1. lixAxil

    lixAxil Self-Proclaimed Senator of the RPG subforum. Contributor

    Sep 1, 2012
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    The sea of fragments

    Vortex's Crusaders Discussion

    Discussion in 'Archive' started by lixAxil, Apr 3, 2014.

    So this is the thread were you post your characters's sheet ask questions and any other stuff.
    As many already know the character (s) must be PMd to me before anything.
    In case you have your own subplot idea for your character feel free to PM it if you feel that it's needed.
    Also I repeat mysel, but focus not only in the Online character but also the Offline character.
    To make things easy I suggest you players to be close in the outside life if possible, this assuming you want to interact with other players in the offline life.

    Forgot to add. Regarding Skill's creation.
    You can have up to four to begin with, either passive or active.
  2. TheApprentice

    TheApprentice Senior Member

    May 24, 2013
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    Offline Character:

    Name: Shawn Thompson
    Age: 18
    Location: U.S.
    Address: 9895 Postillion rd, apartment 307
    Ithaca, NY 8134
    Shawn's back story: Shawn did poorly in high school due to his laziness and though he could further his education with community college, he lacks money since he cannot get any scholarships. He lives with his parents, who insist that he attend college. He will need to pay his way through college himself, meaning work a job at burger king or some other crappy place.

    Problem is, Shawn cannot stand working fast food. The customers are far too rude and too numerous. He tries working there for a while, when suddenly his boss starts making him work 55 hours a week to make up for all the lazy teenagers who got fired. So what does Shawn do? He quits, but he has a better plan.

    Shawn knows how popular Vortex Crusaders is, and the newest version just recently came out. If he could be one of the first people to get a really powerful character and learn all the secrets, he could begin selling his secrets over the internet for a price and avoid ever working in customer service ever again!

    So Shawn takes what money he has left over and buy Vortex Crusader. He attempts to make his character look and sound as badass as possible.

    Online Character:

    Name: De Sade
    Type: Battle Mage
    Appearance: Black hair slicked back, which matches his black goatea. Goat horns. Red glowing eyes. 7 feet tall. Muscular. By default he has black, spikey demon armor. It is just for looks though, and doesn't add any stats.
    Background story: De Sade is a fallen god, born from the darkness of the month of February and the evil of the DMV. De Sade has defeated many...things, and he is feared by all of the gods!! Satan bowns at the heel of De Sade.
    Play Style: Hybrid of Damage Dealer and Trickster.
    1st one is Awesomeness. With De Sade's Awesomeness, any opponent standing within 10 feet of De Sade has their damage lowered by 10 points. It is a passive skill that lasts the whole battle.
    2nd is Wild Strike
    Wild Strike is a heavy attack with half the accuracy of a regular hit, but if it hits it does 2 times what it would
    3rd is Frozen Blast
    A blast of frost which slows the enemy by half their speed for one minute
    4th is Fire Ball
    He throws a fire ball. Though he doesn't set the other character on fire, it does 15 points of fire damage, and twice that to any opponent that is weak against fire.

    Equipment: His sword is entirely black, and it does 7 damage. He also has an amulet that gives him 2 points of defense
  3. lixAxil

    lixAxil Self-Proclaimed Senator of the RPG subforum. Contributor

    Sep 1, 2012
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    The sea of fragments
    K' first post on
    Of course still waiting for some sheets, so I won't move this intro too fast.
    Yet thing goes like this, you all casually ended in the side of the wall that has teh Gunslinger, hence is on to you also to defend against the enemies.

    Oh also to make the battle more dinamic, you're free to also write the movements of the enemies, of course I'll decide when is the big guy done for.
  4. Keitsumah

    Keitsumah The Dream-Walker Contributor

    Aug 7, 2012
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    Non-Game Character

    Name: Dory Whittaker

    Age: 14

    Location: America, California

    Address: 5366 Visalia Appt 12

    Postal Code:


    Name: Alavari
    Type: Angel

    Appearance: Small and slight in stature, Alavari can pass as little more than a waif at times, due to her ghostly appearance and transparent wings. She wears a light blue dress, has no shoes, and thin, flowing lines similar to tattoos cover her face, arms and legs.

