Hi all, I need a word that can replace "felt" in the following sentence: "Every traveler who came within a mile of the castle felt a frightful, horrendous feeling." Many thanks!
Synonyms for feel verb touch, stroke perceive sense try apperceive caress clasp clutch explore finger fondle frisk fumble grapple grasp grip grope handle manipulate maul palm palpate paw pinch ply poke press squeeze test Though I'm not at all sure that any of those fit! Try experienced
Maybe a workaround? "Every traveler who came within a mile of the castle sensed a frightful, horrendous atmosphere."
Was overcome by... Or make the horror and fear the actors of the sentence. Fear and dread filled every traveler who came within a mile of the castle.
Making the nouns fear and dread the subject of the sentence and using the verb filled is a pretty elegant solution. Many thanks.