This is aimed mainly at people living in the UK I guess but I was just wondering how many of you, if any, are currently at university or looking to attend in the next couple of years?
I'm Y12 (Lower Sixth) at the moment, so I'll be going 2008. Scary. Might have to grow up soon. I've already started drawing up lists of Unis to go and see.
Kool, that's basically why i'm asking lol because i'm in lower sixth too and i'm after advice on how people chose their universities and what other people are looking for. I have a list of about 8... but am having trouble choosing out of those. I thought i'd chosen my first choice course and uni at one point because the course is fantastic and the information supplied was very good... but the rest of the university isn't so good (i.e. accomodation and such). I'm also hoping to talk to lower sixth students that might be going to any universities that I end up at... hehe I could end up running into you at university one day *evil laugh*
There's a really good course i'm looking into at Bath Univeristy which is Modern Languages and European Studies and it has a really nice balance between the French and Spanish and the history and politics of it all. Bath's one of the only universities i've looked at so far that goes into so much detail about what you'll study, what options you'll have each semester with modules and what each module entails... before you sign up lol. I'm having trouble dragging it out of most of the others.
Cool. I suck at languages. I'm doing the International Baccalaureate at the moment (perhaps you've heard of it?) and I have to do a language as part of it. I'm doing German, but not anything like well. I'm looking to do Law at university, with the main universtities I'm looking at being Warwick and Nottingham. Also, Liverpool looked pretty good when I went to have a look around there, so possibly that, too.
That's cool, which university for Nottingham? Nottingham Trent or the University of Nottingham? They're both about 40 minutes away from me. I have heard of it, but i've never known anybody that's taken one and I must admit that I don't know a lot about it. I looked at Warwick for languages because I liked the idea of going there but apparantly they don't do Spanish
I lived in Nottingham for 5 years before I moved out here. Great city to be a student in. My friends did their PHD's in Trent I think - it was the one near Beeston anyway - they both thought it was good. Mind you their subjects were chemistry-based, what it's like for languages I don't know. Doesn't matter, whichever one you go to, you'll be in Nottingham. God I miss proper beer, and arthouse cinema. However, if Notts is your hometown, for God's-sake go somewhere else to study. Part of Uni is learning to be independent, not just exchanging one school for another.
I'm a geoscience undergrad. A minor for my program isn't required, but I'm going to see if I can get one in zoology or botany anyway, possibly for paleontological grad school.
oooo! geoscience. I am in British Columbia(canada) and looking to go back to school. Geosciences have always interested me, but I could never figure out what do to with it after I am done the schooling. What kind of jobs can you get from it?
All reports I'm getting from media, government 'job outlook' publications, and the faculty itself (all their grads got offers last year) is that it's a very strong field. It really depends on where your values lie. Some people don't want to work for mining companies, or big oil and gas, but many grads go to work for them. Government work is also available with the Geological Surveys, and of course, academia is always an option - one of my profs was even hired out to German filmmakers who did a documentary on the glacial Lake Agassiz. Another student went to work for the city police as a 'forensic geologist' (CSI type stuff, but with soils and such). Thing, too, is that it's a large field, not just geology. For example, a lot of faculties combine several areas like atmospheric sciences, environmental science, and to some degree, even ecology. Me, I work in a factory, so basically the first offer I get is what I'm running with - I want to be out in the field doing stuff.
Meh...I'm in the US, but I just finished my sophomore year at the University of Pennsylvania. Majoring in political science, minoring in (I hope) psychology and Russian
Lol... yeah that's one reason that I don't just want to go to nottingham. Although I live 40 minutes away,I've never actually been in to nottingham really. Once a week I get the tram there, get off the tram (which stops almost straight outside college where I do an evening course), do my course, get the tram back and come home... that's my experience of Nottingham.
Any sort of science, geological included, confuse the hell out of me.... lol congrats to those that manage them
Really? That surprises me a lot. Myself, I can do sciences, it's just that I don't find them at all interesting, and the idea of spending 3/4 years doing science doesn't catch my interest. But law seems cool
I gave up on finding a uni because I decided I hated UCAs. Leaving school quickly followed. Now I'm homeless and poor! Kids, stay in school. o.-
I left at the end of year ten (In Australia...) but part of me wishes that I could go back to highchool, sit my sats (hmmmm.. he, it's a funny!) and actually do something usefull. I wouldn't mind studying to be a social worker for children or something similar. But Our school wasn't really the best at the time. Hardly any of the teachers made any time for those that struggled and it didn't help that the maths teacher was a perv that kept tryign to look down all the girls shirts. But Stay in school guys unless you have a brilliant opertunity.
i am a few years off yet (four years) but i hope to go to university and study psychology. i want to go to Durham university, which although it is hard to get into my teacher told my mam yesturday (parents evening) that if i work hard then i can Heather
Sounds cool, Heather. A brother of a friend goes to Durham. He does English though. But Durham is one of the best Universities in Britain, so good to see you're aiming high
God... its weird to think that i'll be going off to university next year. I don't feel ready yet lol.