Do you ever feel like you are quite possibly the worst writer on the face of the planet and that you should take every single thing you have ever written and burn it all so that nobody else has to be tortured with even seeing the pathetic title of one of your measly chapters?
I would probably feel like that if I could actually complete something. In addition, I would need to actually have my work on printer as I simply refuse to burn any of my computers.
YES, oh God, yes. I feel horrible at everything I do: piano, guitar, writing, singing, sketching... but I can't stop doing it, so instead of pressure myself to try and be the best, I just call it therapy and become less judgemental.
Yes, all the time Justina. It is stupid as I am not that terrible, but one knock and I am down for a long time. It takes a lot to get my confidence back up again. And I bet you are no where near as bad as you think, people very rarely are.
That is true. I know. I guess that all people that participate in art feel this way from time to time. I don't like it! hahaha
Sure do. Sometimes everything feels completely hopeless and useless and you just want to give up on everything. Sometimes it feels like there's no point in doing anything. But there almost always is.
most of the time. I write and then figure what is the point. It isn't good enough for anyone to read. Then I send it by email to Dom and he builds me up by helping with the structure and I move on from there. The only thing I know I do really well is be a mother. That I have never found me calling myself a failure.
I never feel that way to be honest. I know I'm better than a vast majority of people, however I accept that there are thousands of writers out there better than me as well. I just write to the best of my capabilities. If you do too, then there's no need to worry - you're already better than millions of people as well.
Well put Bluemouth. I used to think like that. But what I came to realise that it doesn't matter if every other person is better than I am at writing. The only thing that matter is that I enjoy writing and I do. Well no I don't, I love writing. I'm lost without it.
I don't compare myself to anyone... but sometimes I just read what I have written and I LOVE it... then other times I read it and think it is garbage! I think a lot of this just has to do with inexperience. This is the first time I have ever written a story and I am a perfectionist. I know that it will keep evolving and I will edit it to death and others will keep giving their input, etc. Last night was just a "hate it" moment.
I agree with you. I feel I have "some" potential, and I use the word loosely. I may never get anything done well enough to be worthy of publishing, but at least I can say I tried. I, like most of you here in the forums, write because "I have to." I can't stop writing, but sometimes, when I sit in front of this computer, I stare at the pages, and nothing... Other days, my fingers can't fly fast enough. I don't try to write unless I know my brain is in the mood to be creative. If I push myself, I end up writing crap.
I've never felt that way with anything. I don't know why. I'm talented, but probably not the best, and my first few written things were extremely bad.. but even then, I liked them, because I put time, effort, and any quality I could pull through into them.
I usually don't feel that way about anything either. I don't know why my writing does this to me! I think it is just inexperience.
I can't help but read someone else's work and realise how good it is and then compare it to my own. I know it is stupid but I cannot help it. Even though I might not think I am very good though, I would be lost without writing. It might sound a little sad but it is my life, I have been doing it since I was 6 and I couldn't imagine my life without it. It just sort of makes me realise that I don't care too much whether I am good or not, as long as I can write.
Everyone has a different writing 'style' therefore the phrase better than becomes invalid. Just imagine how boring the world of writing would be if everyone wrote the same way.
I'm not into the self-loathing game. It's really a pointless and depressing endeavor to try to see how bad your are at something. I have a good idea of my skill level, and I know that it's higher than most of the amateur writers that I read. A part of becoming a writer in earnest is learning that you can never properly represent your thoughts on paper.
I agree with that completely. I really don't compare myself to anyone but myself... meaning... I am my own worst judge. Usually, I am just fine and happy and plugging along with my writing... but every once in a while (like the other night) I re-read what I wrote and hate it! And then... the next day... I am all better again.