TWLOHA is an organization that tries to bring to surface some issues that were considered taboo. It focuses on treating depression, self-injury (SI), addiction, and suicide. I wondered how many of you have heard of them, anyone feel comfortable enough to share their stories/experiences with depression, SI, or whatever? I'm curious to know what you all think of this. Give me your thoughts! If you want to learn more click here
I have, I've done some research on them in the past and got one of their t-shirts from hot topic. Its a good cause. I actually havent had much expierence with them, but they seem like a good organization, primarily orientied towards us youth I think,.
Sounds like some emo crap thats only gonna make self harm seem even more cool to the 14 year olds. Might be a good cause but i'll bet it backfires! *Looks on website* ..Yeah. the kids will love it. They've turned it into some sort of fashion....
I haven't heard of them until now. I tend to stay away from long acronyms. *checks site* Unfortunately, I am absurdly emotionally healthy so I havent' had any problems.
That made me laugh. I see your point, I've seen it backfire myself. But at the same time, there are people that benefit greatly from their support. And the shirts are awesome. Just saying.
The anorexia websites backfired lol They started to become sites where they all encouraged eachother and everyone wanted to be a part of it! 'cept me of course cos i love food too much
Ha, I love food too much too. I think I remember something similar happening with some other suicide websites. TWLOHA doesn't have forums or things like that. There are hotlines, but those are all manned by trained volunteers. (So, they aren't supposed to tell people to go kill themselves).
Exactly right. There was a site I used to frequent...don't want to mention it...but it was pretty much a place to one-up somebody else on how-low-can-we-go. Not saying there's not some seriously messed up thinking going on, consciously or subconsciously, but the attention is oftentimes what they're after. Not saying this is true of everyone suffering from it, or that there aren't organizations really trying to do good.
^ Yeah, precisely. It's a harsh truth - it turns into a competition ; i guess that's what motivates them, in the end. But, why is this thing called "to write love on her arms" ? Sounds a bit...egh I dont know, promotional?! (cant find the wooooords *rolls eyes* )
It has to do with the original story. The original girl, Renee, had carved the words "F*** up" into her arm when they found her, and she had been rejected by the treatment center, so they took her in and started their own.
So it's a nice metaphor, I guess. Replacing the cutting with writing, and the word "love" to replace the self-loathing.
Oohh i get it. So the titles more like what they wanna achieve? Yeah, i guess it's okay. I still dont support these internet things though, purely because the girls/guys can hide behind the screens and ignore the problem in favour of finding reason as to why they're doing the right thing, by sort of teaming together. Only from what ive seen though - this could be different?
Yeah, it is. (though I still can't figure out why they were at the concert to begin with.) Um, not entirely sure what you mean by the second thing though. Elaborate, please?
Like i said before about the anorexia sites, they usually end up as a sort of gathering place where people with those problems can reassure themselves, and it quite often ends up as a sort of competition, or act as a sort of protective circle because they all share the same problem. Hope that makes sense.
Ah, yeah. I get ya now. TWLOHA doesn't have any sort of user chat, so if (and i'm sure it does) it's not TWLOHA's doing. (I hope that makes sense) I've seen a lot of places like that. But, for those who have a real problem with it, TWLOHA provides a lot of hope for them.
Ok I know this is a super old post, I found it when I was just scrolling through… you guys really disappoint me. TWLOHA is an Amazing organization, its focused on helping ppl STOP cutting and seek treatment. Let me clarify a few things, Cutting is not a fad or anything like that. I used to cut because I felt alone, it was a way to relieve the pressure. I never cut because I thought it was cool. I know many cutters and none of them cut because its cool or the “popular” thing. People cut because they feel alone and broken, people cut because there are people In the world like you Ashleigh, who don’t even try to understand. Most cutters want to stop but their hooked. Cutting is form of release. Most cutters are ashamed of themselves but can’t seem to stop. I’m saying this from a personal point of view. Cutting is wrong, yes, but if the only reaction they get from people is judgment instead of love then why should they stop? TWLOHA is about love, they have saved my life more than once… I stopped cutting five months ago, My best friend saved my life. I never cut for attention, I’m constantly hiding scars. Listen people, We don’t do this for attention, we do it cause we are hurting and we have no other way to cope. We do it because the jokes hurt, We do it because people don't listen. We do it because we're desperate. We do it because people don't even TRY to understand this... they just label it as a new fad among teens. If your out there and your struggling with this… Let me say that rescue IS possible. Jesus has brought such an amazing peace to my life… he gave me the ability to stop cutting, I am not a failure and neither are you. Rescue is Possible Love is the Movement ~E
Perhaps I am getting too sociopolitical, but I can't help but think this is just another way that young folks will disconnect from the world and, more importantly, become dependent on others. We should be embracing the idea of individualism in this country, not some foolish mantra that we're all connected and related in one way or another. It sounds nice and all and it's hard to insult it without getting the hairy eyeball, but in the end it hurts us individually. I went through some depression when I was real young - it was one of the many side effects of losing my father. Through it I found the best friend I will always have: myself. Instead of relying on others to guide your way, you should do it on your own. Yes, it is hard, but all things worth doing in life are. The truly successful people in life are those who find happiness from within, not from relationships, friendships, or anyone or thing other then themselves. YOU should always be the most important person in your life. I understand the basic idea of this site and sites like it. Also, I know it wasn't some Machiavellian plot. Nevertheless, I think it's a sad comment on our society. I'm happy that people have found help through this site, but I wonder why it is we no longer have the ability to help ourselves anymore.
I don't think it's so much that we can't help ourselves. Sometimes you just need a friendly hand to get you started. I've dealt with depression myself, and while ultimately it was me who got my life back on track and pulled myself through, it was my family and a few good friends who gave me the push I needed to start working on getting my life back together. I think this program, and programs like it, are a good system of support for people who need that push.
Individualism is important, I agree, but if I had been alone I wouldn't be alive today. There is a difference between individuality and depending on other people. I don't find my true happiness from my friends or family, I find it from my Savior. Religion may be a crutch to some people, but I don't believe in religion, I believe in an intimate and personal relationship with the creator of the universe. The one who knows my name, and loved me enough to save me despite my shortcomings. Anyways I just wanted to clear things up that SI is not a new fad its a real issue, and one that many teens deal with. We can make a difference together. We can stop the bleeding... reach out to those around me... be a light when all people have ever known is darkness.
I don't really like calling it emo crap, since these are real problems that shouldn't be brushed off as that, but I suppose that is a valid concern.
2008? No, I don't think so. I'm not going to have a thread that is getting on towards a year old resurrected because someone wants a fight. I mean come on, did anyone seriously think this wouldn't end up closed? And ejoy23, given that your only two forum posts so far have been digging up an old thread, which frankly you really must have trawled the archives to find, and start a fight over such an old comment, you clearly have misjudged what kind of forum this is. I advise you to be more careful in future, else you really will not last long here. Please respect other people's right to disagree, as you have the right to disagree with them.