"What level you're prepared to sink to to keep what you earned..." Microsoft word doesn't like this, and to be honest I am not a fan either. Is their another way to write this?
That doesn't make sense to me at all. Maybe it's because we don't have the rest of the sentence, but the way it's written right now doesn't make sense. "What level you are prepared to sink to to keep what you earned?" Your use of "you're" seems to be wrong. I think you're trying to say this: "What level are you prepared to sink to in order to keep what you have earned." Reworded: "How far are you willing to go to keep what you have earned..."
Yea I probably shouldn't have made this post in this state, I am really tired. The clipping was just a random example.
Consider this: "What level you are prepared to sink to keep what you earned." Technically, "sink to" would not be correct. Eliminate the first (though how you can tell which is which I don't know) "to" after the word sink and the sentence is just fine. OR: You may prefer a bit more reworking as ...: "To what level you are prepared to sink to keep what you earned." This, too, is correct though a bit more stilted in today's grammatical environment. In any case, it's your choice.
Word probably doesn't like it because it's a fragment. For example, "Is that what level you're prepared to sink to to keep what you earned?" is correct. In my example there, that is the subject of the sentence and what level is the/an object. In your sentence, what level is the object and there is no subject. The "to to" problem is not a problem; it's fine. It's the rest of the sentence that is a problem (but not really if it's stylistic). If Word is only underlining one "to", then it may still be being caused by the fragment, but is more likely because Word is dumb. I suggest you ignore Word. I started ignoring it recently, and being able to do something stylistically without spending five minutes changing it makes me feel very free. Hope all that helps.
Thanks for the help guys. It surprises me when you stop and really think about the ways it can be re-worked. The specific part that word had a problem with was the repeated of the word to. Thanks for all the suggestions though.
the best way to fix that is to simply move one of those 'to's and place it before 'what' to make it better grammar and a much better read, as gannon demonstrated...