This thread is for all discussion regarding the rpg game Virus. Please leave all other topics for games in their allotted threads thank you. ~Raven. Senior Super Moderator.
Okay, all. I'm a little confused about what's going on in the story, because of work Wanna fill me in?
Well . . . from before you last posted, everyone was in a helicopter. Kale, (my guy) was hunting bounty, as bounty hunters are wont to do, and Kim (Bick's character) and Roku (Kratos's character) show up on the street and they're all fighting infected. Then Brock (not a main character, but someone Kim knows) shows up with the helicopter and everyone piles in, including Kale, who really does not want to go. So they're all talking about finding a cure and such and Kale's just begging to get down to his six year old daughter. Ainadika (Neha's character) is feeling woozy, but snaps back to reality. Finally, Kim gets Brock (who's getting very tired, but no one will let Charlie (thelastblueberry's character) fly the copter) to land the helicopter on a building. Kale goes for the escape ladder, and Kim and Roku follow him for miles untill they reach his house. Last I saw the others, they were still on the building, and Charlie was looking wistfully out.
Well. Kale/Roku/Kim will probably end up calling and getting the copter to come get them. We're not running back, no sir we are not. So maybe the copter can go find you? Or you can go find it? You're rather close to my jeep.
I'll go post. Where do you plan on going from there? Do you think your daughter is dead, or will you go look for her?
I'm not entirely sure. I'll have to see what everyone else does, but I have a pretty clear idea of what happens depending on that.
Well, we have a lot going on, but it seems like we might be coming close to the end. How about we through in a massive battle, where the...things....find away to jump high enough? - onto the helicopter, making the 3 or 4 miles between you all and me closer, where we all try and stop them - therefore making myself a sacrifice for all of you to live. I haven't seen any death yet and a good story needs a good death.
Nooo not Aaron D: Neha is gonna have a fit, you know That sounds interesting though, but first the group not at the helicopter will have to find a way to get close enough to the copter for that to happen, getting a car or something.
Well, Neha was talking about how Brock ended up drugging that cake, which is why she's tired atm, and she wants him dead xD I didn't want that, but he isn't an actual character and I'm tired of trying to pull german out of my head and it would be nice if he was the one that died instead, because Aaron is awesome.
I don't know. Tons of stuff could still happen. (I ponder things when I'm trying to sleep) and I really don't care (not like "I just don't care" but like, I can go with the flow or whatever), it's whatever you wanna do.
Oasis, you ain't dying, and Bick I'm in coma now...ha!! more trouble!!But the drugs in the cake did me bad, an I'm in Coma?? So one of you be nice and kill Bock?? he's just an attachment and my become a burden. Aaron can pilot so can Aina. These are my orders , j.k. I'm sorry guys, but I'm gonna be off for some time now, cos of the exams, that's why I got into coma...*sigh* any misgivings towards me, please direct at
./hug Neha )= Have fun, I'll miss you No ones killing my German friend He should /die/ making up for putting our lovely Aina into a coma. And you're right Iulia, there are still somethings that can happen (=