I have this terrible feeling inside called wrath because I was doomed to wear (is that the word?) brackets for four years (not finished yet). It was supposed to take only two, but I have healthy teeth, so the dentist didn't see it troublesome to extend the treatment. I'm deeply hating it by now - imagine, I'm 17 now. Thus, I've been thinking of putting this knowledge and wrath into paper, and the idea of a vampire with brackets (hence despised for being unable to bite anything), seems really... funny. Tragic, absurd, and funny. Of course, it takes some explanations on how it happened, but I have that worked out by now. My questions, - Has anybody ever written or read anything like that? - Such a long and troublesome treatment, in a fantasy milieu, wouldn't it be too unbelievable, even if based in real events? After all, real life doesn't necessarily give realism to it. Thank you all
I don't like modern vampire novels. I haven't read nearly as many as fans of the genre, so I only know of this one conversationally. I think it may very well be a werewolf book, but the idea is similar: Fangs for Freaks... or, as a google search suggests, Fangs 4 Freaks. Now, from what I have read personally, it reminds me a bit of the Bailey School Kids chapter books I read when I was little. Oooooh, memories.
First, they are called braces or retainers. Second, it doesn't matter one bit whether it has been done before. It probably has, but what matters is how well YOU write it.
I don't want to seem like a wise guy, but brackets are pretty much a synonym for braces, not that it matters much anyway haha But like Cogito's said here and in multiple other threads here, it doesn't matter so much if someone's done it, as much as it becomes your work, with your own unique writing or take on it. As far as I know, I've never heard or read of anything with vampires with braces. Just get it and go! As long as you have a story to tell, that's all that matters.
This vampires with braces idea could be a really killer satire of the modern school of vampires. I think it'd be a great idea.
Thank you all! Anyways, do you know of anyone else enduring that treatment for so long? Because as I'm living it, it seems to get more and more absurd, and I fear it might make that part of the story too unbelievable (like... "no way, it lacks realism, this really sucks..."). Or can that be solved by writing it well, too?
brackets and braces are two very different things... but in some parts of the world, they may be referring to the same thing, those metal wire torture devices that are placed on crooked teeth to straighten them out...
Hi Delhi, [] Sounds like a cute idea if you do it right. I can just see him poking a victim with a fastfood straw to go for a slurp...[]
Realism? Why do you need realism in a vampire story? Don't worry about making anything too unbelievable. If you can write well without making any plot holes, nothing is too unbelievable. Just have some fun with it, write what you like and do not worry about this. I had braces for five years, if that means anything. But I don't know if that's the same thing as your brackets.
According to Answers.com, it looks like brackets are certain parts of the braces/retainers. Thanks again for the corrections, I'm not familiar with that vocabulary in English .