Sometimes trying to find that right impact word can be frustrating. As is the case right now, so I'm hoping someone might be able to help me out. Is there a word, or a good way to phrase this: somebody who is slowly slipping, losing their 'humanity', falling down a wicked spiral, losing their morals, becoming merciless I was gonna use 'slowly losing his humanity', but it doesn't sound or feel right, there has to be a better short phrase. Any ideas would be greatly appreciated.
Single words that might work: Dehumanize- to deprive of human qualities or attributes Barbarize- to make barbarous; brutalize; corrupt Brutalize- to make brutal, or to treat [someone] with brutality Phrases: His heart hardens He becomes gradually ruthless He submits to inhuman barbarity That's all I can think of...
Words/phrases that could be played with to fit: uncivilised/barbaric Dorian Grey/Faust effect hellbound inhumane dog-eat-dog merciless callous or very Lady Macbeth - devoid of the milk of human kindness, so maybe the milk of human kindness is flowing from him.
Late night writing with a tired mind can lead to frustrating moments, especially when you know what you want to say but can't figure out how to put it into words. Thank you very much!
Unless you are writing a synopsis, I wouldn't try to sum it up in a single phrase. But a descent into heartless savagery might come close.
I think if it's for an essay, it's probably good to sum it up in a single phrase. Creative writing, maybe not. It depends on context. Good suggestion.
I must agree with Cogito that if this is for fiction, even if it has already happened in the story, it is far better to show it through actions than sum it all up in a character's epithet. But: "As the pain turns to ache so too did his conscience subside. The feeble, hollow voice soon would gasp for air." I really don't think you can get across what you want to say in only four words.
Great input. The point was to sum up the broad stroke of the story into a single sentence. I won't be using it in the actual story.
"Degenerate" is another word that no one's mentioned yet (at least not that I've noticed: I'm a big-picture person and sometimes not the best with details), but that word also sometimes has a self-righteous connotation. It really depends on the context where the word appears. If you can use a phrase rather than a single word, you could also say that the person has lost their integrity.
"His soul shriveled until it was nothing more than a dried-up souvenir, a memory of what it had been like to be human. He still took it out now and then for special occasions, motivated by boredom more than loneliness." Eh. I typed it, so I'll post it.
His very (human) nature, burned from the marrow of his bones like damp tinder: slow but steady, until there was nothing left but cold, dead ash. I'd like credit if you use this, lol. Muahahahaha
I come in and read some of the things you guys write, and it makes me realize that I have a long way to go before I can even consider myself a decent wordsmith. Kudos to all of you and the visuals that leap from your words.
Don't sweat it, Freebird, there's also some really purple prose posted here that I wouldn't recommend you try to emulate
"somebody who is slowly slipping, losing their 'humanity', falling down a wicked spiral, losing their morals, becoming merciless" Insane. Dead. No, really, I can't think of any. But as long as we're here, how would you describe a person who feels entitled to things she isn't?
Arrogant Self-entitled Self-important Big-headed Ego-centric An asshole...although I don't really recommend this last one, except in a rather specific kind of piece...