Vampyre Story!

Discussion in 'Archive' started by Erik-the-Enchanter!, Sep 18, 2012.

  1. Keitsumah

    Keitsumah The Dream-Walker Contributor

    Aug 7, 2012
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    I panted as I followed Calypso back to Hecati's throne room. Sweat beaded on my brow, and i looked down at my hands -which had a few cuts in them. Rubbing it away, i stifled a wince. I had used Crimson Scream more than i had intended to in this fight -it had cost me quite a lot of energy.

    You okay? I asked Daakyr as he alighted on my shoulder, one of his wings hanging awkwardly.

    I'll be fine. he responded calmly.

    Looking back to my hands again, i heard a small voice whispering in the back of my mind: Illusion.

    "Illusion." i whispered, and when i took anotehr step foreward i felt as if i had left somethign behind. Looking back I halted, staring wide-eyed at the ghostly image just behind me, looking down thoughtfully at her hands. I could create an illusion of myself!

    There was a rush of wind over my head, and when i looked up Heart-Render dipped a wing, nodding his head at me in approval before ascending into the cloud-cover again.

    He didn't even say goodbye. I thought; then shrugged. The Osprey had his own way of doing things.

    Daakyr hissed suddenly and looked over his shoulder back where we had come from, and i halted breifly to look too -but there was nothing there.

    What's wrong? I asked, my brows meeting in consternation.

    Nothing. Keep moving. he replied, but his eyes still held a wary look in them.
  2. Keitsumah

    Keitsumah The Dream-Walker Contributor

    Aug 7, 2012
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    Introducing Timmothy; The Rising Dead

    The burning sensation on his arm was what woke him up.
    I hate sunlight. he thought dimly, gently tightening his knees around the dog's sides to get it to move. Smelling his distress, the creature quickly dropped somewhere and Timmothy felt soothing cold shadows sheild him again.

    Leaning over, he touched the ground with the heel of his palm, feeling cold, wet stone beneath his fingertips. Sniffing the air, his nose wrinkled in distaste as he smelled human waste and garbage. A sewer.

    Feeling the ground more carefully, he began to sense pulses throbbing not too far away -showing like green balls of light to his blind eyes. There are others down here.

    Cautiously, he urged the canine to move deeper into the sewers, the smell of waste and decay fading into darkness as he scented vampires and blood. He shivered and resisted the urge to run away. he had barely survived his first encounter with those monsters -and now he was one.

    Tahra . . .Tahra . . . he thought, tears coming to his eyes as he thought of her. Tahra . . .

    Sniffling, he kicked the dog's sides gently, and it trotted foreward obediently, him holding tightly to its collar as he entered the domain of Hecati; fear crawling along his skin.
  3. Erik-the-Enchanter!

    Erik-the-Enchanter! Banned Contributor

    Aug 18, 2012
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    A couple blocks later, the Princess spoke. "We're almost there", Calypso said. "There's a hidden entrance behind an abandoned depot--its a sewer grate covered in climbing ivy. Keep up." She cast them all a glittering purple look but didn't stop walking. She had pulled up the hood of her velvet cloak and her eyes shined from within like amethysts. Suddenly, her head snapped up. The sky was tinged orange.

    "We have to run!", Calypso said. The sun was rising. The Princess bolted straight down the alley toward the ivy-covered sewer grate. "Stick to the shadows!", she cried.

    All of a sudden, a dark figure stood in front of them. One moment the alley was empty, and the next someone was there. It became apparent it was a female as the sky brightened. She wore elbow-length black gloves, a wine-red cloak and stiletto boots. Her face was hidden in the shadow of her hood.

    "Where do you think you're going...?", the mysterious woman said. She waved her hand and a brilliant medieval sword appeared in her grasp.

    "We don't have time for this!", Calypso exclaimed. The sun was getting higher in the sky. In a few moments this alley would be lit up with sunlight and the Vampyres would be reduced to piles of ashes. The woman with the shining sword chuckled darkly, but didn't budge. It was like she knew who they were and she was trying to keep them from reaching the sewer grate, so they would burn in the sun.

    "Fine!", the Vampyre Princess said. "Lets fight!" She fists her hands and they glow with a red nimbus of Fire energy. But she was also weary--this woman had powers, she'd conjured a weapon from thin air. Who knew what else she could do?

    Fight time!

