's more like a big ball of wibbly-wobbly... timey-wimey... stuff. "
Nope, David Tennant. In the episode "Blink". Which is, incidently, one of my favourites of the new series
Dr. Who will always, no matter what, surface when discussing time. It's pretty much guaranteed fact. I personally try not to think about time too much. Its one of those things that you can't explain. When it comes to physics, all I really care about is everything that has anything to do with sound. I am however aware that you could link time and sound quite nicely, but don't burst my bubble. Im quite interested in Dom's theory - though I find it highly impractical. It suggests that we both exist and don't exist for all eternity; quite a mind bending idea. Hulls idea of the arrows I've never heard of, and sounds thoroughly bizarre. These theories all rule out the possibility of a god. If there's a god, it's quite possible he built himself a nice grand father clock up in heaven and started her away and can turn it off when ever he wants too. That begs the question - where'd God come from? All very interesting.