    Background: Alavari isn't known too well, but she isn't a new player either. However, she is quick to make new friends and will do anything to keep them alive -usually ending with the wholehearted devotion of her comrades.

    Playstyle: Healer

    -(Passive: Guardian Shield) When close by, Alavari gives her companions an armor boost.
    -(Active: Cleanse) Alavari removes all negative affects from a selected unit after a ten-second delay.
    -(Active: Spring Wind) Alavari heals damage done to a selected unit. If they are below 25%, this move can give bonus hp.
    -(Active: Solar Flare) Alavari creates a blast of light that heals her companions for 10-15% while at the same time blinding enemies for two seconds.
  5. lixAxil

    lixAxil Self-Proclaimed Senator of the RPG subforum. Contributor

    Sep 1, 2012
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    The sea of fragments
    Oh didn't realized you posted your CS xD
    Feel free to post in the game of course
  6. Keitsumah

    Keitsumah The Dream-Walker Contributor

    Aug 7, 2012
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    ill do that soon (busy atm)
  7. mmarage

    mmarage The Detective Contributor

    May 4, 2013
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    Name: Joseph Wright
    Age: 18
    Location: United States
    Address: 8127 W. Lake St.
    Los Angeles, California.

    Name: Joe Nobunaga

    Type: Sorcerer

    Appearance: Medium long brown hair, parted to one side on the front covering a little of his right eye, pale skin, lithe build, six feet tall, brown eyes, he wears a pair of black rimmed glasses, a black robe with red accents, he carries with him a wooden staff with a blue sphere floating in between the crescent shape of the top of the staff, and a leather bound book.

    Background: He was born and raised in a small village, one day he came across a strange tome while visiting another town, it was full of all sorts of spells, without his parents knowing what it was, he bought it. Soon he began to learn the contents of the book, when the village discovered his dabbling in the arcane, they banished him, fearing that he was possessed or working with demons. So he swore off magic for a while, and just traveled, looking for a place to live, though each stay wasn't that long, it would get out in some form that he was a sorcerer, the village would fear him, then banish him, some even attempting to execute him, though he always found some way of escaping.

    Eventually he just finally gave up and decided that if people were going to judge him, he was going to use his magic and leave that place and look somewhere for a place that would truly accept him for what he was.

    Playstyle: Damage Dealer/Healer


    Sorcerer's Path:
    Joe is on his way of becoming a full fledged sorcerer, he gains 5% to his Magic and Magic Defense, every few levels this increases by 5%.

    Sorcerer's Barrier: Joe is able to create a barrier in front of himself and those close to him, it only lasts one hit, it deflects half of the damage of a physical hit and reflects magic at half its original power, as he gains more levels the barrier will be able to take more hits before breaking, 30 second cool down.

    Sorcerer's Blessing: A winged bell appears over an ally's head and heal half of their HP, as he levels up it'll gain an area of affect, perhaps a few feet each time, and eventually end up healing everyone in their party, one minute cool down.

    Sorcerer's Wish: Call down three stars from the heavens to crush foes! Damages those within 10 feet of the original target, 30 second cooldown, as he levels up the amount of stars that come crashing down increase and so does the area of effect.
  8. lixAxil

    lixAxil Self-Proclaimed Senator of the RPG subforum. Contributor

    Sep 1, 2012
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    The sea of fragments
    Ok, feel free to post. Remember you can actually write the enemy's actions on this moment.
  9. Kingtype

    Kingtype Banned Contributor

    Sep 12, 2012
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    Right under your nose!

    Name: Rachel Sanchez aka Rikki Stixx

    Age: 17

    Location: Uranus :)p)

    Address: 666 Seymour Asses St.
    New Mexico.

    Long dark hair with a red streak going through it, pretty green eyes, arrogant smile and bronze skin.

    Her clothing obviously varies but she herself has two tattoos

    One of a cartoon devil on her stomach which says 'El Diablo' and one that says 'Sex Pistols' on her arm.


    Backround/Homelife: ?????