    Mystery Woman raises her sword defensively. Another ghostly chuckle comes from her hood.

    Your turn!
  4. Keitsumah

    Keitsumah The Dream-Walker Contributor

    Aug 7, 2012
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    Tahra's P.O.V

    I growled and stepped forward to stand beside Calypso, eyes narrowed as i looked at her warily. Conjuring a sword out of thin air . . . I was stuck between choosing whether she was an earth-type vamp or possibly a Spirit, but all i had to focus on was that she was our enemy and that we had to get past her or we would be toast.

    Heart-Render will be too far away; we are on our own. Daakyr hissed, his feathers bristling.

    I nodded grimly, noting that i was also too tired to use crimson scream again, but maybe . . .

    looking down at my hands, i felt a smile quirk my lips.

    "Calypso, Avin, Garan -if you have any strength left; use it when she's distracted." I whispered, dashing forward with a flash of my drawn dagger. Swinging my blade, the steel point clashed with the other vamp's in a flash of sparks.
    Illusion! I thought, and immediately ducked to one side, striking out at the enemy as she swung her sword in the direction of my fake image.
  5. Alukard

    Alukard New Member

    Sep 12, 2012
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    Avin glanced at the fledgling girl who kept calling for him to help, Annoying..., she was already charging towards the woman who blocked their path, I really don't get it..

    He also jumped toward the enemy but as she was swinging the sword to hit the girl, the sword went straight through like an illusion. Avin landed on the floor in front of the enemy but before she could react he was already jumping to the side trying to get past her. He did not know where the little vamp girl went.

  6. ChatNoir

    ChatNoir New Member

    Sep 29, 2012
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    Muffled by the noise of the clashing steel and the thrusts and grunts of the battle it could have gone unnoticed, but all the vampyres knew the cutting sound of a knife when it is thrown. Out of the scant darkness behind them a razor-sharp dagger pierces the air on its way towards the throat of the hooded woman. Its blade has a crimson gleam and a deadly purpose.
  7. Erik-the-Enchanter!

    Erik-the-Enchanter! Banned Contributor

    Aug 18, 2012
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    LA, California
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    Love Poems

    Mystery Woman slashes Tahra's illusion. Tahra swings around for a surprise attack. With inhuman speed and grace, Mystery Woman counters the attack with her shining sword and shoves Tahra in the chest with her other hand. Tahra is flung back by an invisible force. Tahra takes 20% damage.

    Avin dodges around Mystery Woman. Mystery Woman snaps her gloved fingers. Avin trips into a murky puddle. No damage.

    A red-hot dagger flies at Mystery Woman's back. The dagger sticks in her shoulder. Mystery Woman gives a shocked gasp and yanks out the blade. She takes 10% damage. The weapon turns to gray ashes in her hand. "Why don't you come out of the shadows, fledgling?", Mystery Woman says. Her sultry voice is deceptively honey-sweet and pleasant. "And don't think I've forgotten about you, Princess", she adds, pointing her sword at Calypso.

    Calypso grabbed the lid of a trashcan and started to heat it up. At the right moment, she would fling it at their attacker's head. Calypso nervously peered up at the lightening sky. Soon the alley would be filled with sunlight.

    Your turn!
  8. Keitsumah

    Keitsumah The Dream-Walker Contributor

    Aug 7, 2012
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    Tahra's POV

    I gasped as i crashed back into the wall, the wind knocked out of me. Sliding to the gorund, i struggled to regain my breath as the nigh-invisible movements of fighting vampires winked in and out of sight just feet from me. Daakyr circled anxiously high above, watching me with wide, terrified eyes.

    I can't get near her! I told him, slowly standing. At least i was behind her now, but i had a feeling that this would not go over well for me if i tried to attack her at this moment.

    The whistle of a blade thrown through the air made my head snap back, and i skittered away in alarm form the shadow in the corner of the alley. Someone was there -but who?

    Before i could react or warn Daakyr off, he dove for the vampire from above, aiming to rip the hood off of her head.
    "No Daakyr!" I screamed.
  9. Keitsumah

    Keitsumah The Dream-Walker Contributor

    Aug 7, 2012
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    Timmothy's POV

    The dog halted as he stiffened, scenting blood. Leaning over and touching the ground with his palm, Timmothy's eyes widened as his head was filled with green lights flashing in and out of focus. One such was glowing more steadilly, focused in the center of an alley just above his head. The others seemed to dance around it. Was someone fighting?

