This news link is a few hours out of date, but two sisters, ages 3 and 14, were killed when their apartment building burned overnight, and their mother is hospitalized, and in critical condition. Fire investigators are now saying that the fire was deliberately set. A woman who fought with the mother earlier over a man is suspected of having set the deadly blaze. This makes me sick with anger.
Can we just have a Depressing News Topic for all of these stories? Cuz it seems like we get a LOT of threads about this kind of stuff...
This is why I have no girlfriend. They're more trouble than their worth -_- Thats actually a good idea... and that makes it seem so much sader
To be honest, I feel that would belittle the stories. Absolutely awful, and just disgusting if the fire was deliberately lit RIP kiddies.
Gawd, that's so lowly and mean of the women clan, and the news so sad. My prayers with the family. Seriously? and I thought it was because they couldn't bear being ladyofhats. lol...sorry had to try here, there are too many of this stuff happening around, including beating up children in school. And to think this is the future we have in store for us, makes me shudder.
This is indeed a tragedy. I feel so sorry for the mother of the children and I only hoep that she has plenty of support in such a tragic time. My heart goes out to her.
I just feel so ssorry for the children who lost their lives in the fire, I can't imagine how it might have been for them and also for the mother, who i'm sure didn't expect a fire to be set which would kill her children purely because she argued with another woman over a man... If the other woman did indeed set the fire then she should really get what she deserves.
Whoever set the fire, whether it was the woman mentioned in the news story or someone else, should be prosecuted for arson and murder. The fire scene is currently being treated as the scene of a double homicide. There's a possibility the mother won't survive either. The 14-year old was said to be very protective of her little sister, and refused to leave the building without her. The investigators found them both in a closet, and the older child was holding her sister. The mother's injuries were from her repeated attempts to reenter the building to try to retrieve her daughters. The third child, a boy, was restrained from going back in as well, so he suffered no serious injuries.
We can't exactly go over and tell them how sorry we are. So, we can pray or we can sit around on our butts. At least prying makes me feel better... sitting around gives me butts sores and that's not fun!
Prayers are the best you can do sometimes. There isn't an address to send mail, or an email to contact the family, and their isn't a number to call that was in this thread. Sometimes, you can only do so much.
In situations likes this, prayer is the best weapon known to man. It's all about having faith in your prayer. It's really sad to know about the family. My condolences, but natural, are with them. Though I oughta really dissect the person behind this! What wrong did the little ones do, huh? Kudos to the 13-year-old girl, though. She had some love for her sister.
If you cared that much you might try to find an adress. You might find a way to help the family. Not sit on your butt and pray. Pray is not a weapon. Pray is not the best thing you can do. Pray is the voice of someone who doesn't know what to do.
LOL . Well, that's true. Most women would rather by Lady of Gifts, or Lady of Romance, or Lady of Commitment or something. Hats apparently just don't cut the cake with women these days . Cog, when you say the mother was injured trying to get into the building, was she like busting throught doors and windows and stuff (Trying to actually ge tin) or was she being restrained and she just fought really hard? I ask outof curiosity.
Cog, that's just so devastating, though I suppose nice that they got to die in each other's arms Also, please stay on topic.
Much as I sometimes like blaming God, telling him if he existed life won't be this way, but I still believe in him. And even though prayers may not seem enough, sometmes they are just enough to console ourselves that we will be fine, humanity will be fine if we leave the reins in God's hands. Ok, I just had to get it out of my system. NOW we can return back to the topic.
Ok, I appreciate that people wanted to get things out of their system but can we now remain on the topic and let us all respect each others beliefs - whether you believe in prayer or don't is fine... just don't berate others for what they believe. This is a devastating event and I don't want to see what started out as a respectful thread turn into an argument between forum members. This thread is about the two children who lost their lives to a fire that may or may not have been arson, leaving behind a third child and a mother who has incurred injuries herself. Lets keep it to that.
In respect of those two children I'm locking this thread. The debate is becoming disrespectful *Click* ~Raven. Senior Super Moderator.