By now, many of you probably have seen my previous thread "Rhyming Nazis", which had two or three of my 20 something pieces of writing. it showed a vast sample of my style in writing, which many of you had strict remarks on. And since so many of you believed that I should actually turn them into proper traditional poetry, and that it would bring out there potential, I am willing to give it a try - It is time i start moving to a new level after 2 years of writing. And I really need your help. Although I know a lot of friends, that are writers, none are poem experts, and online is probably the only place where I can find any. So.. here I am. I realize that this forum can NOT be turned into a workshop, so it would have to be done through messaging if anyone shall take special interest, and help me. However, I am wondering, what kind of poems should I go for? how are there formats? what are the most "freestyle" allowing available poems, and how do they work? And if you have seen my pieces, what kind of poetry suits me most? all of the things I need to know... I really appreciate in advance any help in what ever shape or form.
i mentor many aspiring poets, george, so i'll be happy to help you with this, if you want to email me... i applaud you for wanting to improve your writing... you do show promise, so i'm really glad you want to work on making the most of your potential... love and hugs, maia
Hi George, it's good that you're interested in poetry. But before you go and get mentoring, the most important thing you need to do (if you want to develop as a poet) is go out and buy contemporary poetry from bookshops and small presses (including poetry journals, magazines etc). Then read, read and read. Immerse yourself in the art. This process will help you learn and grow. You'd be surprised at how many aspiring poets fail to read poetry published beyond 1884. This leaves their work stale and unsuitable for the current times. And not only that, many aspiring poets fail to read poetry at all. Crazy huh? There are so many excellent contemporary poets out there - many of whom are pushing the boundaries at the cutting edge of poetry. Language is a living creature forever growing and evolving. So before you do anything, go out and buy some poetry and read it closely. After all, you want people to read your stuff when it's ready? Well pay other poets the same courtesy. Finally, if you do seek a mentor, make sure he/she actually has a proven track record of being published in respectable poetry journals and/or presses, and has a history of being involved with the poetry communities. In other words, make sure they know what they're talking about. Self publishing and vanity press doesn't count. Take it upon yourself to be informed about the craft so you can be in a better position to make judgments about poetry and the related issues. All the best.
Seamus Heaney, W.H. Auden, Richard Tillinghast, Philip Larken, James Fenton and Robert Pinsky are always good choices.
Looking at your location, I think you might like Omar Sabbagh’s recent collection Waxed Mahogany published at Agenda Editions. . . . follow this link and scroll down to find out more. . . and follow the link to the online bookshop. There are other titles that might interest you. While we're on the subject of Agenda, check out the free Online Broadsheets here - these are young emerging poets. Much to learn also from the Notes For Broadsheet Poets here Agenda itself is an excellent international journal with a very good reputation. One of my favourites. Well worth a subscription. As for other journals, there are many. And all of them have their own house styles, editorial tastes which may or may not be to your liking. So hunt around - find those publications and small presses that resonate with you. I can suggest a couple to get you started: also, check out the Poetry Society for reference: There are many contemporary poets out there. Good luck with everything. I'm sure you'll find your voice.
Hey I remember you and your thread, I think it's awesome you're gonna turn your work into real poetry. I did really like what I saw of your work on the Rhyming Nazi thread. Do post some of your stuff on here in the workshop when you get a chance, would love to see how you progress
Thanks everyone. I do want to post, when I feel they are a bit better and more ready. hopefully I can change some of the people's opinions on the writings.
What happened to your Rhyming Nazi thread? I wanted to refer to some posts you and I wrote there, but I couldn't find the thread.
It was taken down by the mods, maybe for being turned into a workshop... could we finish on messaging?
with only 8 posts so far, you haven't fulfilled site requirements for posting work to be reviewed... that's why it was taken down... check the rules and regs for what you need to do before posting material... love and hugs, maia