It's a bit aggravating as a newbie to find out after you post something, it can only be deleted by the administrators. Like many other young writers, I'm already paranoid when posting my work online. I understand some threads need to be kept open, but I think that should be the poster's decision. Every time I log back on, I look at my last post and go "Ugh, why did I ever post that?" Maybe instead of disabling the delete option for everyone, you can lock threads that need to be kept open. I'm not sure if that would be a tedious task, but it's a little unfair to put paranoid young writers in an uncomfortable spot. If I had the choice, I'd delete every one of my threads right now. I come back on thinking the administrators will enable the delete option only to find out they never intend to. If I delete my account, will the threads disappear? I need to start clean.
I'm a young writer as well. When I first joined, I created some pretty stupid threads. But hey, who really cares? It's the internet. As time goes on, people and even you, will forget you made them. If a delete option was made, people would go around closing threads and probably abuse the system to be honest. That's why you should also think hard and clear about what you post too~ Us young writers will just have to toughen up, y'know? I don't think your threads will disappear. Can you even delete an account O_O?
Please read the site rules. When you put a piece up for critique, it is not solely (or even primarily!) for your benefit. It is ythere so members can exercise their critiquing skills, and thereby improve their own writing skills. The rules clearly state the policy. All members are responsible for reading those rules before posting. You own the copyright on the writing you post. But you voluntarily post it under the conditions stated, in essence licensing it irrevocably fore that use. Even though the writing is yours, the thread is not. Everyone who responds to your post has a stake in the thread as well. Also, accounts are not deleted.