    "No Daakyr!"

    He froze. He knew that voice. His sister! She was alive!

    "Tahra! Tahra!" he shouted at the top of his lungs, bolting off of the dog and standing directly below where the lights were centered. The canine whimpered and backed away as she felt the ground tremble; his anger and desperation was awakening the earth.

    "Earth-shake!" he bellowed, hammering his feet into the ground. A series of violent pulses emanated from the places where his feet crashed down against the cement, and soon the whole place was crumbling around him, the roar of falling rock and soil and the iron clang of steel supports snapping filling his ears; his only thought was of his sister -and that she was alive.
    That he needed to save her.

  10. Erik-the-Enchanter!

    Erik-the-Enchanter! Banned Contributor

    Aug 18, 2012
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    Mystery Woman was too busy gloating to notice the bird. Daakyr ripped back her hood with his talons. The face that was revealed was exotic and beautiful. Her skin was golden-brown and her cheekbones were prominent. Long, full ebony hair hung to her midsection, glistenign with dark maroon highlights. She was utterly breathtaking--except for her eyes. They were completely black.

    With a snarl, Mystery Woman looked up at the bird and threw out her hand. Their was a hazy ripple in the air that barely missed the bird, managing only to singe his tail feathers. Then Mystery Woman gave Tahra a twisted grin. "You just put yourself first on my list...", she said in a gentle whisper. She raised her bright sword, the point shining brilliantly, and took a step torward Tahra.

    Timothy used Earth-shake and the ground began to tremble and crack. Mystery Woman staggered, then planted her feet firmly. "Tahraaaaaaa!" She looked toward the boy who had cried out. With a flick of her sword he was sent careening through the air into the side of a Dumpster. 30% damage to Timothy.

    Calypso was still heating the trashcan lid. A red stain was spreading from her hands across the metal. Calypso gritted her teeth and tried to work faster. She would throw it when it was completely red. But she didn't even know if it would make a difference. This woman was more powerful than any of them. And she wasn't even a Vampyre--she wasn't pale enough and she wasn't scared of the sun. And the sun--it was inching its way higher in the sky. This fight would have to end, fast.

    Your turn!
  11. Keitsumah

    Keitsumah The Dream-Walker Contributor

    Aug 7, 2012
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    Tahra's POV

    When Timothy was sent flying rage poured through me. He was alive, and she had hurt him!

    Gritting my teeth and growling, i glared daggers at her, my eyes glowing as i slowly walked closer with purpose.

    She pointed the sword at me, but i continued foreward, the blade peircing my shoudler and sliding through as i came face-to-face with her, blood oozing down my back.

    "You will regret that." i hissed, clamping my hands down over hers on the hilt of the sword to keep her from moving it with vampyric strength. I gave her a small smile, then brought my knee up hard between her legs.

    You fight dirty; then i will too.

    "Everyone into the sewer! I'll hold her here!" i bellowed.
  12. ChatNoir

    ChatNoir New Member

    Sep 29, 2012
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    Still from a sensible distance she saw the big crow swooping down upon Mystery Woman at the same time that Calypso hoisted a trashcan. What the...? For a split second she raised an eyebrow, astonished. Why do I get into so much trouble? The earth started rumbling and cracking, although she kept a perfect balance all through.

    Crap, I need to get closer! Enio dashed into the melee after sending a second dagger with a skilled flick of her wrist, aiming at the now restrained Mystery Woman. The battle was getting more and more confusing and the fact that she didn't really know who she was fighting made it a little bit more complicated. Anyway, the bully seemed to be the woman in the hood!
  13. Erik-the-Enchanter!

    Erik-the-Enchanter! Banned Contributor

    Aug 18, 2012
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    LA, California
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    Fight Time!

    Tahra slides down Mystery Woman's sword and grabs her hands. Tahra loses 20% health.

    Mystery Woman kicks her off the sword with a grunt. Once again an invisible force sends Tahra tumbling accross the alley. Calypso finally throws her superheated trashcan lid at her head. Mystery Woman raises a hand and makes a fist. The lid freezes in mid-air and scrunches into a ball, falling harmlessly to the ground.

    While she is preoccupied, Enio's dagger twirls through the air. It stabs into her side. She takes 60% damage. Mystery Woman gives a bloodcurdling scream. She is surrounded by gray mist and disapears. Her sword clatters on the floor and evaporates into white smoke.

