I want to post a few pages of my story for people to critique but when I srart a new thread and then try to attach my excerpt I'm told that it exceeds the 19.5kb limit. Is this the largest you can post or am I doing something wrong. Please help, I'm not that computer savvy. Thanks.
Any amount of a story that is too large to post in one post is probably going to be more of a given story than you want to post for other reasons. If you wish to ever have this story considered for publication, you will have seriously compromised your chances by having this much of the story in the public domain. Small portions are best for many reasons.
yup!... all of the above... another reason to keep the posts short is that many of us won't read too-long excerpts...
As others have said, how it works is this: If you post your story in a public domain, it will be incredibly hard--if not impossible--to publish. What this means for *you* is up to you. You can post entire short stories or novels on this site. Some of the "vets" here don't recommend it, but they are also more geared towards publication If you're out for fun, have fun and post your stories. Just thought I'd confirm that warning if it means anything to you.
Except the Review Room is not a place to poat for fun. It's a critiquing workshop, and posting too large an excerpt will turn away potential critiquers.
For some people getting critique on work is fun, as is giving it. The serious demeanor doesn't need to be sacrificed in order to enjoy what you're doing or writing. It's not like everyone in the Review Room is droning about miserably. I don't disagree too large of an entry will shun away all but the most devoted reviewers/critiquers, and certainly the topic creator's story wouldn't fit there, but that was far from my point.