I just spent a lot of time on a review. Afterwards I discovered that the author was a banned member . I could have spent all that time helping someone who deserved it. How can I tell if a member is banned? I don't want this to happen again.
Under the name. (Like how mine says 'Senior Member') To answer your next question, I believe you obtain seniority at 100 posts.
Under their name it states as their status on here that they are banned. Well it should do anyways. when you make a post on the forum you will see your own name. It then says Member. In the case of a banned member, it will say banned. If it doesn't then the member is not banned. Or it may be located underneath a banned members avatar.
I wasn't being mean. I was being cheeky! Seriously though, it must seriously suck that you spent all this time reviewing this persons work when they have been banned ages ago. Just keep in future reference to check the members status.
I think that is because we have been very lucky to have so many wonderful people join us here rather than people who would only wish to cause trouble. It is lovely how the banned member number on this forum is a great deal lesser than the number of banned members on the other forums that I frequent.
I've found that Hull Raven's stories seem to attract members that will become banned later on like a magnet. Quite intriguing.
Super Moderators. They are the ones that help to maintain the forum in the absence of the site administrator and owner. Bit like a police force in a sense really. They keep things going smoothly and resolve all problems that may arise. THere is a list of them, you simply click on the button at the bottom of the forum titled forum leaders.
Yeah I know...hehe What the heck are mods? This was originally posted in the oops spot preceding Torana's post. I got confused...uhhh....haha
Mercy, I know you saw the review you did for the banned member as a wasta, but as someone once told me, no review is a waste. Ok, so that member might not have gotten anything form it, but I bet you have imporved your reviewing skills, if even slightly, along the way. It is all good practice. and mods are the moderators, who are blue
Please don't consider a review wasted just because the author is banned. Banned or not, there is no guarantee that a writer will read the review, much less benefit from it. There will always be some who soak up the praise and ignore everything else. There will always be those who visited but aren't all theat committed. And there will always be the ones who simply disagree with your assessment. All that aside, there is one person who is guaranteed to benefit from the effort - the reviewer. Every bit of effort you put into reviewing someone else's work sharpens your eye for the kinds of details you will want to look for in your own writing. When you give a person a review, you give him or her a fish - you feed the author for a day, although you can hope the writer can extend your specific recommendations to general principles. But you are teaching yourself to fish - you are feeding yourself for a lifetime. So there really is no such thing as a wasted review. P.S. - That's also a good reason not to delete threads just because the original author was banned. Not only can you stretch your skills by reviewing it anyway, you can also look at other members' responses and see what they saw in the piece.
Usually because they try buttering me up by not reading them and giving a low review then start flaming across the seperate forums and thus end up in the Banned catergory. As for Haunter that was at his own request.
Not sure what he's doing now DoZ but his last request was to be banned so I kindly Obliged. If he wants to come back I'm sure he'll email me when he's ready. But he never was the writer. I guess if he does return he will want a new start and proberly a new user name. Who knows but I personally doubt he'll return somehow.