Hello, I'm trying to figure out a story for the new book. It should be about some kind of "voodoo" island, where natives have this source of something that sells well. And I'm kind of stuck, I want to have it as good as possible Problem is they are kind of psycho, so they dance around plants every midnight to make that happen and its pretty linked with their nature, as some voodoo religion, they used to behave very offensively, lie and betray. Their whole society is pretty much based on that So I have two friends in the story which are really used to "modern" stuff like cellphones, games etc. First is very snobby and responds to everything old age, like it is some crap, the second one isn't like that, likes people, but also he is kind of stupid. But I miss the protagonist. What do you think would be best in that story? Bruce Willis? Ace Ventura? Keanu Reeves? Or how would you describe best character that could fit into old civilisation that face new age challenges? Thanks
I wouldn't look so much to celebrities to help fill you out with your protag - what kind of virtures do you want to write about. Do you want a shoot-first ask questions later hard-nose type of hero? A fumbling comic hero - but remember humor is hard to write. Or someone young, attractive, naive but responsible. It's your story and you have to decide what character you can best relate to in order to write him well.
Well, I don't want him to be a loser. Thanks for the notice peachalulu, but I don't think I can decide who is cool enough for people like.. like you. I have pretty good idea about attagonists and negative characters, but the guy like that? I can watch a movie and pretty much adapt to some behaviour, so celebrity guess will be fine
Do your research in the occult and paganism - voodoo is a real pagan religion and you're going to offend a LOT of people if you just write random crazy people dancing around plants and attach the name to them. You will be associating people who practise voodoo with the stereotype that you hold about them. Do some research - writing made-up generalities and stereotypes are often one-dimensional and while it might amuse you, do not normally make very good stories or characters. Research will add some intricacies and a dimension you didn't know you could have.
Thank you for thinking that I might offend a lot of people I never heard about paganism before, but I saw two videos on youtube about voodoo and whole Child's Play movie series I should have definitively look at it more into deep, but I think for the first book it is too soon. I'm better at improvization than studying
if your looking to base your protagonist off a celebrity, go with bruce campbell, he can adapt to any situation. And like mckk said, definatly research your voodoo tribe, get the facts correct.