I am interested in reading more often. Though I do read books occasionally, they are informal books that I read only to get the information I want. I am interested in a novel, as books that tell actual stories will keep me going the whole way through...if they are good. I'm wondering if you guys can list any urban fantasy novels with a bit of maturity in them. Classic fantasy elements such as magic and vampires,werewolves,etc are okay, but I would prefer something that's not a kid novel or a teen romance.
The Shadowrun books, if you can find them. Orcs with machine guns, Trolls with data jacks in their skulls. Dragons who are business tycoons. Simon Green's "Nightside" series. The dark side of London where all the weird and legendary creatures live. Ben Aaronovitch - "Rivers of London" series. Funny but hard boiled at the same time. Magic/police. Love Dresden too.
The Sandman Slim series are great books. For some reason they don't come to my mind when Urban Fantasy is mentioned because most of the action takes place in Hell.
Thanks guys for the examples. I appreciate the help. Any more urban fantasies with mages/sorcerers as the main characters?
The Kate Daniels series by Ilona Andrew. The main character is a woman and there is a bit of romance in the book, but it takes the backseat.
The Antita Blake novels by Laurell K. Hamilton are pretty good. The early novels in the series are more action focused. More sexual content with each novel seemed to be the pattern. About the 6th or 7th I quit the series because of it. But the early ones I'd recommend. Dead Spots by Melissa Olsen is okay. Sort of an Antita Blake light, but isn't a carbon copy. There's a second novel in the series I've not read yet.
Are you telling me Satan has been outHelled by a bunch of mugs in gas-guzzling SUVs stuck in traffic on the 405?