    Personality: TBR

    Name: Mitchell 'RNR' Mercury

    Type: Human/Samurai/Rock star/Warrior ......albino?

    Appearance: Mitchell has shining shoulder length white hair, busy white eyebrows, nearly paper white skin and cold gray eyes.His physical appearance is clear skin and somewhat of a thin face but far from sickly looking. In fact he’d look more like a woman if not for his extremely thick white bushy mustache. Mitchell dresses in an extremely fancy all white suit with white dress shoes, white fedora, sparkling white gloves and a white bow tie.

    ?????? TBR?

    Playstyle: Damage Dealer


    He wields a long Katana that has a white handle and of course the blade is kept in a white sheath.

    Besides the blade. He also has an axe......well a guitar.

    The weapon is a mix of an axe and a guitar. A sharp blade at the end along with guitar strings on its body.


    Don't Stop Me Now:
    This move is a speed buff which allows Mitchell to perform a flash step. In which he can move at such speeds he can vanish from eye sight of enemies and attack at rapid speeds. On occasion he can even create after images of himself and if you stand in the way of his speed bursts there is little chance you’ll stop him.

    He can't keep running at the speed though.

    It is simply short bursts of speed he is capable of doing.

    It lasts for 40-50 seconds and has a 1 minute cool down.

    Ride the Lightning: Mitchell's Katana can fire off lightning attacks when he swings the blade

    The power it generates is 30 million volts of electricity each time he swings. It can strike multiple targets at once sending the lighting traveling through enemies bodies.

    The attack lasts for 1 minute and has a 1 minute cool down period.

    Thunderstruck: Mitchell starts playing the riff from AC/DC's Thunderstruck on his axe and as he plays electricity flies from his fingertips and the sound waves of Thunderstruck fire off at the enemy.

    Its a sonic boom which .....well yeah its a sound wave attack.

    Footloose: Mitchell's white shoes burst into flames and soon the enemy find themselves attacked by a flurry of kicks that are moving doubled the speed compared to normal as he's performing some killer spins and kicks in the form of dance move.

    Lasts 50 seconds and has a 20 second cool down.
  10. BrandonrockstheAM

    BrandonrockstheAM Active Member

    Dec 1, 2012
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    Name: Lance Jill Milligan

    Age: 17

    Location: Southern California

    Address: 911 Hoover Street

    Postal Code: 9221


    Name: Levin Macy

    Type: Magician/ "King of Miracles", or "Halloween King"

    Appearance: Wears a purple and yellow outfit with a full black and white cape, along with a copper crown that rests at a slanted angle on his curly brown hair. His eyes are bright and full of energy, and at his waist he has a belt which holds an assortment of differently styled wands and knives. At Halloween, he wears a jack-o-lantern on his head and his outfit is black and orange.

    Background: As a character, he is known as the King of Miracles, who randomly decides who to help and who to hurt. He is an expert at subtle traps and any assortment of spell, whether it be a slow-down spell or a spell that boosts your strength twofold. To those who he decides to hurt, he tells them one sentence about his backstory, usually random and made up by Lance. He is known for controlling negative and positive energy, being both kind and cruel.

    Playstyle: Trickster


    Negative/Positive Ring-Levin selects a circular area 20 meters in diameter, within a kilometer of his location, and with its activation, it floods with either positive or negative energy in the form of purple/yellow gas, which affects anything inside it. The ring is made of solid energy and cannot be broken, and after forming, will break apart. The gas, however, will continue to stay in the ring's boundaries and will continue to affect people for it's whole length.

    +/- 30% to armor
    +/- 35% to speed
    +/- 40% to damage
    5 minutes
    15 minutes.

    Leech/King Touch-Levin's fingers glow a faded, almost invisible purple/yellow, and negative/positive energy floods into anything Levin touches, whether it be the air, an object, an enemy, or a player.

    +/- 45% to all stats.
    3 minutes
    N/A, although does use mana.

    Energy Bolt-Using one of his wands, he can fire bolts of pure and concentrated negative or positive energy, which fly at 80 km/hour.