    Fight Over!

    Enio and Timothy are rewarded Power-Ups! Private message your idea for your new power and I will approve.

    Back to the story...

    "The sun, guys! Lets go!", Calypso cried. Light began to spill into the murky alley. The Vampyre Princess leads them all into the dark sewer. Once inside the sewer, Calypso tends to Tahra's shoulder wound. Her fiery power filled the gaping hole and the flesh reknitted. Next, Calypso turned to Enio and Timothy and anounced, "Welcome, newcomers. Im Calypso, your princess. Everyone else can make their own introductions. C'mon, Queen Hecati is waiting for us..."

    Calypso turned on her heel and started to glide away. Loud enough for everyone to here, she said, "I don't think that woman is dead, I think she Teleported. We should hurry to Necropolis in case she comes after us."
  14. Keitsumah

    Keitsumah The Dream-Walker Contributor

    Aug 7, 2012
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    Tahra's POV

    I stumbled after Calypso, Timmothy supporting me as he glared at the princess suspiciously, tears in the corners of his eyes.
    "You're alive . . ." i said softly, Daakyr alighting on my back with a faint flap of wings. "How...?"

    "I think i bit the vamp that attacked us. The blood must've done it." he said quietly, still watching the others warily with his pale white eyes. When i looked closer at his shadowed face, i gasped. large scars covered his face, and one on his throat extended down past the collar of his sweat-shirt.

    "Take it off!" I ordered, and his cheeks flared red as his eyes flashed indignantly. "Off!" i repeated, and he reluctantly stopped, tugging at the hem of the baggy top.

    "Are you sure about this sis? I don't . . ." he looked away before he finished the sentence. He didn't want me to see what had happened to him -what he had survived.

    Grabbing the hem more firmly, he pulled the garment off.
  15. Keitsumah

    Keitsumah The Dream-Walker Contributor

    Aug 7, 2012
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    Timmothy's POV

    His sister gasped in horror at what she saw, and he closed his eyes; knowing what deformed him.

    The scar across his throat was wide and long, extending down to the bottom of his ribs. Not only had the vampire torn through his throat, but he had ripped his fangs down across his chest and stomach -leaving a large white slash across his body. No one should have survived that kind of wound -let alone the pain of it adding to the process of turning into a vampire.

    Quickly pulling his shirt back on, he felt the gazes of the others burning into his back.

    "Let's go." he muttered, helping Tahra along on weak legs.
  16. ChatNoir

    ChatNoir New Member

    Sep 29, 2012
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    Leaping effortlessly into the sewer she sighed in relief, the sun would have charred them all in a few minutes if they had stayed outside.

    Once under the protection of the darkness she stared curiously at her differing companions: a scarred little kid with an attitude, a young girl with a bird, a man and a princess! She said her name is Calypso and that we are going to see the Queen... this can be fun! Keeping up with the pace, Enio strode up to the princess.

    - My name is Enio. Who was the woman you were fighting and why did she want you all dead? - her tendency to ask questions had just started, but everything was so exciting that she couldn't resist the temptation to try to find out as much as possible. Her voice, far from annoying, resembled the warm tinkling of silver.
  17. Erik-the-Enchanter!

    Erik-the-Enchanter! Banned Contributor

    Aug 18, 2012
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    LA, California
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    Love Poems

    The Vampyre Princess heard Enio's question. "We don't know", Calypso said. "She wasn't a Vampyre, that much is certain. Or else she would have been scared of the sun, too. But she has exceptional powers...she almost killed all of us."

    They reached a bend in the sewer tunnel and when they turned they were confront by two of Hecati's elite guards. They were tall and muscled and wore all-black. They were also equipped with tall spears and carried wood stakes tucked in their belts. Calypso pulle dback her hood to shw her face and they nodded. The guards flanked them and started to lead them down another tunnel. It was a dead-end with a huge stone door with a hole in the middle. Calypso approached and stuck her arm inside the hole and felt a small prick. Her blood spread through ancient runes that were carved on the surface of the door. The blood flowed into the jagged script as if it had a mind of its own til every rune was filled. Finally the door grinded open--they were in Necropolis.

