How do you voice the different tones of mixed feelings? I a m trying to cut across a voice of envy/jealosuy. Is it better to act it out in a dialogue or voice it as internal thoughts by changing the scene. Lady Ravel runs a fabulous shop for celebrities on Exter Avenue, the most expensive avenue in the City. Lady Ravel had many assets and Le Modern Estyle, the boutique as she likes to call it, was one of the many. She was famous across the world for her extravagant cuts designs and unsual elegance. Her friend, Josina, who also worked in the fashion industry was almost always slightely envious and often angered at the thought that Lady Ravel was better spoken off then her. then it goes one... The phone rang at exactly the same time and Josina knew it was lady Ravel. 1) Here should I make Josina answer the phone and project a voice of envy/mixed emotions with obvious words? or 2) should make her refuse to pick the phone up to speak to show that she is upsets when Lady Ravel goes on about her clients? The question is am I losing dialogues over dilemma?
nobody can make that decision but you... either way can work just as effectively, if written well... i suggest you try both ways and see which you think serves the story best...