    +/- 15% to speed and power
    +/- 20% to armor
    30 seconds
    2 seconds

    (Passive)-Depending on Lance's mood at the time, Levin will radiate positive or negative energy. This will influence the stats of those around him subtly by plus or minus 5%, as well as subtly influence their moods.
    Last edited: Apr 9, 2014
  11. lixAxil

    lixAxil Self-Proclaimed Senator of the RPG subforum. Contributor

    Sep 1, 2012
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    The sea of fragments
    You're free to post.
    This introduction will end soon btw, kinda waiting for you and @Kingtype to do something
  12. Kingtype

    Kingtype Banned Contributor

    Sep 12, 2012
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    Right under your nose!
    In the Golem's face

  13. Pheonix

    Pheonix A Singer of Space Operas and The Fourth Mod of RP Contributor

    Jul 24, 2012
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    The Windy City
    This week sucks, so will the next. Hopefully at some point next week I'll be able to join, and the week after that get active...
  14. Keitsumah

    Keitsumah The Dream-Walker Contributor

    Aug 7, 2012
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    I know how that feels -or at least I will soon. I have a crap ton of stuff coming up. And it doesn't help to know my team is just about guaranteed a spot in nationals for 3D animation this year
  15. lixAxil

    lixAxil Self-Proclaimed Senator of the RPG subforum. Contributor

    Sep 1, 2012
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    The sea of fragments
    Hahaha, I have a big exam coming up, so I doubt I'll be too active.
  16. Keitsumah

    Keitsumah The Dream-Walker Contributor

    Aug 7, 2012
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    *just found out ten minutes ago*

    ug :oops: now everyone's gonna get babied.
  17. lixAxil

    lixAxil Self-Proclaimed Senator of the RPG subforum. Contributor

    Sep 1, 2012
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    The sea of fragments
    @TheLeonard112 Nice post, but remember to post your already approved character here, you know.... customs.
  18. TheLeonard112

    TheLeonard112 Sūpākūru Senpai

    Oct 25, 2012
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    The Ale Giant
    Account: Tha Fuck
    Name: Delta ******
    Age: ?
    Location: ?
    Address: ?
    Postal Code:

    Type: Brawler- A character that uses hand to hand combat with the addition of any items around him/her to give them the ability of a power boost of some sort.


    Tha Fuck- Tha Fuck is a tall man that looks like he is in his mid twenty, his skin is that of a Caucasian yet he is also dark for how pale blue his eyes are. No facial hair dawns on his face yet, he looks like he is someone mature. He always is wearing a button up black shirt which is covered by a black leather aviator jacket that has two pockets on each side. On the sides of this jacket is one red stripe down each. To cover up his lower body his wears black track pants that hug his calves perfectly to show off the muscle in his legs just like his shirt sleeves do to his arms. His short all black hair is in complete contrast with his light blue eyes which would make the sea falter in the moon light. His black all black tenni shoes gives him about another inch on top of his already six foot body. Tha Fuck has endless lines of legend that he creates for himself, and he KNOWS, everyone believes him.

    Delta- ?

    He is a Physical Damage Dealer by using attacks in the game to string into combos to his liking.


    Regular Combat- Tha Fuck can use regular combat which can be enhanced through items or weapons he finds throughout the world.

    Combos- Unlike most characters Delta has set up Tha Fuck to string together attacks

    Bond- The ability to mix magic with his physical ability for a short time, leaving him exhausted afterwards
  19. TheLeonard112

    TheLeonard112 Sūpākūru Senpai

    Oct 25, 2012
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    The Ale Giant
    By the way Axil, do I need to put up how much damage and stuff my attacks do because I didn't think I needed to because nothing was said about it in the character information.
  20. TheLeonard112

    TheLeonard112 Sūpākūru Senpai

    Oct 25, 2012
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    The Ale Giant
  21. lixAxil

    lixAxil Self-Proclaimed Senator of the RPG subforum. Contributor

    Sep 1, 2012
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    The sea of fragments
    Naaa all the numbers of damage and percentage are just for fashion. You know that storytelling is the thing that predominates here.
    However I enforce people to consider cooldown time after using a skill, casting time and time of effect, so they don't go abusing op skills.
  22. TheLeonard112

