1. iz.

    iz. New Member

    Mar 31, 2011
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    Too many ideas for one story?

    Discussion in 'Character Development' started by iz., Apr 24, 2011.

    I'm starting a fantasy-type story, which is centered around a group of four friends who are put together for a mission from the spy service they're in.
    Initially, I wasn't going to have that many sub-plots, seeing as I only want to write one book (I hope), but I was discussing my plans with my friend for feedback, and she suggested quite a few ideas. Thing is, I like the ideas, but a lot of them are way too cliche (like one of the four secretly being the heir to the kingdom but he doesnt know that). I'm thinking of knocking that particular idea off.

    But I wanted to ask; what would be a reasonable amount of subplots for a story like that, that's fantasy and action/adventure and suspense? I can't have, like, a twist every five chapters. :eek: I think my brain would explode from plot overload.

    :confused: I need to tell those plot bunnies to lay off D:

    Or should I just try for more than one book? I'm not too sure about that idea though - seeing as what I've planned is only enough for one.

    So yeah. Thoughts?
  2. Reggie

    Reggie I Like 'Em hot "N Spicy Contributor

    Nov 10, 2010
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    In my opnion, I don't think that having too many subplots are too much. It depends on how you feel about the story. Since it is fantasy, and if it's about magic or some sort, can be be necessary to add more subplots about the character magically making something disappear or something like that, dpending on how you like your characters to be and what situation he or she is in. What really matters is that you can add as many subplots as possible until you reach the climax of the story. And when you do your second draft, you may delete uncessary plots. Don't worry, your story will tell you what needs to be taken out once you are done with your first or second draft of the book.

    And as for writing a second book, it is up to you. If the central plot is totally different than the first book, then it would be a good idea to write a second boook. But as I said before, it's your book and you can either have a new plot on the same one or a new one, and once you are done with one or the other, your story will tell you what to do and you don't have to think too hard about adding additional or removing unnecessary subplots.
  3. Tesoro

    Tesoro Contributor Contributor

    Jan 3, 2011
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    A place with no future
    As many as you can handle without them taking the focus away from the actual plot or messing it up. Just sort through them and choose the most important and develope them more. It all depends on how much you elaborate each and every one. I'd say less is more in this case.
  4. dizzyspell

    dizzyspell Active Member

    Oct 8, 2010
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    Wellington, New Zealand
    Do they link together at all? My novel is SO full of subplots, but they all actually link in quite intricately with the main plot.

    If you can't tell which the main plot is, though, you may have a problem. For instance, using your (admittedly cliched) example, does the kingdom need a new king/queen because of events in the main plot? Or is it just a case of "and by the way, dude, you're the king." The latter, in my opinion, wouldn't work as a subplot because there's too much substance to be unrelated to the story you're telling. But if your subplots compliment the main plot, feel free to use as many as you want. You just have to learn to weave them together well :)
  5. Elgaisma

    Elgaisma Contributor Contributor

    Jun 12, 2010
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    Like dizzyspell says as long as they all hang off the main plot it isn't a problem.

    I tend to write busy plots but they all have a central theme/goal to hang that one sentence hook for my synopsis on. I do usually have too much plot but it gets cut naturally as I write my story. I don't always know the central theme until i have all the sub plots in place though.

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