    "Just a little way to go", Calypso murmured, and they entered the cool hall beyond. It was lined with burning torches and the floor was covered in a rich blood-red carpet. The guards watched them go through and shut the doors behind them.
  18. Keitsumah

    Keitsumah The Dream-Walker Contributor

    Aug 7, 2012
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    Tahra's POV

    I straightened as we passed through the door, finally able to walk on my own. Calypso's healing had done a good deal to help me regain my strength, but i had wasted a lot of energy on that stupid choice i had made to impale my shoulder in the sword. I had thought i could keep that mysterious woman from using it; but i had clearly underestimated her abilities fora human.

    "Thank You, Princess." I said quietly, looking up at her warily -now that we were back in Necropolis, i wasn't sure how she would behave towards me, "I owe you for healing me; even though i did not deserve your kindness. I made a stupid decision to injure myself in that way; and in doing so i wasted some of your energy. . . "

    Ducking my head, i thought again about that strange woman. Who was she?

    Maybe she was the Tsi Sgilli. I thought, unease shivering down my spine.
  19. Keitsumah

    Keitsumah The Dream-Walker Contributor

    Aug 7, 2012
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    Timmothy's POV

    He quickly jumped onto the dog's back before they made it to the doors, and Timmothy glared at the guards when he heard one of them muttering something about "pet's not being allowed".

    'You want this hallway to collapse on your heads then fine; let me walk." he muttered, and they immediately shut up. But he felt their glares digging holes into his back. So the girl that his sister was a princess aye? he didn't care for rank, so long as his remaining family would be safe. Though he felt that it would be dangerous to insult her, he couldn't help but stare at her suspiciously through his long bangs -using scent and hearing to locate her in the hallway.

    Footsteps sounded beside him, and he scented blood lust rising from the individual. A killer obviously. he turned his head and smiled; stretching his scars almost painfully, "Bet you couldn't do better." he said quietly as if sharing a joke; then he kicked the dog to urge it into a trot until he caught up with his sister. "My sister killed the guy that did this to me."
  20. Alukard

    Alukard New Member

    Sep 12, 2012
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    Avin had been dazed after trying to hop around the strange woman. Finally gaining clear vision he struggled to dash towards Calypso as she led them into the safe darkness.

    They were finally in the Necropolis, That woman was strangely powerful, this is something I need, but she wasn't even a vampire. I have never met a human even close to that strength. He was scanning his allies not paying much concern for them. But not even Calypso could muster much against her. Hecati the queen of secrets. I am looking forward to hearing about this.

    He straightened himself from the slouched and weak looking appearance, again returning to the intimidating pose he usually held; and he followed the group, finally towards Hecati's presence.
  21. Erik-the-Enchanter!

    Erik-the-Enchanter! Banned Contributor

    Aug 18, 2012
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    LA, California
    Currently Reading::
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    Hecati Speaks

    Finally they entered Hecati's throne room. The Vampyre Queen was lounging on her silver chair rubbing the jaguar's head. She was as luminous and gorgeous as ever. Her floorlength midnight hair had been braided by a servant into a long braid and then piled on top of her head. She had also changed into a silky black dress with a plunging neckline and purple feathers sticking out from the shoulders. She looked like a wicked queen from a fairytale. The jaguar Nen looked as lazy as ever, but his lip furled slightly at the appearance of Timothy's canine.

    "Is that a doggy, Calypso?", Hecati drawled with a smile. "You brought a little snack for Nen...?"

    "No, mother, but I do come bearing news", Calypso replied. Then the Princess launched into a detailed description of everything that had passed that night, from their trip to the Warehouse District to the throwdown in the alley with the enigmatic woman. When Calypso mentioned the Master and Tsi Sgili, Hecati's eyes narrowed and she hissed with surprise. And when Calypso got to the part about the secret weapon, Hecati's expression became aloof and guarded. Finally Calypso said, "Now--we did your bidding, I think we deserve an explaination. Tell us who is attacking us and what your secret weapon is." Her tone was bitter, she was still upset that Hecati had kept a secret from her.

    "Well...", Hecati began, tapping her delicate chin with one long clawed nail. "I do not know who this Master is, although I do have some ideas. As for this Tsi Sgili, I have only heard that title once before in a meeting with Vampyre Queen Pocahontas. She told me a folktale from her childhood of how the Wise Women of her tribe banished an evil witch named Disoppia. That same witch joined a clan of demonic worshippers and became their queen. Disoppia led her clan in an attack against Pocahontas' tribe and their were terrible fatalities on both sides. Eventually the Wise Women worked together to cast an enchantment that sucked all the witches into the Abyss, then they turned Dissopia into a elm tree. But when they tried to destroy the tree, it endured all their attempts so they built a tomb around it and let it be. In Cherokee 'Tsi Sgili' means, 'Witch Queen'. If that Tsi Sgili is the one that you all fought in the alley, then someone must have freed her from her prison. That is a very...troubling concept. And I will explain why."

