I hate Valentine's Day. I don't mean "dislike," I mean hate. Hate, Loathe, Despise, ya me? I hate the stupid candies, made by the same company that makes chalk. I hate the chocolate, overpriced and terrible. I hate the day spas, the people, I hate the cards. Every single person that walks by me on this wretched day is rued a thousand times. I'm so lonely, and I just want someone to talk to...
It's funny, cause like two years ago my (now) husband and I were single, sitting next to each other in a music class, talking about how our love lives were non-existent and how we hated Valentine's Day. (And now we're married!) How ironic. Cheer up, love awaits.
Valentine's Day is a sucky, overrated, commercialistic holiday, but that's no reason to go emo. Just ignore it.
I totally agree with you Crazy Ivan, but everyone needs a friend that they can rely on for support when they are going through a hard time and there are so many people who do go through hard times during Valentines. I don't celebrate Valentines as I believe that love is something that should be celebrated everyday of the year not just one day. It is just a day for businesses to drag another dollar out of consumers. Ariella
I've never celebrated it. I consider it over commercialized junk. Now if I had a girl friend who was really enthusiastic about it I'd definitely celebrate it, but only to make her happy. But if she didn't care, than it would just be an ordinary day of the week. Like ariella said show the love every day, why worry about one specific date on the calender.
I think if I had a guy that wanted to celebrate it I would just to keep him happy aswell. But honestly don't see the point in it when you can celebrate love everyday of your life. And yeah thank heavens the day is over....for another year anyways...lol
you are all just haters because your lonely. boooooooo ! valentines day is great, chocolates are great, flowers are great, cards are great. Love is great. Can you actually say with belief that you would show your love as romantically as you can everyday? No! you wouldnt. Thats why the day was invented by women around the world so their men would get off their asses. Plus! this day does not even to have money spent to show your love-what about a picnic or a bike ride or homemade stuff. get over the hype and just enjoy it.
You're right we can't do it everyday of the year. But once or twice a month without it being a demand is no problem. Just because some guys are lazy asses doesn't mean we all are.
Oh who gives a shit if its a cliche commercialised junky holiday. Its the fact that its a holiday! I was happy on Valentines, even though I had to break it to my girlfriend that it just wasnt working between us.
Valentines day? I don't even notice when it comes around, I just hear a little talk about it then the talk ends. So no I don't like or dislike it. Its almost non-existent to me. Then again I don't notice a lot of things. I don't have anyone to share it with, but I don't think I'd want anyone to share it with. I got no cash so a girl with me would probably be heavily disappointed on that day. I also despise the lazy ass statement. Leave men alone. Honestly if you have to invent a holiday just so your man will show you affection and reassure you of his 'love' then I think there's something seriously wrong with that relationship. I also hate those crazy manipulating women, those are the same sort of women that would squeeze the sperm out of a condom wrapper trying to get pregnant.
wow harsh. You say you resent the lazy ass comment but there you go talking about manipulating women and how they are the kind that sqeeze sperm out of condom wappers. thats craZy. you are categorizing all manipulative woman. Where as i was saying there are lazy men out there. PLus If you have a lazy guy it doesnt mean there is something wrong with the relationship, just that he is lazy. If you are taking offense to the lazy guy coment then maybe that means you have issues with it(are you lazy and just in denial?). I wasnt saying you were lazy-just some guys are. Also!!! as i said before valentines day does not have to have money spent. just thoughts that count. maybe even as litle as holding her hand more often or a massage! get creative...E bow...me and you clash....in a good way. Makes things interesting-how we have such different opinions. I enjoy our squabbles. Makes me laugh at the end.
Lol. Well the truth had to be told. You said this holiday was invented by women to get their lazy men off their asses. Now to me that sounds like an attack on all men. I didn't say there is something wrong with a lazy man, I said if you feel so insecure that you have to create a holiday just so your man will show you affection and reassure you of his love then yes, there is a problem in that relationship. No i'm not a lazy man, by lazy i'm assuming you mean in a man/woman relationship. I'm in no relationship, therefore I do things for myself. But even if I were in a relationship I'd still do things for myself, some people are lucky enough to have other people do stuff for them. Whereas if guys like me don't get their act together, no one is gonna walk them through life. My point is simply that if you need to ask your man for a massage, if he needs to be guilted into something, not simply doing it by the love in his heart because he wants to, then what kind of relationship is that? Its a mechanical response. Just telling your child to say sorry for hitting another child, you know deep down your child doesn't mean sorry, he's just feeling guilty.
While I believe that V-Day is overrated (and mostly only exists to give the economy that little extra boost after the Christmas hubbub has died down), I do think it's a nice opportunity to show some affection. Whether it's to a loved one or an acquaintance. Every year, I buy a few boxes of those cheap paper valentines that school children give to each other, and a few bags of candy. I give a valentine and a candy to everyone I know, and sometimes to complete strangers. It's just a (small) way to show someone you care, especially since a lot of people feel particularly lonely around this time of year. Really, I have nothing against the holiday. This year my boyfriend took me out. He bought me a shirt, a necklace, and a book I've been wanting. I bought him some earrings and a DVD. On the way home we bought some Strawberries & Champagne massage oil and some chocolate body paint, and proceeded to have a ridiculously good time (in a non-perverted way ((well maybe a little)))
ok first off....maybe not a picnic in february, but a bike ride yes! enjoy the fresh air, but ya i would bag that idea if it was rainy or gloomy and just stick to massage haha. ok and second of all. men are men.............are men are men.......ALL men i have ever met never willingly give a massage unless its for something further...like a massage in return or....well you get the picture.....Or if it was at the beginning of the realtionship where its the honeymoon stage. Any lady who find a man who is willing to give a massage out of love....GRASP HIM AND NEVER LET GO. hahahaha just my experiences with guys....other people may be lucky. anyways i love v day and its here to stay so buck up yall
I'd give massages not expecting anything in return. Because I know its an effective way of keeping women happy. And when a girlfriend or wife is happy, I'm allowed to be happy.
I couldn't a massage a foot if your entire extended family depended on it. This saddens, especially after learning how much of an essential skill it is to the common man.
HAHAHAH im sorry for your lost essential skill. Yes it would have come in handy.Domo...dont even get me started u turd. hahah your allowed to be happy when the lady is happy? you are such an instigator