Ho, guys need a little help. What is the title for someone who is the leader of a whole group of countries? i was thinking Hegemon but i don't know if that quite fits. The political situation is this. A race of humans have united after a previous civil war (which is actually a country to country war: the north countries and south) And this guy who united them now leads. The unison of countries and the race have prompted an invasion across the sea to defeat other races. So this race is sort of a nazi community like and british order infused into one. If there is no name for the leader feel free to make suggestions. thanks
I think the alliance would make up a name for the whole collection of countries rather than them still being individual countries (think the Soviet Union), so the leader would still pretty much be President if it's democratic or the counterpart if it's not.
Its not democratic but the soviet like union thing is probably sort of what i'm talking about, but they are somewhat individual countries as in they're still refer to as the "Bridge Coast Republic" or the "kingdom of Errastria". they're just united under one leader, the leader of that race. maybe i could make a name up...
True, but on the page it sounds horrible. Currently I've got 'president' which sounds fine, except it convays the notion that it just all one country.
something like 'grand leader' or 'grand marshal' seems pretty good. I would check some anime references since they tend to have some uncommon titles. are the people of the nation(s) fanatical? perhaps they would just love calling him Lord or Supreme Keeper. Also check back to nazi Germany. Many of those people thought hitler was god. but I can't think of his actual title right offhand.
It was Fuhrer (with an umlaut over the u, which the forum won't let me type). It means leader, but wasn't an official title, it was more along the lines of Mussolini's Il Duce (The Duke), and Stalin's Vozhd (Boss). Hitler's actual official office was Reichskanzler (Chancellor) and, after Hindenburg's death, Präsident (President). Though I'm a bit sketchy on whether he didn't just dissolve the office of President and incorporate the powers into the office of Chancellor...
Premiere...this title can describe any head of state, whether the "state" is a single country or federation of nations.
I'm liking chancellor Though I did look up the latin word for premier, it was primarius. That also sounds alright. I can twist that slightly to Primarium or Primarior. The head guys name is 'Quietus' by the way.
Yes, you could make one up. That's the best way. What I do is go to the glossary of a language book & find a word in another language to suit the character. But speaking of "Soviet-like", communist leaders usually take on benevolent titles, such as "Chairman" (since they are chairmen of the Communist Party). No dictator calls himself "dictator" or likes being called one. Other benevolent sounding titles can be "Head Counselor", "Chief Advisor", or "Chief Provider."