    TheLeonard112 Sūpākūru Senpai

    Oct 25, 2012
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    The Ale Giant
    Alright. I understand. :)
  23. TheApprentice

    TheApprentice Senior Member

    May 24, 2013
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    Hey homies,

  24. Crumpets

    Crumpets Senior Member

    Sep 10, 2012
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    Name: Joseph Belbin
    Age: 14
    Location: United States
    Address: 825 8th Avenue
    28th Floor
    New York, NY 10019

    Name: pwnstar12345

    Type: Tri-"Night Elf Mohawk"-Force

    Appearance: The character is approximately 1 foot tall with all aspects minimalized in order to make selection by other players more difficult in PvP scenarios. The head is disproportionately large, as are the feet. The hair is bright pink, while the eyes are shockingly large and of mixed brown and violet hues. He has a majestic beard which stretches from his upper chin to his lower abdomen and is shaped like an eagle. On his chest is a tattoo of sweet Mother Teresa on the hood of a Mercedes Benz.

    Background: Far over the Misty Mountains cold, to dungeons deep and caverns old, they away ere break of day found their long-forgotten gold. The pines were roaring on the height, the winds were moaning in the night. The fire was red, its flaming spread; the trees like torches blazed with light.

    Playstyle: Damage Dealer (Special - Numbers)


    Latency (Toggle Buff) - Move 50% slower but become 200% more likely to dodge attacks. No cooldown.

    Lag Spike (Active Buff) - For 10 seconds, the character is rooted and unable to attack or cast skills. At the conclusion of the 10 seconds, the character moves, attacks, and casts skills 200% faster for 5 seconds. 30 second cooldown.

    Rubberband (Active Skill) - Teleport a random distance between 15 to 30 feet backwards. 10 second cooldown.

    Dramatic Skill Name About Dragons Or Something (RNG Dependent Attack Skill) - Deals between 0 and 9001 damage to a single target. Has a 17% chance to miss, a 15% chance to deal a critical hit (for a damage increase of 50%), a 23% chance to knock the target back, an 18% chance to stun the target, a 21% chance to steal health, 2% chance to cause instant disconnect, 1% chance to crash the game, 7% chance to unlock a new hat, 33% chance to cause bleeding, 66% chance to aggravate all NPC mobs in random radius between 15-30 feet, 45% chance to pass Go, 25% chance to go to jail, 12.5% chance to gain get out of jail free card, 28% chance to require additional pylons, 0.1% chance to BSOD, 50% chance to mine more minerals, 12% chance to ragequit, 50% chance to cause blindness, 66% chance to reduce target's movement speed by 33% for 10 seconds, 66% that umad, 42% chance to reduce risk of heart attack, 15% chance to resurrect 1 nearby ally, 33% chance to lower cholesterol, 100% to aggravate nearby allies, 75% chance to invert colors of screen, 50% chance to cause cancer, 50% chance to cure cancer, 80% to cause severe genetic mutation, 15% chance to successfully enchant weapon, 21% chance to qualify for low interest mortgage, 77% chance to receive need based grants/scholarships, 92% risk of detection, 4% chance to silence target, 3% boost to magic find, 10% chance to increase experience gain by 15%, 101% chance to hear the people sing (do you?), 99% chance to be the 1%, 83% chance to take an arrow to the knee, 76% chance of successful pickpocket, 7% chance to cause the helvetica scenario, 50% chance to change in game language to Korean, 31% chance to decrease shaders, 12% chance to ignore armor, 45% chance to contract vampirism, 88% chance to add target as Steam friend, 0.5% chance to discover gamebreaking bug, 18% chance to discover new recipe, 5% chance to be too stronk, 95% chance to be nerfed, 17% chance to disarm target, 5% chance to disarm caster, 33% chance to inflict poison. 90 second cooldown.
  25. lixAxil

    lixAxil Self-Proclaimed Senator of the RPG subforum. Contributor

    Sep 1, 2012
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    The sea of fragments
    You're free to do what you want for now.

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