And they're pretty good. According to the friend who shared them with our FB group: "If I can't go to sleep, then neither can any of you." Thought I'd share the favor.
Lucky for me, my alarm's gone off and I have to get up. I haven't come across much fiction like this. Before I clicked the link I was thinking: How scary can a two line horror be, there'd be no anticipation? I'm now about to eat my own words for breakfast. Thanks for this, Ginger. Breaking down how these pieces achieve that wanted effect has been very enlightening.
I'd heard a few of these before, but they're really effective nonetheless. There're some more excellent ones in the original Reddit thread, which is linked at the head of the list.
That is genius. Though I see a lacking of the worst two sentence horror story known to man. "I Turned on the television and I reached into my potato chip bag. There was nothing in there."
Number 13 is quite awesome. Some of these are actually good to write a short story, just for practice. I also liked this one, it really gave me the creeps: The doctors told the amputee he might experience a phantom limb from time to time. Nobody prepared him for the moments though, when he felt cold fingers brush across his phantom hand.