When a boy you like tells you he plays the violin via a text, should you be all "that explains why you're so smart!" or just be like "oh that's cool"? Help!
Depends on the context. Has he just brought it up, out of the blue? If he has, then he's looking for attention. Congratulate him for playing the violin or scold him, depending on your mood. However, if it's come up in conversation and/or doesn't feel forced, then it's probably just to say that that's what he plays, and that he'd like attention in a 'normal' sort of way. He's telling you what his hobbies are, and that might be a sign of him liking you, but I can't be sure of that one, because I don't know him (at all) or you (in person). Good luck!
Thanks for the advice! Actually, I'm really torn between him and this other guy I like too, but it's so complicated! I need advice on that too....
If he hasn't played in 3 years he does not play the violin. Especially at your age, he played for maybe 2-3 years? I played trombone for 8 years in school, but I'd never tell anyone I still did it unless I was trolling for a compliment.
Yeah, but I was just kind of fishing for something to talk to him about..... (Because I have boy problems! I like two guys and oh......)
Well I sold my axe after high school on account of going to art college. Hey, did you ever get to do suicides? Or were you in the pep band?
I love it! An intelligent young lady who adds more to adult conversation than other adults (like, say, myself), finds herself in the confusion and angst of adolescent amore.
Well, that's just not right. Maybe this needs to be a writing prompt. That way the entire board can have a chance to write a middle school love story about @Duchess-Yukine-Suoh
This is the CSU band doing suicides. Because my band teacher wrote the song (called "the butt dance") we did suicides. EDIT: Watching it 10 years latter, that four cymbal crash still makes me break out in a sweat.