    Hecati snapped her fingers suddenly and a fledgling servant scampered forward. "Bring me the Orb", Hecati said, and the servant returned with it a moment later. Hecati held it up for all to see--it was a crystal sphere that swirled with gray mist. It seemed to sing a haunting lullaby to the hearts of every Vampyre in the room, making them unconsciously move forward. All eyes were locked on Hecati's treasure. "This", the Vampyre Queen said reverently, "is the Orb of Necromancy. It belonged to my late spouse, gathering dust in his inner sanctum. No Vampyre can use it, only a human gifted with magic. With this Orb a sorcerer could control the dead--including all of us. It is a very dangerous object. I've tried to destroy it, but it will not be damaged. Thus I have kept it my deepest secret. If the Master and Tsi Sgili get their hands on this, they can make every night-dwellers their slaves."

    With that, Hecati gave the Orb back to the servant to put back in her treasury. "Now that you know everything", Hecati said hastily as she stood, "I urge you to follow my daughter to the guest chambers, which have been prepared for you all. When you have all regenerated, we will meet in the great hall and I will give you your next assignment. I must ponder this situation in private..." Hecati placed a hand on her jaguar's head and they both teleported away to her private rooms. A glittery out-line of their forms hovered for a moment in their place.

    Calypso gestured to her fellow fledglings and led them to a different chamber. The room was arranged with a table in the middle of the room set with a vase of blood and several champagne flutes. There were also padded coffins arrayed against the walls for them to rest in. "So", Calypso said as she poured everyone some blood, "what do you all think about what Hecati said?"
  22. Alukard

    Alukard New Member

    Sep 12, 2012
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    Avin had listened about the orb, No one will control me.

    He ignored Calypso's question and walked into the coffin shutting it. I shall contemplate in peace.
  23. Eclipseangel

    Eclipseangel Member

    Sep 11, 2012
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    Garan Letarim

    "What do you all think about what Hecati said?"

    "It is very... disturbing, to know that a human can control all of us..."

    Garan wasn't in the mood for more talking, but he still waited for the others to reply.
  24. Keitsumah

    Keitsumah The Dream-Walker Contributor

    Aug 7, 2012
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    "I would prefer to die before that would happen... killing a person when not in control of myself would drive me mad -it was bad enough killing the vampire that changed me and Timmothy, but we were defendign ourselves then"

    Curling up into a ball, not botherign to close the lid, i rested my hea don my knees and thought about what to do.


    "Anyone who tries to control me or my sister will die a painful death." he said quietly, out of his sister's hearing. His eyes were sparking with a deep-seated anger, and he laid down and closed the lid of the coffin with a loud bang.
  25. ChatNoir

    ChatNoir New Member

    Sep 29, 2012
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    Enio listened and watched without opening her mouth, she had just arrived and wasn't sure of the way things worked within the group of vampyres. I will wait until everyone has showed their true colours to reveal mine. The Queen had certainly made an impression on her although she was still dubious whether it was a good or a bad one.

    Tilting her head slightly to one side she tried to make sense of the story about Pocahontas and Disoppia, with little success. With a shrug Enio went on to scan her surroundings until the Orb appeared. A mighty pull came from it, sweetly inciting her feet to move towards it. Fortunately, the unpleasant feeling disappeared as soon as the servant took it away. That thing should be destroyed at any cost. She thought sourly.

    At the sight of the coffins in the next room she felt suddenly quite tired and walked willingly to the nearest one, grabbing a glass of blood on her way and drinking it up. Before plunging into the casket she turned to Calypso.

    - I think, Princess, and I wish I were wrong, that what the Queen has told us isn't even half of the story. I bet we will find out more soon, I wouldn't worry about it.

    Closing the lid of her coffin she stared at it. After the fight she had experienced a stir she had never felt before, her powers seemed to have grown bigger inside her. She focused on the surface above her, feeling the usual heat arising. However, this time the only thought of it was enough to quickly warm up the lid. Awesome.

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