I don't normally come to the forum looking for help with my job, but we've recently acquired contracts with some U.K. organizations and I now find myself taking many calls from the fair isles. I am looking for help with terminologies of U.K. social services. I am not looking for the usual cliche list of words different on either side of the pond, so for the love of (fill in your deity of choice), none of those words, please! Anyone have any resources or know where I might be able to get a list of the actual names for different kinds of social services a person might receive in the U.K?
http://www.direct.gov.uk/en/index.htm Try here, perhaps? My friend who is always looking up odd stuff swears by it.
I'd also point out that we're on the cusp of wholescale reform/dicking about with the benefits system, so if you're going to be dealing with that over the next few months/years then you're in for quite a bit of confusion.
As someone who has a child and a serial bargain hunter, I have mastered the art of doing a week's shopping on £17, so fear not, all is not lost!