What is your memory like? Good or bad? Do you put things down and then 5 minutes later you can't remember where it is? What can you do to increase your memory? The reason why I am asking is ever since i was pregnant with Amity I have had a really bad memory. These days I can put my phone down on a table somewhere and then in 5 minutes I am literally unable to find it and have no idea where I left it. On Thursday I sat it on the tray of my sisters dual cab and forgot about it. I went to Mason's appointment in a town/city 2 hours away and left it there. I got home around 6ish roughly and wasn't until 12pm that night I found it again. I do it all the time though. I forget everything. I even forgot I had to go to my good friends 21st tonight. OOPS! So what is your memory like? Do you know any excersises that help with imrpoving your memory? Torana
No idea how to fix it, but I have an awful memory with returning phone calls and keeping dates right. I always loose my keys and phones. The only thing I never lose is my daughter lol.
lol yeah I think my children are the only things I never lose. I lose my keycard at least 6 times a year and forget my pin number at least a billion times
Have you seen the advert for the BrainTraining on Nintedo?? They are meant to boost your memory and stuff. I have a terrible memory with some things, like homework and remebering who I have told what. I always end up telling the same person the same story over and over. lol. Then my memory is excellent with daft little things that are not important, like sitting on the loo on my 5th birthday crying 'cos my sister was having a tantrum 'cos she didn't want to watch James and the Giatn Peach. I could tell you loads about that memory.
I always put my keys, wallet, phone, as well as other things in the same spot. When I was a child my father would check every night to make sure I put my keys and wallet in the same spot. If I didn't, I was grounded. I must say it worked. I never lose my keys or wallet. I apply this process to everything I own. I put things in one spot, and always return it to where I found it. My wife does the same thing, and we never lose anything. My father used to say, "a little bit of discipline goes a long way."
lol sounds like we have more in common than we thought heather. I am exactly the same with remembering daft things lol Like jumping on the couch kicking my sister between the legs when I was 4 cause I wasn't able to get her to stop bashing me any other way. I'd then hide under the house lol
Ugh, I have a shocking memory. My long-term memory is great, but my short-term memory is horrible. It's so hard for me to absorb information, I don't know why; I think my mind is too foggy. I have learned techniques to help in the past, but in all honesty, I've forgotten what they are...
I'm similar Ed, but that's because I'm slightly obsessive compulsive. Okay, I've gotta ask this now - is there something actually going on between you and Kit, Banzai? Every topic I go to there seems to be some freakishly flirtacious posts. Just a general query ...
Under the house?? buy aye, I do tend t remeber little things about being young that happened years and years ago, but ask me what I had for tea on Wednesday and I wouldn't have a clue
LOL heather I know what that is like hey. I can't remember if I had tea or not tonight...I should probably eat in case I didn't. that is my usual routine. Did I eat? Mayeb I should eat in case I didn't? THen I forget and hours later I end up eating cause I am starving.
That I can believe as someone told me how to help my memory and I forgot it like five minutes later when I went up town to get it.....I don't even remember who told me to be hoenst!!!!
Hey I only got back a month ago I've missed quite a bit. Resident lovebirds, though. Didn't see that coming ... until I started noticing the suggestive posts.
hehe, you have a lot of catching up to do then. Isn't it funny how much things change in such a short period?
I only remember the things I really need to remember, the rest is pushed into my attic-like subconscience.
I'm not good at remembering short-term, practical things like where I left my stuff but when it comes to things like remembering books, movies, past events or written knowledge I'm somewhat formidable.
One thing I do have is a good photographic memory. I find it easier to remember things if I picture them in my mind. For instance, if I'm trying to remember material in an exam, it's easier for me to picture the material than to try to remember what was written. Occasionally my brain also retains these really random things which does come in handy sometimes.