I'm a little choosy and obsessive about choosing a title (working title, atleast) for the story i begin to write. I've come up with 'The Inverted Pendulum' and 'The Dimensional affair' for a sci-fi/mystery story that im planning to attampt next. Which one do you find more intriguing. I mean, you see two books titled as above. Which one will you approach first. (Assuming, you have no iead what lies inside it)
Hi akexodia..your work looks intriguing indeed 'The Inverted Pendulum' stood out for me. Hope it helps.
ok , to be honnest as a non-native speeker , i didnt even understand what a Pendulum is , i had to "google" it ...and i agree with Cacian two ... The inverted Pandulum sonds more attractive
Because it's a mystery I'll have to go with the first one. Just make sure that the title holds some relevance to the story.
"The Dimensional Affair" is a lot more sci fi and therefore, my preferred option. Plus, it sounds more interesting (in my opinion)
Funny, the first thing I thought was that "The Dimensional Affair" would appeal to women. But "Inverted Pendulum" has got my vote. Makes me think of a Mobius strip.
Mobius strip!!!!! CodyBlue, I guess, by mentioning that you might just have helped me eliminate a major plot hole in the story! I'll have to venture into that concept a tad though
I agree that you are being choosy and obsessive. When you are beginning a story is not the time to fixate on the title. You should be focusing on the content. When you are putting the finishing touches on your story is the time so select the title. By then, you will probably have a better idea which title fits best. By then you may have a far better third choice, because you know the story far more intimately. You might even use different titles depending on where you are submitting to, and which better fits the "flavor" of the publication or publishing house. Keep you mind open.