What are some very unnatural, unorthodox writing methods you have heard of or used? Mine is during the plotting stage. Instead of just writing dot points of what happens, I will write a summary of the scene, and the wierdest part is I write the first few and last few sentences of the scene, so I have something to work between. That's just me, what about you guys?
notsureifserious.jpg I write down the plot points I want to hit, hide the list, write the story, and see how it compares. I change a few things I cannot stand and make changes as I go. It's fun, really. For essays, I simply must have Joe Satriani playing at all times. Only with his music playing can I be productive.
Kitten blood? Nyeh, that's so eighties rock star. Or so Charlie Sheen. Drinking Manticore milk - now that might impress.
About 70-80% of all of the action scenes in my planned series have been plotted out and choreographed to some of my favorite rock/metal songs. And when I write said scenes I usually have that song/album playing to set the mood.
i listen to all the most horribly nihilistic music i can find, especially mid-period grindcore and early noise rock while staring at a white wall for 12 hours.
I start from 2~3 random scenes and keep adding more until they connect. The scenes themselves are written like a watered-down version of the first draft: it has dialogue, action, emotion and notes on setting/senses/symbolism/etc; but it's telling rather than showing, each scene is written as one long paragraph (wall of text can last multiple A5 pages) and the language used is vulgar as I don't see the point in taking the time to make it sound pretty or politically correct. These outlines tend to fall between 20~35k by the time they're finished.