I'd have to say that my favorite TV shows are House, Heroes, and Firefly. I've been looking into some other shows, but I'm not sure which one to start. Here are the ones that look interesting. -Supernatural -Smallville -Buffy the Vampire Slayer I bet a lot of you have seen some of these, what are your opinions on them?
I don't much care for Supernatural. but the other two shows are, in my opinion, outstanding. I am not a fan of vampire fiction, but the characters and dialogue in Buffy are exceptional. It is a very well-written series, with Joss Whedon keeping his guiding hand on it. The one season in which he was focusing on another project was the wealest season of Buffy. Smallville puts a very human slant on the American supergero mythgology of Superman in his late teens and early manhood. The dynamic of his friendship with Lex Luthor, and its decay over time, is by itself worth watching fram a chacter development perspective.
I'm not a huge fan of any of those shows. I'm sure Buffy is good, I've just never gotten into it. I didn't like supernatural, though I had looked forward to it. I'm not a fan of smallville. i never bought the twisted teenage soul as ever being supermanish. I thought the show was based of a flaws concept that made no sense in relation to the comic book hero.
I have seen them all...my favorites are Buffy, hands down and Smallville was pretty good too. I am kinda picky about what I spend time watching but I could watch Buffy anytime... Supernatural was okay but it didn't hold my interest.
My favorite shows are Heroes, Supernatural and Pushing Daisies (It's like a Forensic Fairy Tale). I like Supernatural a lot, with all the witches, demons and those things But I prefer Pushing Daisies, not so many action, but it's a masterpiece.
Heroes is pretty sweet. I missed the whole second season. The writers strike really screwed me there.
Heroes Season 2: Generations was a bit disappointing, but I'm eagerly anticipating Season 3: Villains.
Doctor Who (you MUST MUST watch Doctor Who) I liked Supernatural it was a really good show in my opinion. Some other shows to look over: Heroes Eureka Criminal Minds
For me Eureka has always been hit or miss. The character of Jack Carter is surprisingly similar (Meaning nearly identical) to Jack O'Neil from Star-Gate. That and episodes themselves, though well put together, are rather boring. They also have the classic Star Trek simplification of complex concepts as well as constant use of the phrase "It should work/should be possible" and other related phrases. I'm ranting. Anyway Eureka is ok. I like it sometimes. I personally still love the classic Law and Order and I like the choice to make Jack McCoy the DA to replace Thompson. I'm not a fan of CI, but SVU is ok. I'm looking forward to the new Sci-fi series Sanctuary. It's looking a bit X-Files-ish but it can't possibly be as bad as the X-Files movie was. Has anyone here ever watched Joan of Arcadia? That show didn't last long but it was pretty good.
Buffy, Firefly, Doctor Who, and- gasp- Lost and Scrubs. Scrubs has gone on a painful decline of late, but I swear it used to be awesome; whereas Lost went on its painful decline a few seasons ago, but as of Season 4 was back on the up-and-up, and I am TOTALLY PSYCHED for Season 5.
Buffy would be one I most highly recommend out of those three - might have something to do with me having a huge bias for it, though. I would also recommend starting from the beginning - by the time the show really hits its stride, it has a very well established ethos that is harder to get into without the background, in my opinion. One show that I always recommend is Invader Zim. Chances are you will have to chase it down on DVD, but it's worth it - one of the most quotable shows ever! (And it would be way cool if someone else got how funny it was if I said "It's not stupid! It's advaaaaanced!") lol.
There have been some good recommendations, but let me add in a couple I haven't seen mentioned yet: The Wire - Holy crap, is this show good. It is a depressingly realistic portrayal of crime and violence on the streets of Baltimore, MD. The writing is top-notch, and one of the most engaging aspects of the show is its way of showing the various facets to every event. The first season is probably the strongest example of this, as it portrays the tracking and capture of a violent drug kingpin both from the point of view of the police and of the druglord himself. A word of advice, however: this show hates you, and it will do its best to make you cry. No one is pure in the Wire; the good guys all have their secret sins, and the bad guys all have something to admire. Ugly Betty - It's an American version of a Spanish telenovella. No, really. And it's awesome. I cannot stress enough how fun this show it. To put it in perspective: I usually watch Buffy, Firefly, Avatar, Trigun, Slayers, Heroes. All the usual geeky stuff. You could not get me within thirty feet of a clothing shop; my sense of fashion is pretty much limited to jeans and T-shirts from Threadless; I never dated until my second year of college. And yet I watched this show about relationships and drama at a fashion magazine and was absolutely enthralled by it. It is funny and lively and has some of the most engaging and entertaining villains I've ever seen. If the Wire is a show where no one is pure, then Ugly Betty is a show where everyone is more or less lovable.
So, I checked out the show with the most recommendations, Buffy, and I have to say I liked it. It seems kind of cheesy, but I found myself liking it anyway. I already like Xander.
Lost is the most interesting show out there, if you're patient and intelligent. Scrubs is the dumbest show out there. The X-Files, especially the earlier seasons, are extremely good. Character chemistry at its finest.
I don't like Lost much. The characters are great. Very deep and very interesting but the shows plot just annoyed me so much that by season three I quit watching. Scrubs strikes me as a love/hate it show. It has its moments of hilariousity though. 100% True. One of the best scifi/mystery television shows ever created (The new movie sucked though. Almost as badly as the last season of the show.)
- Doctor Who (You must must watch) - Pushing daisies (before I found out that the title actually has a meaning, I invented a whole mythology as to why it was called that.) (They are the only show to premier in the season of the strike and get a renewal! Poor Cavemen.) - Battlestar Galactica (damn good fun) - Heroes (Victims of the strike, but still going!) - Futurama (Five years was long enough, welcome back!)